Moon Flower (Gone-to-Texas Trilogy Book 2)

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Moon Flower (Gone-to-Texas Trilogy)

Published November 1st by Jove first published Gallaghers of Ardmore 1. Jude Murray , Aidan Gallagher. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Jewels of the Sun , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This is my very first Nora Roberts book and I enjoyed it! I love the concept of it having Celtic folklore in it and fairy princes.

I also really liked the main character, Jude, she had such great character development throughout the novel! The way she thought was so much fun to read and I relate to her in many ways. I thought he would be more intelle This is my very first Nora Roberts book and I enjoyed it! I thought he would be more intellectual and would be interested in her for her mind and their shared love for folklore where there was but not the main drive they had for their romance.

I love books about romance, I just expected more from the romance in this one. I want to read a romance where the main characters aren't just driven by sex the whole novel but be able to relate to each other on another level, or else it doesn't seem convincing. Although sometimes I do want to read a sexy sexy book with just sexiness in it My expectations for this book were fit more for a novel that was clearly focused on folklore and the history behind it. I thought Aiden would be more of a deeper character but I mainly got the feeling that he was a sex driven man.

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I loved the sexy times in this book but was just let down by how to romance progressed. Aiden really didn't get redeemed for me until the very end. I felt like that was a bit too late. What made up for what Aiden lacked was the other characters. They were rich and so colorfully brought out on the page. I also loved the underlying storyline of the Fairy prince and his love who had been waiting for him for years, cursed by him to walk the lands until she would be released from her endless mourning.

View all 7 comments. Oct 02, Mai rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Talk about rose tinted glasses! This woman can't weave a decent plot to save her life, she just keeps spewing out this tired old read-on-an-airplane-then-bin-it-while-feeling-slightly-dirty formula. This series really takes the biscuit, the cake and hogs all the crisps when it comes to ridiculous over romanticising of Ireland. Ardmore is a nice place to visit but the airy fairy "Oh, look at the leprechauns, Seamus" crap described in this book doesn't even come close.

Why the hell do non-Irish au Talk about rose tinted glasses! Why the hell do non-Irish authors persist in drooling all over us with this saccharine bull? For God's sake, research, then write! I wish there was someway I could give this book no stars. View all 19 comments. Aug 06, Jazzypom rated it liked it. Yeah, as a Brit, I'm going to say this: I am ambivalent when American writers write about Europe, especially the lands of their blessed ancestors. Nora Roberts is probably one of the reasons why, because her romanticism, blatant sentiment of Ireland gives me the heebie jeebies.

The musical quality of the accents check , the supposed magic that lies 'neath every knoll, the air charged with the hum of the good people, and everyone is either kissing a blarney stone or drinking the blessed Guiness. I do remember reading that Ms Roberts went to Ireland as an adult, and it was the home of her ancestors, and thus began her literary love affair with Ireland. So Jude Nora's female prototype no. She meets Aiden, who's back from a spell abroad, and her being there on the emerald Isle stirs the spirits of the faieres.

You see, long ago, the good folk walked alongside of men, and the Prince of the fairies fell in love with a mortal woman. But alas, his pride made him hold his tongue, and so he sought to show his feelings through precious stones, and thrice he was rejected. The only way these two lovers can be together is if the Gallaghers two sons and a girl find their loves on the isle, and pledge their troth, so to speak. This story is fairly straight forward, and I rather liked the cheerful town.

I didn't really like Jude much, and her metamorphosis from timid to bold - sort of didn't move me at all, and when she got mad at Aiden because he understandably got her passive aggressive signals mixed up, I wondered if he'd have the stones to dump her and get with me instead. I'd be your black Kate Moss tonight, Aiden. Feb 22, Marcie pollack rated it it was amazing. I read this trilogy for the first a few years ago and fell in love with all the characters and their stories.

Nora Roberts has a magical touch that draws the reader in and makes them feel involved with the lives of the characters in her stories. I waited to read these after they were all out and read them one right after the other. T I read this trilogy for the first a few years ago and fell in love with all the characters and their stories. They became like friends and I could wait to see what they were up to next.

The idea of using a folklore story about the Faerie Prince "Carrick" and his unfortunate attempts at winning the heart and hand of the human he fell for "Lady Gwen" was great. Carrick's mistakes build the foundations for the three stories and makes it a very beautiful tale. It is pretty much a given who the major players will be, but the way they go about falling in love with each other, the mistakes they make even with the ghosts and faeries meddling to keep them on track makes these stories very refreshing. I loved being able to loose myself in the books not having to think and just enjoy the tales and heartfelt romance.

