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1, Words or Less: A Collection of Short Stories - Kindle edition by Penelope S. Hawtrey. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or.
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Sometimes, an idea turns into a longer story than you anticipated. In these circumstances, I usually enter the longer piece elsewhere and write something new to the required word length. But if you feel the piece could work as a shorter story, then chop it back. There's a bit of trial and error involved, but you'll soon get used to what works for you. Holly K Thanks Chris, have done just that Happy with it though. Srijaya N C I have written a short story of around 4, words which you can call a novella. It is a women oriented story set in an Indian background. Chris Fielden Srijaya, I don't publish other writers' stories, except through my short story competition.

If you want to enter that, you will have to pay the entry fee. Herb H I have written a children's book about how trucks fit into the intermodal system of interstate commerce. I have spent the last 30 years in the industry, so my perspective is my strength. I have submitted the manuscript to about 8 publishers with strong interest but no bites.

Any suggestion on who I can focus on to tell my story? My option is to self-publish and use my connections in the national truck stop directory to market the book at their location. Long haul truckers are the audience. It is mainly a picture book with sound bites of truck horns, train whistles, boat whistles and plane propeller noises. Second message: I've written a short story; 1, words. It is an adult subject but not vulgar. Mostly humorous accounting of my freshman year in high school and my relationship with the class tease. Failing that you could self-publish through Create Space or Lulu or something like that.

Regarding your short story, there are loads of opportunities listed on my website on the Short Story Competitions page and the Short Story Magazine page.

A little research there should give you plenty of opportunities. I also run a humorous short story competition too, so that might be appropriate. Chris Fielden Thanks so much, Brian. I'm very pleased to hear you like the site and find it useful - always great to hear Chantiele Chris, I have written my first novelette and I will be writing another one to add to it before I try to publish them.

My complete one is a little over 13, words and I know the rule of thumb is to put two or three together in a book format before you publish. I have also started writing short stories now. They average to about 1, words each. What I would like to know is how many short stories would I need before I can publish them in a book for Amazon on Kindle? Or is it the word count that I should be considering? I would like to get a baseline to work from, so any advice given, will be appreciated.

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Chris Fielden Chantiele, congrats on finishing your novelette - that's a great achievement There is no rule really. Most readers would expect 10 or 15 stories at least, I guess, to regard it as a collection. The shortest collection I've ever submitted to a publisher was 15 stories and was over 40, words 40K was their minimum requirement. If you're self-publishing, you just need to do what feels right for your writing and the collection as a whole.

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And then maybe price it cheaper if it ends up being short. Aidan D I have written a novelette and would like to see if it is publishable. It is a historical work of non-fiction that involves my family. How would I go about submitting this?

These Classic Stories Are So Short, You Have No Excuse Not To Read Them | HuffPost

I would appreciate any advice that I could get. Thank you. Chris Fielden Aidan, you would have to research publishing opportunities. It will depend how long your story is, but some magazines might accept a novelette - sometimes they serialise longer stories.

The Winners of the 18th Annual Short Short Story Competition

Or you'd have to approach publishers. Joseph P Hi! In July of this year I'll be a year-old codger.

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  7. Episode 019: Find the Right Length for Your Story, Pt. 1.

I am a retired businessman who, upon retiring at age 75, got restless and went back to school and participated in a few creative courses. At age 80 I wrote my memoir, then in I wrote a romance novel and followed it up with a sequel in I self-published all three books and sold several hundred copies of each without doing any significant promotions.

I no longer want to write novels but from time to time I get involved in writing flash fiction and short stories. Would you be interested is publishing some of them? Chris Fielden Joseph, I'm afraid I don't publish other writer's work, except through my short story competition which you would have to enter. Congratulations on your novels! And I wish you the best of luck with getting your short stories published.

Gayle C Hi Chris, I have been wanting to write for as long as I can remember but have always worried about keeping ownership of my work so have never approached anyone about publishing it. Can you give a brief overview of what happens, sort of how to keep the writing as your own? I would like to think my stuff was good enough to publish but dont want to submit it to find it had been used by someone else.

Chris Fielden Gayle, as soon as you write a piece of fiction, you own the copyright as the creator. You will have the original files and can prove you submitted your work to a magazine by keeping emails or proof of postage. You can learn a lot more about Copyright on Wikipedia. I really wouldn't worry about anyone stealing your work - the likelihood is miniscule. I've been submitting stories for years and have never encountered any problems. Gayle C Thank you, Chris, this has always worried me. I once submitted a piece to a children's magazine then thought I saw bits of my story in others that were printed.

Never did hear back from them. Chris Fielden Sorry to hear that, Gayle. If they did use your work without permission, you should probably take legal advice as they should pay you for it! Gayle C Hi Chris, long time ago now and it just put me off, but am looking at finding a publisher for small stories. Thank you for the advice. Am trawling through my papers, I don't throw anything away! I enjoyed it very much and was genuinely surprised by the end.

I must admit to reading a good crime novel every now and then and this one was quite a well hatched plot! Waiting for your next, best regards Gayle. Neil E Been writing stuff mostly screenplays and short stories for twenty years or so. Need to get it out there how do I go about it Ta! Chris Fielden Hi Neil, the best bet is to start submitting to magazines and competitions.

You can research markets on these pages:. Chris Fielden I guess the term 'short story' is open to interpretation So can you give any suggestions regarding this? I hope you will help me.

3. The Tell-Tale Heart ā€“ Edgar Allen Poe (1843)

Chris Fielden Hi Arjun. If English isn't your first language and you're not confident writing stories in English, then there are 4 options that I can think of. If you get any of your work published, you will know the story is good and therefore it might be worth investing in translating the story for English language markets. Arjun L Hi Chris, thank you so much for your valuable advice. I self-published one for charity I am recovering from cancer and wanted to raise money but after Lulu took their cut, there was very little left for the charity.

Most said they did not accept manuscripts from new writers, so not sure how you're meant to ever become anything else. Chris Fielden Hi Adam. If you're having no luck with publishers, you could try approaching an agent to represent you. However, this is very competitive. I'd recommend starting by researching agents that might be suitable to approach.