Atlantis: A Tale of the Earth

An illustration by Sir Gerald Hargreaves shows a utopian scene on a cove of the mythical land of Atlantis. Many scholars think Plato invented the story of Atlantis.
Table of contents

One of the earliest Bible stories is that of the Tower of Babel. God said in Genesis They do, however, often reflect real historical events, although not to any exact standards. Some, like underwater archaeologist Robert Ballard, say evidence of the great flood can be found in the fact that the Black Sea was once a lake. The Mediterranean Sea was also, at one point in time, not connected to the Atlantic. Islands in that sea, like Malta and Sicily, only became islands after the sea level of the Earth rose. The Sumerians told similar tales, and they also included impossible features, as they were intended to convey a moral tale.

The Bible may have intended to tell a cautionary moral tale, but the Sumerians may have described a real event. Massive floods, drought, and any number of catastrophes could have broken up a worldwide civilization whose peoples then fled by foot and ship. Could the Earth have shared a language that only later became divided into numerous languages? Evidence for this may be found in the extended number of shared words that exist around the globe. Greetings today often involve a reference to God. The Bible tells us that the Jews wandered in the desert for forty years.

The 'lost' continent

In times of near starvation, Manna was a gift from God that sustained his people. In Hawaii and Tahiti the word Mana can refer to a form of spiritual energy and healing power. This spiritual quality has a supernatural origin. In New Zealand the Maori culture has a similar meaning to the Hawaiian concept. North American tribes share a nearly identical concept. Mana or Manna was spiritual nourishment. Could it have been this culture hero who brought civilization to North America? He may have landed in Mannahatta, which became Manhattan.

With a slight vowel change, Mona was the center of Druid power. This spiritual nourishment was also physical nourishment. It became a substitute name for the Christian Eucharist host. The Hebrew word for priest is Kohen, and it is a family name as Kahane. In Hawaii a kahuna is a medicine man or priest. He may be a powerful man as well, as in Big Kahuna. There are some who believe Hawaiians were part of the lost tribes of Israel. The number of customs of the Hawaiians corresponding to Hebrew practices is large and includes circumcision, offering of first-fruits to the gods, and the custom of chiefs washing their hands at meals.

'Lost' City of Atlantis: Fact & Fable

The Hawaiians share a story of a man swallowed by a sea creature who survived, a deluge where man saved the animals, like Noah, and others. I believe that the prosaic explanation of flooding caused by the overflowing of rivers or excessive rainfall cannot adequately account for the scale of devastation that the priests described. Such floods have repeatedly struck Greece over the last 3, years without "leav[ing] none of you but the unlettered and uncultured" Tim.

Plato's Atlantis described in Timaeus and Critias. Referring back to the passage quoted, what could cause "water to pour down over fields from above" as opposed to "naturally welling up from below? Any dry lands that are below sea level with a sea or ocean nearby are at a constant risk of catastrophic flooding, especially in a region that is prone to earthquakes and landslides, for if any portion of the higher lands that surround the below sea level region collapse below sea level, the surrounding sea, impelled by the force of gravity, will pour into the low lying lands.

Moreover, the magnitude of such floods would certainly suffice to account for the near total destruction of the primeval Greeks and their loss of culture; these floods, by their very nature, would have come without warning and with tremendous rapidity. Thus far, we have only discussed Athens and Egypt, but what of Atlantis?

Could the common fate of the Atlanteans and the Athenians be accounted for by a commonality in the geography of their respective lands?

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That is, could parts of Atlantis have been below sea just as I hypothesized the homeland of the primeval Athenians to have been? And this region, all along the island, faced towards the South and was sheltered from the Northern blasts. And the mountains which surrounded it were at that time celebrated as surpassing all that now exist in number, magnitude and beauty In other words, the royal city of Atlantis was situated on a large, nearly rectangular plain with dimensions miles by miles, which was in turn surrounded by mountains that rose high above the sea.

Although Plato never uses the word "basin" to describe the geography of Atlantis, the rectangular plain and the mountains surrounding it together form what is essentially a textbook definition of a basin —a lower-lying land surrounded by higher lands. Could the city of Atlantis, and the plain on which it was situated, have been below sea level not only after their destruction in which Atlantis was "swallowed up by the sea and vanished" but also before? If it were, the mountains surrounding the plain must have been above sea level all around the plain so as to keep the surrounding waters from pouring into it.