They are a nice change from typical romance story! I hope one day Nora brings these couples back for some new stories. I just recently re-read these stories and fell in love all over again! Actually pages, with preview of book two after Nora Roberts does it again! I laughed, cried a bit, and raged with them. I really felt at home with these people and this setting. I want to fly to Ireland now and sit in Gallagher's pub and have a pint..

Jude and Aidan were two stubborn but good-hearted souls who found their way to each other. There were a couple times I wanted to smack Aidan upside the head for certain things and I actually commended Jude on one occasion, if I was there I would have bought her a drink: Jude flees Chicago for a 'break' of sorts for six months in her relative's cottage in Ireland.

Her grandmother is convince she'll find herself there in six months, Jude's not so sure of that. Not to overuse the word but I loved watching Jude growing more confident and comfortable in herself. I was proud of her when she decided to go after her dream despite the doubts nagging at her. I fell for that man and his family from the get go. His attempts to woo Jude were sweet, even if he went about it the wrong way a couple times.

The ending, I was crying happy tears, I'll just say that Yup, that was me: Now here's some Ireland spam I need to go there someday dangit! View all 8 comments. Siempre me cuesta un poco calificar los libros de esta autora porque lo que me pasa es que hay cosas que me gustan mucho, como los personajes y las ambientaciones y otras que no como por ejemplo los eternos relatos de los protagonistas y todas las descripciones que hacen por hojas, como que se hace un poco repetitivo el relato.

Confieso que estoy pasando un momento con la lectura en donde nada me esta enganchando demasiado Mar 09, Randall Yelverton rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Should explain why I read this. While pursuing my Library Science degree, I took a reader's advisory class where we sampled books from across various genres. I was assigned this novel for the romance section. This novel was objectively horrible. The worst novel I have ever read from cover to cover. Main character is supposed to be empowered heroine but is actually a ninny. Use of metaphor akin to high school poetry.

How Roberts has reached such heights of popularity is a wonder. Make mine Austen Should explain why I read this. Aug 03, Cyndi rated it really liked it Shelves: For these books we are in an adorable wee town in Ireland. Three hundred years ago a fairy prince fell in love with a beautiful woman. Now three couples have to break the curse on them by finding their own true love. Apr 20, Abril Sol rated it it was ok. And this is why I don't read adult romance This was just lame. The whole story made no sense, the characters, oh boy! I can't believe how different Nora's writing style is when she writes under the J.

I'm telling you, I don't like Nora, I'll just remain faithfull to J. Jan 30, Liza Wiemer added it. A wonderful romance by the brilliant Nora Roberts. This is the first Nora Roberts book I've read, since I've always preferred historical romance over contemporary and have tended to avoid Nora Roberts and Danielle Steel like the plague.

I'm so glad I decided to read this book - I had actually been in the library about to return it unread, when I started reading it and decided to give it a try. A definite reread for me with absolutely wonderful main characters give me an Irishman lik 4. A definite reread for me with absolutely wonderful main characters give me an Irishman like Aidan any day!

I've already requested from the library the second book in the series, which features Aidan's brother Shawn as the hero and Jude's friend Brenna as the heroine can't wait! This book was a solid 4. There is something about reading a Nora Roberts book, set in Ireland, that makes you want to run out and find a handsome Irishman to swoon over and sweep you off your feet.

As is usually the case, I have found myself falling in love with these characters that Nora has brought to life. The unique way she tells her character's stories makes me never want to stop reading. Sep 20, Jacob Proffitt rated it liked it Shelves: I've started to pre-judge Nora Roberts novels by decade.

So far, that's been a reasonable predictor of my enjoyment of her novels. And it is, in fact, reliably good. While I have a kind of reflexive fondness for a Celtic background, I haven't found that it automatically enhances my enjoyment of a story. So while the presence of Ireland as almost a supporting character of the novel was in I've started to pre-judge Nora Roberts novels by decade. So while the presence of Ireland as almost a supporting character of the novel was interesting, it turned out to be less of a draw than I think Roberts intended.

