Kim: Empty Inside: The Diary of an Anonymous Teenager

Grade Kim, a high school senior, is on a downward spiral into anorexia. Speaking through her journal, she confides the hopes, fears, and pressures typical.
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Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Eva Leger 's review Mar 10, I didn't finish this- I got a little before the halfway mark this morning after picking it up. I was planning on finishing it after starting because it's better than the last Sparks book I tried to read, Finding Kate. The thing is, there is only so much folloshness I can read.

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The E-mail Address es field is required. Please enter recipient e-mail address es. The E-mail Address es you entered is are not in a valid format. Sep 19, Shelby Lamb rated it it was ok Shelves: It was very slow The most horrible fact: This is my absolute LAST time reading a book written in journal entry style.

F Kim is an immature seventeen-year-old, overly dependent on her parents and older twin sisters who develops and recovers from an eating disorder in record time. Her diary entries sound more like they were written by a middle schooler, though most of editor Beatrice Sparks "true" diaries have been debunked as untrue, though they are found in the fiction section labeled as true.

I only picked this out because I was looking for a cheap read. I don't recommend this book.

Kim : empty inside : the diary of an anonymous teenager (Book, ) []

Jul 02, April Lyn rated it it was ok. This is another diary written by an anonymous teenager, from the series edited by Beatrice Sparks. This book was about eating disorders, and it was definitely the least interesting of the three. It also made me kinda queasy at times, though it doesn't get too graphic. I probably would NOT recommend it. Jul 31, Alessa Biblioteca rated it did not like it Shelves: There isn't as much depth to it as i hoped there would be. May 28, Gracie rated it it was ok.

This book gave me mixed feelings from the beginning. After reading the whole thing in under 2 hours, I've come to the conclusion that it's definitely not the best YA fiction novel in regards to anorexia or bulimia. I feel that it does not portray realistic ideas about eating disorders besides the symptoms. It wasn't written in the best way and I felt like a was reading a book targeted for middle schoolers Kim's main character journal entries seemed very naive which This book gave me mixed feelings from the beginning.

Kim's main character journal entries seemed very naive which gave me the impression that this isn't at a YA level. She sort of rubbed me the wrong way with her constant complaining which did start to fade towards the end. Despite some poor reviews for this book, I decided to try it for myself but have to say I do agree with the other reviews. I'm not one to write a negative review but this just wasn't a book I would recommend to someone who is looking for a raw, authentic YA novel about eating disorders or anything for that matter.

Jun 21, Lou Bishop rated it really liked it. This diary was really good. I don't read a lot of diaries but this one was truly amazing. I feel that I should start to read more diaries because I really didn't now how interesting they can be when you pick the right one! This book about a girl with an eating disorder really touched me and made me realize how hard it is to have an eating disorder. Jan 29, Beni Harmony rated it really liked it. Empty inside Kim said: It basically says that being a gymnast takes effort, and you are gonna be sore and tired. The pain that Kim is going through is deeper, it is internal.

It is a disorder. The authors purpose of writing Kim: Empty Inside was to show young readers how much it takes and how dedicated you have to be. The author wanted to show us that while you're under pressure you have to keep your he Kim: The author wanted to show us that while you're under pressure you have to keep your head high. Kim is a gymnast that is under lots of pressure and when you're under pressure, stress kicks in.

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She told me that a few weeks ago she sent some tapes of me to a gymnastic coach at UCLA. The UCLA coach said that I appeared to have a lot of natural ability and she would be looking forward to seeing me in person". Themes of books can be very hard to find. The theme of this book is somewhat obvious. Beatrice wants young girls to know that they aren't the only ones going through tough times and that it'll get better. Kim suffers because of being under pressure, from eating disorders. When Kim feels like it's all counting on her, she stops eating. Kim doesn't want to say no to eating the food, so she waits..

Sometimes in her pocket in a plastic bag, or sometimes behind things. This quote supports the theme because it is showing that Kim is in pain, and how she hides her food so people won't notice. It also gives detail about where she hid her food. This book was written in exposition style. The author is explaining the issue of not eating because of stress. Beatrice wants to show people what happens in today's world: UCLA is expensive and demanding. Everyone in sports feels like they have to do something, they feel as if they are required to go somewhere in athletics.