What is the advantage of this hypothesis? Thus far, geologists and scholars who dismiss the veracity of Plato's account have done so on the basis of impossibility of the entire landmass of Atlantis — larger than 80, square miles — sinking into the sea in a single day and night. An example of this argument is presented by professional archaeologist Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews in his blog, Bad Archaeology:.

As they move and run into each other, they cause earthquakes and the formation of mountain ranges. One plate may push underneath another, slowly to be absorbed back into the mantle as is happening, famously, in Los Angeles , or adjacent plates may be traveling in opposite directions, causing earthquakes.

In either of these scenarios, the continent itself does not disappear beneath the ocean; either the collision produces new mountain ranges The Himalayas, for instance or one plate is slowly drawn under the other. But supposing that the plain of Atlantis was already below sea level even before it was deluged and the surrounding mountains above sea level all around circumvents the necessity of the entire landmass of Atlantis having sunk in order for the city and the plain to be swallowed up by the sea, as only a single point along the encircling mountain range need have sank below sea level for the surrounding sea to begin to pour into the plain below!

Therefore, Fitzpatrick-Matthews' argument above is entirely bypassed, as well as the similarly constructed arguments put forth by other scholars disputing the consistency of Plato's account. Water pours down over a rocky ledge and into valley basin below. The sinking of such a comparatively smaller area of land is not only plausible, it is a verifiably documented reality; examples of smaller areas of land collapsing abound, with the sinking of Port Royal in Jamaica in the 17th century, as well as Helike in Greece and the significant expanses of land around them in the 4th century BC following earthquakes, being among them.

In these examples, though the sinking of these cities and the small areas of land surrounding them to below the level of the sea must have been a tragic event for those who lived in them, the damage was ultimately contained to only the lands that collapsed. But if the same earthquake had occurred somewhere along the hypothetical mountain range that surrounded the plain of Atlantis assuming that it was below sea level , and a small area of land had collapsed or sunk likewise below the level of the sea would have, in turn, triggered an infinitely greater disaster, as the waters of the surrounding ocean would have begun to pour into the plain; further, it is entirely reasonable that such a flood could have taken only a single day and a night.

If, on the other hand, the plain of Atlantis was above sea level before its destruction, as has been implicitly assumed by most scholars, this 80, square mile plain and its surrounding mountains would have had to sink in a single day and a night for it to have been submerged. While such a scenario is not entirely impossible, there really is no known geological mechanism that could conceivably cause such a large landmass to sink so rapidly, just as Fitzpatrick-Matthews pointed out.

Therefore, one may reasonably ascertain that if Atlantis did indeed, its plain was very likely to have been below sea level and its surrounding mountains above sea level all around—that is, Atlantis was very likely an endorheic basin: Plato says that Atlantis was located outside the "Pillars of Heracles," or the Straits of Gibraltar; that is, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean excluding the Mediterranean Sea itself.

A brief glance at a map of the Atlantic shows that there are really only four endorheic basins in the Atlantic Ocean — the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, the Arctic Ocean, and somewhat surprisingly, the subglacial Greenland landmass. If our reasoning thus far is sound, the city of Atlantis is very likely to lie somewhere at the bottom of one of these bodies of water or beneath the Greenland ice sheet. But only the Caribbean Basin has within it a rectangular plain roughly miles km in one direction and miles km in the other, namely the Venezuelan Plain, in the easternmost part of the Caribbean Basin.

Moreover, it is indeed surrounded by mountains on all four sides: If we wish to find the lost city of Atlantis, the Venezuelan Plain would be a promising place to begin our search. Deriv; A drowned land. The problem with sunken continents [Web log post]. Retrieved March 9, , from http: Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vol. Brad Yoon is a software engineer and writer. His jobs include developing software for an electronic medical records startup, a dating app, and I'm glad I found this post. It is very interesting to read about the story of Atlantis and it has a lot of interesting pictures which are attracting readers towards it like me.

When the Sky Fell: The fascinating truth about Atlantis leads to a chilling conclusion about the environmental catastrophe that destroyed it. Now you can find out how the forces that shattered the first great civilization on Earth can happen again, bringing the end of the world to us all! With an Introduction by Colin Wilson. They build on Charles H. This book is an important accompaniment to the studies of Bauval, West et al on pre-pharoanic Egyptology, and those of Tompkins and Coe on the pre-Mayan civilisations.