Her Ireland is a little too The inconveniences never matter and the tight-knit community never intrudes except when it's charming—people seem always to be the best version of the applicable stereotype. Which isn't to say that I didn't like Jude and Aidan. And Aidan's uncharacteristic bungling in the critical moment was completely understandable even as it was charmingly frustrating. The combination of their unfortunate weaknesses came to resolution beautifully, in the end, and without feeling in any way forced.

In the end, the novel was satisfying without quite rising to the level of outstanding. A note about Steamy: There were a few explicit scenes in the book and they were steamy enough to warrant the tag. The book has, above that, some of the best kissing scenes I've ever read. And without progressing any further than that, either. Re-read, still giving five nostalgia stars. I just always like this couple. I read this one at least fifteen year ago and loved. She is neurotic and stiff and has very little self esteem. It was great that not only Aidan was the cause for her change to a freier, braver Person, but als Re-read, still giving five nostalgia stars.

It was great that not only Aidan was the cause for her change to a freier, braver Person, but also the two new girlfriends she found in Ardmore. Everyone who knows me, also knows that I am a sucker for well done female friendships and Nora Roberts has quite a few books that show how important those are. Aidan was a charming, poetic bar owner I simply like although he is kind of a blockhead towards the end.

This was one of the things that annoyed me a little in this re-read since every local idiot could see connection between the stories and especially what went wrong in the end. The book has a charming, fairytale like atmosphere, sometimes too sugary sweet, but still enjoyable. His father sells him for sex, beats him, and starves him. I had tears during that part of the book.

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And I was happy for how things turned out for the boy. But I felt manipulated. Not sure I wanted that. Number of sex scenes: View all 3 comments. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. My review contains spoilers and they're mostly my thoughts as I went with the book This book made me the ultimate watering pot. Dallas turned out to be one heck of a sweet pea and Dee, not as odd I thought she was.

I have to say, the 1st half of the book was quite slow and a bit frustrating but the 2nd half made it for me, 10 times over. I cried and I laughed and had this silly grin on my face in the end. I found him less ambition prone, not as crazy about having a son as he was in that book. Now, his latest trouble is with the McQueens who moved close to his land about 3 yrs ago and causing trouble ever since. Dallas has tried defending but this night, in the beginning, things went a bit wrong. The McQueens, predictably, came to make trouble while he, Austin and Houston were keeping an eye on the fences.

Amelia takes care of Austin while Houston and Dallas think about what to do. Dallas learns from the doctor that the McQueens have a sister, whom no one saw or even heard about. This gave Dallas a plan and next day, he went to the McQueen to talk about it. Oh, I felt so much for Cordelia or Dee, for having such nasty family. Maybe I understood why he was so desperate to have a son. And, seeing the way the greedy McQueens were, I had to give it to the man.

Adelantado Trilogy: Book Two

There are more talks about more land between Boyd, the stinky and Dallas just before the marriage was about to take place. That Dee actually had no problem and the fact that Cameron was joking. I had such good laugh when Dallas glared at Austin, who was sputtering. Poor guy, he came off more saintly than Amelia IMO, throughout the story. Dee, all her life, tried to abide by her father and the older brothers. Her own family tragedy, which includes her mother, was very sad. There are reasons to why Dee never really trusted men, the way she saw her father treated her mother which led her to have an affair with a ranch hand.

Dee had to take care of her mother for a long time, before the woman passed away. Still, she relented, thinking her father wants this marriage. Dee, inevitably found out, that how wrong she was about him in the later part of the story. He hates that his wife is so scared of him. This is how that man is made, he meant no harm. Houston then asks Dallas to give her sometimes to get used to with the idea of being married.

Dallas does that and man, that was one heck of a wait for him. But, he always tried, in his way, to be nice to her. He likes to see her smile, gives her whatever she asks for. Once, Dee rescues a prairie dog. It was pretty obvious that he was falling in love with her. Their conversations were stilted in those times; Dee even had to make notes of the topics they might discuss in the breakfast table but soon, it changed.

I saw many such little scenes I adored. I loved seeing Amelia and Houston too, knowing about their life and their 3 yrs old daughter Maggie. Things were going quite well between Dallas and Dee. In the process, she comes up with this idea of a hotel. Dallas already had a plan laid out but he indulged her, making Dee thinks she came up with this idea first. How can I not adore this man?