Do what makes you happy, not what would make your parents happy. It is your life, to do what makes you happy. I've got to make it! She put you in Kim shoes for a change. She made you feel like you were there. It was an effective choice of writing. I enjoyed this book. I liked this book because of how realistic it was.

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  3. Kim: Empty Inside: The Diary of an Anonymous Teenager by Beatrice Sparks.
  4. Kim: Empty Inside - Beatrice Sparks - E-book!
  5. Le collier de la reine. English.
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  7. En La Selva, Vuela Golondrina (Spanish Edition).
  8. It was from a teenager's perspective, which made me relate to it more! I liked how she wrote all her feelings and thoughts in her journal. She didn't hide anything. I didn't like how her parents were so judgmental of her and want her to do the same thing they did as kids. If I could make a change to it, I would make her parents supporting her decision. I would also let her go to whatever college she wanted to go to. I want Kim to live her own life. It was very unique of a book! I enjoyed it very much!! Feb 21, Riley S.

    Kim thinks that she eats too much. She wants to be skinnier, but Anorexia and Bulimia are tugging at her mind. Main character, protagonist and antagonist. Kim has Anorexia and Bulimia. She doesn't want to eat anything, and when she does, she purges. Talks to Kim and drives her places while her father was in the hospital. Kim's friend who she "fell in love with. Kim's female friend from U Key Issues: Kim's female friend from UCLA.

    One person that Kim talks to a lot. Kim's boyfriend who she is terrified to tell about her problems. Kim loves her parents very much and always talks about them In the form of journal entries, Kim tells about how her diseases slowly start to develop.


    She doesn't really understand at first about what is happening, she just wants to lose weight. She doesn't really realize how dangerous what she is doing it. After she realizes she has a problem, she thinks she is getting better, but it's almost like a bipolar thing. One day she will realize how truly beautiful person she is, and the next day she will be crying about how much she ate or that she ate anything at all.

    Sometimes she'd even cry that she didn't eat! I gave this book 3 stars because although I loved hearing about Kim's journey, I felt the book was kind of childish in the way that it was formatted. That's just me though. I did however think that the way she described how she felt made a lot of sense. It was very simple and easy to understand. Being easy to understand is a good thing for people who know nothing about Anorexia or Bulimia. Empty Inside is a very heartfelt story of a girl who's going through one of the most difficult things that anyone could go through Jan 03, Beth rated it liked it.

    It's amazing - the voice of the teen in this anonymous diary is the exact same immature and ignorant voice of the teen in Treacherous Love, the last book Sparks "edited!

    Kim: Empty Inside

    Throughout the journal, we learn of Kim's college applications, crush on a boy who turns out to be gay, struggles with gymnastics, and move into her mother's old sorority's house in college er, do you automatically get accepted if your alum It's amazing - the voice of the teen in this anonymous diary is the exact same immature and ignorant voice of the teen in Treacherous Love, the last book Sparks "edited!

    Throughout the journal, we learn of Kim's college applications, crush on a boy who turns out to be gay, struggles with gymnastics, and move into her mother's old sorority's house in college er, do you automatically get accepted if your alumni parents were members? Kim deals with all of her problems by binge and purge cycles, or by fasting. She is astute enough to recognize that food makes her feel good when she is down, and that she is using food to celebrate or make herself feel better in certain situations.

    She also recognizes that as a competitive athlete she needs to eat healthy, but those phases only last a day or two at most. The mandatory hospitalization and ensuing therapy put Kim on the path to recovery when she realizes that all she really suffers from is low self-esteem. In spite of the inauthentic voice and multitude of problems, Sparks manages to deliver some important information through the cheesy narrative. It is surprising that Sparks doesn't mention the recent trend of websites promoting eating disorders.

    To give her credit, she never mentions a specific weight until the very end, when we learn that Kim only weighs 79 pounds and still perceives herself as fat. This makes the narrator a bit more acceptable as everygirl, and won't make readers of a healthy size question their own weight. A list of warning signs and associations to contact for more information make this a bibliotherapy title.