Celtic Texts of the Coelbook: The Last Five Books of The Kolbrin Bible

Celtic Texts of the Coelbook: The Last Five Books of the Kolbrin Bible [Janice Manning, Marshall Masters] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
Table of contents

This work is rooted in a year-old Egyptian text the first six books of The Kolbrin Bible written following the Exodus.

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It describes how Noah's Flood and the Ten Plagues of Exodus were caused by a planet also known as Nibiru or Planet X that orbits our sun every years. The Egyptians called it the "Destroyer" and the Celtic priests called it the "Frightener. This story begins with Moses and the Hebrew Exodus.

Celtic Texts of the Coelbook: The Last Five Books of The Kolbrin Bible

Convinced their gods had failed them, the Egyptians conducted the first regional anthropological study of the Middle East, in search of clues that would lead them to the one true G-d of Abraham. They published their findings in a volume work titled The Great Book. Inspired by the Egyptian texts, the Celtic priests wrote their own wisdom text in ancient Celtic and called it the Coelbook.

Following the death of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea Jesus' great uncle on the side of Joseph, his father founded the Glastonbury Abbey, which later became the repository for these texts. The survivors secreted the remains of the texts to Scotland where they were translated into English and eventually merged to create The Kolbrin Bible.

Some historians claim the Coelbook was inspired when Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea visited Britain together.

Others claim that the Celtic biographer of Jesus returned with Joseph of Arimathea who owned a tin mine in Britain to the Middle East, where he met Jesus and his family. Either way, historical accounts show that Joseph of Arimathea, brought Jesus' remaining friends and family to Britain shortly after the Crucifixion to escape persecution by the Romans and to spread Jesus' message to "the uttermost parts of the earth. What now survives of that noble effort comprises the first six books of The Kolbrin Bible.

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Celtic Texts of the Coelbook

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