If you find a copy, buy it. For decades, schoolbooks have taught that Sumer was the cradle of civilization. In Search of the Cradle of Civilization: Insights from a Lost Civilization by Shirley Andrews. The legend of lost Atlantis turns to fact as Shirley Andrews uniquely correlates a wealth of information from more than classical and Atlantean scholars, scientists, and psychics to describe the country and its inhabitants. This is a book you will enjoy reading and will want to share with your friends. Shirley Andrews has brought together an extraordinary body of supportive information to lift our thoughts beyond myth to the real possibility that Atlantis existed!

This book is thoroughly researched and presents many points of view from the scientific to the metaphysical. Atlantis comes to life through the clear and skillful writing of Ms. You will easily imagine this beautiful continent and learn of its great history, advanced culture and the high evolution of its people. You will gain insight into the location of Atlantis, what problems befell it and what caused its ultimate demise.

Even the most skeptical reader will have to reflect on this great body of exciting and convincing evidence. This is truly an exceptional book!

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About the Book The most interesting part of this book is the portions that talk about the fall of mankind on how and why it happened. It talks about the sons of God coming down to Earth to take wives. Large men and beings are the result that threaten to take over all of mankind. This may sound a little far fetched until you find supporting stories in Genesis Chapter 6 in the Bible and in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Edger Cayce talked about the technologies of Atlantis in detail and predicted that the weapon that destroyed Atlantis would be discovered 25 years from year the of his reading.

Also, there is transportation and communications methods mentioned that have not yet been developed in our culture as well as indications that ancient civilization understood the atomic energy. Atomic energy had not yet been conceived at the time of the Edgar Cayce readings. This book claims that man has been on the Earth for at least 10,, years which would completely explain the Pyramids at Geza. It also talks about technology that is still in our distant future but probably not more that years.

The book claims that these ancient societies were not much different from our own. You have groups trying to improve working conditions for workers, followers of Belail evil who want to destroy the world, and followers of the Law of One which I presume is the same God talked about in the Bible. It also talks about the dissemination of knowledge throughout the world which would explain the day calendar that you see in part of Mexico passed down from the Aztecs and amongst the Hopi Indian tribes in the United States.

He then makes comments about the subject, including excerpts from related works. The point is that, according to Childress and others, the ancient civilization of India had made technological advances equalling and perhaps surpassing our own before it was mysteriously destroyed —perhaps in a nuclear war! For centuries, these and other sacred sites have inspired wonder among those who ponder their origins. Conventional science tells us they were constructed by local peoples working with the primitive tools of a fledgling civilization.

But these megaliths nonetheless continue to attract pilgrims, scholars, and adventurers drawn by the possibility that their true spiritual and technological secrets remain hidden. Who could have built these elaborate monuments? How did they do it? And what were their incomprehensible efforts and sacrifices designed to accomplish? Now comes a revolutionary theory that connects these mysteries to reveal a hidden global pattern—the ancient work of an advanced civilization whose warnings of planetary cataclysm now reverberate across one hundred millennia.

International bestselling author Colin Wilson and Canadian researcher Rand Flem-Ath join forces to share startling evidence of a fiercely intelligent society dating back as much as , years—one that sailed the oceans of the world, building monuments to preserve and communicate its remarkable wisdom. The Atlantis Blueprint is their term for a sophisticated network of connections between these sacred sites that they trace to Atlantis: Here is adventure to realms beyond our imaginings…to shifting poles, changing latitudes…into the world of ancient mariners who recharted the globe…to astonishing discoveries about our ancestors.

Here are the great mysteries…the incredibly complex geography of the Temple of Luxor…the startling sophistication of Egyptian science and math…and tantalizing similarities among the Hebrew, Greek, and Mayan alphabets to the Chinese lunar zodiac. It is a story as controversial, fascinating, dangerous—and inspiring—as any ever told. The Startling Case for the Island of Cyprus.

The Atlantis-style myths that turned out to be true

Plato provided 53 physical clues in his famous dialogue Critias-the original account of the story of Atlantis that is the sole basis of all Atlantis research. Discovery of Atlantis proves that the island of Cyprus and the underwater landscape just south of Cyprus is a perfect match with 51 of these clues.

Exclusive 3D bathymetric maps based on new scientific data show for the first time a stretch of sunken land off of Cyprus. The general layout of the landscape of Atlantis as described by Plato is easily discernible on this underwater land mass, as well as the precise location of its capital-Atlantis City. This robust empirical data is joined with other original findings based on mythological analysis and historical research, making the case for Cyprus increasingly obvious. With this compelling new interpretation of Plato, author Robert Sarmast brings the legendary island of Atlantis alive for the first time.