He was nowhere near getting into her bed and he never tried too, except for the wedding night misunderstanding. She wanted to give him what he wanted yet she was hesitant. So, it went on for the 1st half of the book and I got a bit frustrated. That night they consummate the marriage. Everything went great but I have to talk about it, the whole was so strangely funny and weird at the same time.

Dee thought one time was enough to have a kid; Dallas was trying to tell her it might not be. Dee wants to wait and see. They reminded me of two kids, really. So he goes to Houston ermm Oh, it was pretty awkward, Dallas actually asks Amelia first. Oh man, this was so funny! But still, Houston gives him a little something which worked just fine in the end. It was hilarious yet strangely endearing to me. Their relationship improved so much afterwards. I felt so happy knowing the way it all looked. Also, the hotel was running fine.

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We get to know about Rawley Cooper before this. So before the Christmas, Dee and Dallas were spending a great time together, dreaming away about their empire when the tragedy struck. Oh, it was too horrible to read. Dee was in the hotel with Dallas, spend a great day making love.

She goes out alone to talk to the manager when she heard someone crying in the back ally. When Dallas hears her blood curdling scream, he runs down, finding her amongst the crates that somehow fallen on her. It was a son. The scene where Dallas buries his son was so so heartbreaking, I was crying hard. Dallas does that and some horrible truth about Rawley comes out. The doctor checks on him and in very little word, tells Dallas later that Rawley was being molested by some perv and its probable that his sick excuse of a father was taking money in exchange.

No children should ever have to go through such nightmare in their lives. Rawley worships Dee in his own way so he agrees to stay with them. Dallas does everything in his power to make him safe. He also meets his father and beats the guy, threatening that he never go near Rawley ever again. The Christmas came and it was obvisously painful for Dee because she had such plans for her baby but now Amelia, in between has her baby girl.

Dee was very strong about the whole situation, even helping Amelia throughout the ordeal. I loved the speech Dallas gives to the family and then they sing. It was so very emotional, so touching, considering the loss they just experienced. The heart wrenching incident of losing their child creates a gap between Dallas and Dee.

She talks to Amelia about it and I was like what?! And, I was frustrated again, kept thinking why oh why this is happening to two people so not deserving of so much pain. Then, something happens again. Dallas goes out to save her. Rawley was there too. Dallas was injured badly but in the end, it was Rawley who saves them.

Dee takes care of Dallas, who soon overcomes with infection and fever. From early on, it was apparent that Austin had a tendre for a girl named Becky. At the sometime, Boyd, Duncan and Cameron were there to talk to Dallas. Soon after Dee and Dallas was rescued, the sheriff comes in, informing them the kidnappers have been murdered. Now there was no way to prove that it was Boyd who paid them to kill Dallas.

I loved this scene, the confident and angry Dee. Meanwhile, Houston and Amelia were in the house, helping Dee to take care of Dallas. The fact that Austin went to town to threaten Boyd and fired one bullet in front of the people there also comes out. Though I understood the reason why he just took it onto him, Austin was such a good boy. Hmm, anyway as Dallas regains consciousness and leans about it all, he feels helpless. All through the book, reading of the profusion of love these brothers shared together overwhelmed me with emotion.

In the end, Dee talks to Dallas about leaving him. I was again like, what the hell is this?! But, my annoyance went out in the wind when I read the scene before epilogue. It was too beautiful, made it upto me without a doubt. I loved the words they exchanged, so touching. As I said earlier, I was a watering pot by then. I didn't find it. I came here, thinking I'd find glory if I built a ranching empire or a thriving town.

Nodding mutely, she wrapped her arms around his neck. The flowers floated to the ground as he lifted her into his arms and carried her into the house. He and Dee now have a baby, one they created in love. It was all that mattered. Oh, that man stole my heart Anyway, his habit of rubbing his mustache when he was thinking deeply was an endearing habit IMO.

View all 6 comments. Ahhhhh it hurts to know that I could have loved the book but somehow something was not right. A marriage of convenience, Dallas and Cordelia both sound extremely promising, what is not to like? Then Cordelia's fears started to get on my nerves. I tried to be more understanding of her fears, but even I got annoyed. Dallas was a saint. Cordelia's character started out fine, but once she married Da Ahhhhh it hurts to know that I could have loved the book but somehow something was not right.

