The Sum of You: Teach Yourself

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But the books I have don't explain WHY you do things, just how.

There are multiple occasions in which I question something I dont understand, but there is no explanation. The books I have rely on being active in class. I want to teach myself these simple mathematics, so if possible, please point me in the direction of a book that can convey algebra 2 from the ground up not that I don't HAVE knowledge of the subject, It's just filled with holes of which I can't locate.

Its like finding a needle in the wrong haystack. It sounds like you want to understand why certain things are true as opposed to how to carry out computations. In order to do this at least for calculus you're going to want to study a subject called real analysis, which is essentially a proof-based approach to understanding calculus except that you look at topics from a much broader perspective. To learn this from self-study may honestly be an up-hill climb, but certainly not impossible depending on your interest and dedication. An important part of it is learning how to write mathematically.

For a good gentle introduction to proof-writing and analysis I would recommend this this book.

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There are other good books on calculus which focus on a computational approach I definitely would recommend both approaches to the subject , a great free one is by the famous MIT mathematician Gilbert Strang. In terms of learning algebra II, I would just jump ahead in the book you're in. It's really not a subject that is understood from a proof-based mathematical approach there is a subject called abstract algebra , but I really doubt this is what you want to learn right now; it's quite different than anything one typically encounters in high school, though I do know a good introductory book for it.

First, here's a book recommendation. Try Precalculus by Cynthia Young. It is very thorough for a high school level textbook.

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Its proofs, especially in the sections on analytic trigonometry, are lucid and instructive. Of course there are many exercises, but those are an important part of learning as well.

Anyone Can Learn Math!More Than a Teacher

Reading this text carefully ought to give you an excellent foundation for further mathematics. Personally, I would not venture into textbooks dedicated to calculus just yet. Books with real analysis and abstract anything will likely be beyond your level, if your education has been anything similar to that of the students I tutor. It seems that you are rather inquisitive. If reading is not enough, you may want to consider hiring a private tutor and devising a curriculum of chapters to read and be lectured on. Alternatively, you can look to see if any local colleges are offering courses at your level.

Email a professor who is teaching an appropriate course and ask whether it is possible to unofficially audit his or her class. Many lecturers are cool with an eager student sitting in the class, and as a student, you'd be receiving free lectures! And as a final note, be wary about your attitude for note-taking and exercises.

The Sum of You: Teach Yourself

I've met many precocious students who are or have been there. At some point, though, the material will become demanding, and hopefully by that point you will develop organized note-taking and studying habits. So while you're fine for now, seek to maximize your learning in all possible ways. Seek to cultivate your study habits sooner than later. I did see that you want to start with Algebra 2. Most of those topics ought to be revisited in the Precalculus textbook I've written about. If my recommendation seems too advanced, then please comment on the post.

Truth be told, though, there's no section of mathematics that's formally defined as algebra 2 or precalculus. They're just course names. I think this book will give you a good mix of theory and practice. The other answers are very good. I would like to offer more resources which may give you more latitude.

The PDF's for the books are Free, DRM free, and they come with links to videos which provide you with worked examples and explanations. You should work out example problems, post them here, or other places, and get feedback as much as possible. Doing math in a bubble is the worst thing you can do.

Make sure you work on communication, and logical deduction most of all. Stochastic Geometry and Its Applications.

Exploratory Data Analysis in Business and Economics. Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R. Statistics Super Review, 2nd Ed.


The Editors of REA. A Panorama of Statistics. Technical Analysis for Algorithmic Pattern Recognition. Statistics for Geography and Environmental Science. Informal Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Maple. Advances in Statistical Bioinformatics. Number Forms, Relationships, and Sets.

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Introductory Statistical Inference with the Likelihood Function. Statistics for the Social Sciences. Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications. Stochastic Analysis of Biochemical Systems. Ergodic Control of Diffusion Processes. Prior Processes and Their Applications. Stats Means Business 2nd edition.

Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis. Copulae in Mathematical and Quantitative Finance. Learning Regression Analysis by Simulation. Problems from the Discrete to the Continuous. The Sum of You: How to write a great review.

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