How to Live to Be 100—and Like It!: A Handbook for the Newly Retired

Products 1 - 60 of The Good Retirement Guide Everything You Need to Know About Health, Property, . The Rockstar Retirement Programme: How To Retire Like A Rockstar Retirement New Mexico: A Complete Guide to Retiring in New Mexico (4th AgeProof: Living Longer Without Running Out of Money or.
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Company pension schemes are becoming more and more scarce and State pensions are under pressure and less generous than they once were. The direction of travel is becoming obvious: Working for 45 years until they are 65 and then retiring for potentially 35 years makes for an unsustainable saving burden on the individual, and is likely to be beyond anything the average person could realistically afford to put aside.

When faced with the stark facts and I would recommend reading the book in detail for an illuminating breakdown of the figures , many people instantly go into denial and try to drum up ways they can get around a likely pension shortfall in an age of longevity. The reality is that a large proportion of us are simply going to need to work for longer and to do this will require shaking off the out-dated idea of learning only at the beginning of our lives.

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A change in the nature of the financial services industry and the products it offers is also envisaged:. The financing of a multi-stage life requires both saving for the drop in income after retirement, but also the fluctuations in income experienced across the stages… Lengthening time horizons and more periods of income fluctuation will result in major changes in how the financial sector works and the products it offers.

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As important as financial efficacy is financial agency. Without the self-control to act in accordance with this knowledge and insight, results can be undermined. Setting goals and sticking to a financial plan, despite short-term temptations and market fluctuations, is paramount. We work closely with clients to define their goals and put in place a far-reaching plan to ensure that, however long they live, they are well-prepared for a happy and comfortable retirement.

If you would like some help in planning for your retirement or planning for your financial future, please get in touch.

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

In the next article , I will be considering how rethinking the three-stage life will impact on the pattern of our working lives. Parts two and three of this series, covering work and education, are now online.

Five essential tips if you want to retire early

Read part two here and part three here. This article does not constitute financial advice. Individuals must not rely on this information to make a financial or investment decision. Before making any decision, we recommend you consult your financial planner to take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation and individual needs. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

This document may include forward-looking statements that are based upon our current opinions, expectations and projections. Andrew has been working with families, high-net-worth clients and business owners for well over 20 years. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Economist James Banks of the University of Manchester says it depends on what you have come from and what you are going to.

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If you have had a highly paid, high-status job but little time or inclination to cultivate social activities or friends outside work, then retirement could be a negative step even if you have a huge pension pot. However, if you have given up a physically demanding and hazardous manual job, or one with little control and lots of stress, then retirement may be a positive step.

And it is possible it may not even change your life much; if you can maintain your standard of living, interactions and sense of purpose, then retirement may not have an impact on your quality of life.

Five essential tips if you want to retire early

One is to develop a hobby or interest while still employed, which you can build on when you leave work. Professor Deborah Schofield , of the University of Sydney, says: Control over your plans — such as paying off the mortgage, building up some savings and waiting for kids to leave home — are thrown into disarray, you may have less income and also fewer plans. You can find yourself at a loose end without companionship. Schofield adds that divorce can hit women particularly hard as they often have lower savings than men.

How to have a long and healthy retirement

And the three main causes of early retirement because of ill health — pain, arthritis and mental illness — are poorly treated and resourced compared with other conditions such as cancer. Cancer that makes someone suddenly ill is an overt tragedy that strikes fear into the heart of most people. Geriatrician Dr Jeremy Jacobs , of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, says research into a cohort of Jerusalem residents has suggested old people who rate their health as being poor are more likely to be lonely, depressed, poor, obese or have back pain.

Once you take financial security out of the equation, culture, country of origin and ethnicity seem to play a very minor role in how you age. People over 90 stop reporting pain as a problem; no one knows exactly why. To live longer and with good quality of life you need to sort out vision and hearing problems cataract surgery and a hearing aid , take measures to prevent falls nail down the carpet , avoid taking siestas, eat a decent amount and range of food not vitamin supplements — they may increase mortality and, above all, keep moving and stay engaged.

And keep mentally, socially and physically active at whatever level you can manage. Frenchman Robert Marchand, , gained the first-and only-place in his age category this year by cycling 14 miles round a velodrome in under an hour. He was a bit disappointed by his time and is waiting for a rival to egg him on.

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Marchand worked until his late 60s and only got into sport at 68, once he retired. Jack Reynolds made it into the Guinness World Records last month by becoming the oldest person in the world to ride a rollercoaster. Next on his list is to race in a Formula 1 car.