Cordelia's character started out fine, but once she married Dallas, she kept thinking about how she "could not stay". She was too fearful in the beginning of the marriage, then too much of a ambitious woman once she started with her hotel plan, which Dallas kind of "allowed" to happen. I could see what Lorraine Heath was doing: Cordelia was transforming from a fearful woman to a woman of her own mind, from having little self-esteem to feeling confident and in control of her destiny. I respect that, but I found it hard to relate to her personal growth.

The kind of woman that she was turning to seems too much like a managing sort. And I do despise a manaing sort of a woman. Like I said, I respect her aspirations but find her goal hard to relate to. Dallas wanted a son. This was a theme from book 1. So I was half afraid from the beginning that he would not get his heart's wish. I won't go into details because that would be spoilerish. While I understood why Heath wrote the story this way, I secretly wish for another ending for Dallas and Cordelia.

If we could not have our happily ever after with all our wishes fulfilled in a romance novel, where are we ever going to find it? I am glad that I read the book. It was a good story with intriguing characters. I could not relate to Cordelia but that was a personal thing. However I feel that the story was stuck in some kind of a limbo: It just dangled between "good" and "could have been good". I feel that Dallas and Cordelia did not have enough foundation for their "coming together" to be special.

And the drama with the pregnancy and Cordelia's despicable brothers were just too over the top and pushed the relationship into the shadow. I feel this is really quite a shame. Dallas deserves a better story, from where I see it. But from this book's high rating, I guess most people are happy with his HEA. I for one, wish that he had a different story. Jan 05, Beanbag Love rated it liked it. This is the weakest of the Leigh Family trilogy. Dallas and Dee were completely mismatched for most the story and the entire plot was built on contrivance on top of contrivance.

I found it incredibly annoying that no one, not even Amelia, clued into the fact that Dee's family would have told her the worst things about Dallas and that someone -- Amelia being the perfect someone -- needed to sit down and talk to her about what she'd been told and sift through fact from fi This is the weakest of the Leigh Family trilogy. I found it incredibly annoying that no one, not even Amelia, clued into the fact that Dee's family would have told her the worst things about Dallas and that someone -- Amelia being the perfect someone -- needed to sit down and talk to her about what she'd been told and sift through fact from fiction with her.

It didn't make any sense that they just let it sit there. Especially Amelia who's always sticking her nose in everything anyway. Ultimately, I was happy to see them get together. However, as with all stories that are built so inorganically, the ending feels like the point when the story should actually start.

Like you've been treading through mud the entire time, and just when all that muck gets cleared up, it's over. It's a weak installment in the series, but it's helpful for back story in the next book. And, of course, Houston and Amelia are there and we meet young Rawley Cooper who is a wonderful, poignant character in the story. It's not a waste. It's just not one of Heath's better efforts, IMO.

May 13, Mei rated it it was amazing Shelves: Let me start saying: Would you please give me a weapon, so I can go at the beginning of this book and erase from this earth Boyd, her worthless father, Duncan and Cooper!!! Maybe then I would have read this book without the pressing need to slam my e-book down so often! Don't get me wrong, I liked this book very, very much, but most of the time I wanted to smash something!

Dee is a sweet girl. She's beautiful, but so very much view spoiler [doormat hide spoiler ] shy. Mostly I couldn't find the Let me start saying: Mostly I couldn't find the reason why Dallas fell in love with her. Why Dee has to be so, so I liked her better at the end of the book when she confronted her family. I wanted to yell: That's the way, girl!!! Dallas was also not without fault. He's so rigid that I could almost hear his bones snapping here and there.

He's also so sweet and I couldn't understand how Dee missed that he was soo in love with her! The book is so good because it caused a very strong emotions, but at the same time was also very sweet and romantic: Now, let go and read Austin's story view spoiler [poor boy hide spoiler ]! Another beautifully written book in this series. Dallas and Dee were so perfect together, even if they didn't start off that way. Jan 14, Buggy rated it really liked it Shelves: Women however are in short supply in West Texas so when a land rights dispute develops with a neighboring rancher and Dallas learns that the man has a daughter he takes full advantage, essentially trading a parcel of his acreage for her hand in marriage nice!

Having grown up with an abusive father Cordelia spends her wedding night hiding under a desk. And this is where I wondered how on earth these two would ever get it together because everything Dallas did only succeeded in pushing his timid wife further away. Over time though, Cordelia really comes into her own, given free rein and a little support, her confidence just soars enough so that they begin to relax and enjoy each other, discovering that they work well together. Once again Heath shines at showing our couple slowly falling in love; the changes their personalities go through make it even harder to witness the tragedy that nearly takes everything away.

