Theory ZYX of Successful Change Management A Definitive Guide to Reach the Next Level

Theory ZYX of Successful Change Management A Definitive Guide to Reach the Next Level - Kindle edition by Nigam Arora. Download it once and read it on.
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Theory Zyx of Successful Change Management : Nigam Arora :

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Please enter your name. I have paid lot of money to consultants, but results have not been there. As I read Chapter nine, a light bulb turned on; it was as though this chapter was specifically written for my company. Now I know the root cause and the solution. I highly recommend this book to anyone dealing with change. This book is a reference book that belongs on every leader's desk. As a leader, I am always creating change and challenging my people to perform at a higher level.

I find myself referring to this book over and over again. To date, I have found practical answers and deep insights into every situation I have encountered. The book is very well indexed making it easy to efficiently retrieve the information I need. This is a must-read book for eveyone dealing with change. Theory ZYX model is comprehensive, versatile and practical. The book describes innovative analytical measurements that ensure success.

You would think that a book on a deep subject like change management has to be boring. This book is an exception it is a fast read.

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I found this book extreemly helpful in managing our change initiates. The examples are excellent. It reads like a story with humor. This subject can get real dry, but Mr.

Arora takes the horror out of reading about change management. If you have a project of any kind where you are directing more than one person this book can help you succeed. I highly recommend it.

Theory ZYX of Successful Change Management: A Definitive Guide to Reach…

Nigam's 33 Laws of Change Management alone are worth at least times more than the price of the book. These 33 laws have alredy helped my company stop making several mistakes that we were making. These laws make the light bulb go on in your head and you immediately understand what is right and what is wrong with your program. I highly recommend this book to all companies.

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See all 14 reviews. Most recent customer reviews. Published on January 10, Published on June 18, Published on November 22, Its vital signs must be scientifically and accurately measured, the right dosage of the right agent must be delivered to the right member, and a follow-up checkup must be performed in order to improve its wellness. Theory ZYX approaches change management in this same manner; therefore, distinguishing itself from all other change management methods.

The leaders who have managed major change know how difficult, complex, and consuming succeeding at creating change can be. Those who have not been through a major change initiative may think of the above statement as an exaggeration. The initial question is why do so many change programs not produce excellent results?

The question is especially critical in today's rapid fire business environment.