With the location so clearly mapped in this book, the next step in this exciting research is an expedition to the region. Humankind may soon witness the filming of the colossal ruins of this once-mighty empire and proceed to resurrect Atlantis from its watery tomb! The son of wealthy and influential Athenian parents, Plato began his philosophical career as a student of Socrates. When the master died, Plato travelled to Egypt and Italy, studied with students of Pythagoras, and spent several years advising the ruling family of Syracuse. Eventually, he returned to Athens and established his own school of philosophy at the Academy.

For students enrolled there, Plato tried both to pass on the heritage of a Socratic style of thinking and to guide their progress through mathematical learning to the achievement of abstract philosophical truth. The written dialogues on which his enduring reputation rests also serve both of these aims. Your email address will not be published.

Atlantis vs ZPM Wraith hive over Earth

Explore with us lost civilizations, ancient ruins, sacred writings, unexplained artifacts, and science mysteries. Introduced are alternative theories, popular authors, books, and extensive Internet resources. Also, please visit our: Introduction Atlantis is the subject of a legend about an advanced island civilization that was destroyed or lost. How do we know about Atlantis?

Cast of Characters All of the men, except for Timaeus, who take part in or are mentioned in Timaeus and Critias are known to have actually existed in ancient Greece. Those who actually take part in the dialogues: Those mentioned in the dialogues: Give in detail what the sealed room contains. Alan Alford on Atlantis Nearly twenty-four hundred years ago, the Athenian philosopher Plato penned one of the most controversial and tantalising stories ever written.

Just some of the ruins so far found include: A pyramid explored by Dr Ray Brown on the sea floor off the Bahamas in The metal devices and crystals were taken to Florida for analysis at a university there. What was discovered was that the crystal amplified energy that passed through it. Similar ruins were also photographed off Cay Sal in the Bahamas. Similar underwater ruins were found off Morocco and photographed 50 to 60 feet underwater. A huge 11 room pyramid found 10, feet under water in the mid Atlantic Ocean with a huge crystal top, as reported by Tony Benlk.

The pyramid was about feet high. Mysteriously the surrounding water was lit by sparkling white water flowing out of the openings in the pyramid and surrounded by green water, instead of the black water everywhere else at that depth. A sunken city about miles off Portugal found by Soviet expeditions led by Boris Asturua, with buildings made of extremely strong concrete and plastics. He also brought up a statue. A marble acropolis underwater across five acres of fluted columns raised on pillars. Heinrich Schilemann, the man who found and excavated the famous ruins of Troy which historians thought was only a legend , reportedly left a written account of his discovery of a bronze vase with a metal unknown to scientists who examined it, in the famous Priam Treasure.

Inside it are glyphs in Phoenician stating that it was from King Chronos of Atlantis. Identical pottery was found in Tiajuanaco, Bolivia. Who Were the Atlanteans? Technology on Atlantis The Atlantean consciousness eventually evolved from a less material, fourth-dimensional form toward the sensual, or physical.

Atlantean Crystals The Atlanteans used crystals quite extensively, and mis-used them to such a degree that they eventually led to the catastrophe which caused Atlantis to disappear into the ocean. Precession and Ancient Knowledge The 4 segments above contain excerpts from the following full length articles: Matlock cites place names as one of the compelling proofs: Bleiler Editor This is the ultimate book on Atlantis. Adobe Reader The Destruction of Atlantis: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race by Andrew Collins, Richard Ward About the Author Andrew Collins has spent more than twenty years investigating the relationship between paranormal phenomena, ancient sites, and the human mind.

Insights from a Lost Civilization by Shirley Andrews The legend of lost Atlantis turns to fact as Shirley Andrews uniquely correlates a wealth of information from more than classical and Atlantean scholars, scientists, and psychics to describe the country and its inhabitants. Cayce Editor About the Book The most interesting part of this book is the portions that talk about the fall of mankind on how and why it happened. The Startling Case for the Island of Cyprus by Robert Sarmast Book Description Plato provided 53 physical clues in his famous dialogue Critias-the original account of the story of Atlantis that is the sole basis of all Atlantis research.

Plato Related Books Timaeus: S Hutchinson Hackett, Order from Amazon. Princeton, Order from Amazon. Rouse Signet, Order from Amazon. Grube Hackett, Order from Amazon. Williams, Plato Routledge, Order from Amazon. Hare, Plato Oxford, Order from Amazon. Metaphysics and Epistemology , ed.

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