I can no longer give you what you want. As far as historical western romances go this one has it all. View all 7 comments. Oct 08, Bark rated it it was amazing Shelves: I hate writing reviews about books like Texas Destiny because I know I can't do them justice with my measly vocabulary. Saying it made me laugh, cry, ache and that I never wanted it to end just doesn't seem like enough. The plot revolves around two characters who don't know how to communicate. They keep their feelings inside, and tip-toe around other. This type of storyline will normally drive me insane but because Heath gets you into the heads of her people so skillfully you don't question their I hate writing reviews about books like Texas Destiny because I know I can't do them justice with my measly vocabulary.

This type of storyline will normally drive me insane but because Heath gets you into the heads of her people so skillfully you don't question their insecurities and faults. I understood, sympathized, ached and got frustrated right along with them - but never at them. And at no time did I get the urge to pound them over the head with something. Heath has a way of making me instantly fall in love her characters even though or maybe because? One of the best things about this series is the strong sense of family and the fact that her characters grow and change but don't suddenly turn into different people from one book to another.

Dallas's brothers' Austin and Houston and his loving family are a big part of this story and provide humor and poignancy to an already deeply emotional love story. I still remember the characters names a day later without notes an amazing feat for my feeble brain, believe me and their lives and personalities still linger in my mind. I wrapped up the book about I easily give this book my highest rating, it touched me deeply and is one of those rare books that I'm forever searching for and seldom find.

When it rains, it pours. This book was one tragedy after another. Ripped my heart out. Rarely have I met such a mismatched couple in my romance books. They were like two people standing in two opposite sides of the earth and deciding to meet halfway. Dee was a scared woman, closed up in her shell, that turned into an amazing, brilliant, resourceful and fiery person and Dallas had an explosive temper that he managed to control.

Dallas has never been my favorite among the brothers. Austin is and Hous When it rains, it pours. Austin is and Houston comes a close second. However, after reading this book I have finally been able to understand him. He is not cold, he is not unfeeling and he is not angry all the time. He just doesn't know how to express his feelings and give anything but orders.

He seems like he's angry all the time when what he really is is frustrated and confused. I wanted to scream at him; tell him that this isn't the way to handle his relationship with his wife, but, in all honesty, Dee and her distrust of him in the first half of the book didn't help much either when all Dallas's ever been is kind and supportive. Dallas slowly grew on me and made his way into my heart. All he's ever wanted was a son. A child that he could pass all that he's made out of his life on to. My heart ached for him. I wanted him to get what he wanted, because he was a great man and he deserved it.

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I still love his brothers a bit more, but Dallas is a great hero on his own. For a moment there I thought I'd love this even more than the first book in the series. In the end, it didn't happen, but it was so close. There was so much tragedy and suffering that no matter how much I loved the characters I couldn't always enjoy the book. It left me with a bittersweet feeling. I think a simple "I love you" would have saved them a lot of trouble and pain, but this book was nothing if not intense. I love angst, but I think one mistfortune less or two would have spared my heart a lot of pain.

Five stars for one of the most emotional stories ever and for two amazing characters that may have been a bit too stubborn, but managed to overcome the difficulties in their lives and come out winners. View all 11 comments. Mar 30, Aoi rated it really liked it Shelves: Texas Glory is another wonderful read in the series- so so emotional that I bawled my way through the last four chapters. This author certainly knows how to turn readers' waterworks on- but the stories are so beautiful, I'm hooked onto them. Dallas, the previously uptight and ambitious brother definitely gets his comeuppance.

His and Cordelia's path to a life together is paved with miscommunication and heartache. Whereas the first romance Houston and Amelia had this grand, sweeping feel to it- Texas Glory is another wonderful read in the series- so so emotional that I bawled my way through the last four chapters. Whereas the first romance Houston and Amelia had this grand, sweeping feel to it- the swoon factor was turned down a little her because they were two different and incompatible people at first. Rawley,the orphan's story, broke my heart- and I'd dearly love to see his story written one day..

Oct 28, Kari rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is the second book in the Texas Trilogy and this time we get Dallas' story. I loved the chemistry between Dallas and Dee. Their marriage starts off on the wrong foot, with Dee being forced to wed by her father and brothers. As she gets to know Dallas, she realizes what an amazing and generous person he is.