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Justice McGee Brown: That's habit. That's right.

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And so, what we learned is that when you're in elementary school, the decision not to go to school is a parental decision. It's not a kid decision. And so, I got with our social workers and I got with a very progressive principal at West Broad Elementary.

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She was a dynamo and that's where we had a lot of truancy. And so, we created this program with one school where we had, I would send the letters on court stationery to any parent whose child missed five unexcused days of school. And I would say to them, not sending your child to school is a violation of law punishable by six months in jail. And you are required to meet with a court social worker — and the principal of the school — at the school at 4 o'clock to discuss your child's truancy.

For 85 percent of the cases we never had another unexcused absence But for those 15 percent, what we were able to find — and it became a lot of work — is that the reason they were missing kids were drug addicted parents. I had two parents who were drug addicted to heroin, who were living with their three girls in a Motel 6 hotel room.

So, we were able to get some services into that family to get those kids out of that situation, and we got the mom in the drug treatment. The dad threatened to kill me and it was a whole messy thing, but at least we got those girls, so that they didn't grow up becoming products of the system. Justice McGee Brown: That's exactly right. So, we found that those 15 percent, if we can change that behavior early on, we keep that child from possibly ending up a juvenile delinquent or a felon, and we keep them out of the child welfare system by providing supportive services to the family.

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Justice McGee Brown: I don't know. When I left the court, we were in over 30 schools. So, because it does require, a judge has to be willing. It is work. So, you have to be willing to take that on. And every judge has their different priorities. Well, after 10 years, you gave up the bench to go to the Center for Child and Family Advocacy.

What made you decide to give up the bench? It sounds like you're doing a good job.

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Justice McGee Brown: But, it was a lot of work and in some ways depressing. And I was coming home wanting to wrap my kids in a bubble. You know, you see the horrificness of people, like a year-old being gang-raped on a pool table at a party. And at the point where I couldn't look at each individual defendant in front of me and see them — and not just another case — I knew it was time to leave.

And so, I just started having private discussions with friends — mostly at law firms — because what does a former judge do Your background would be perfect. If you're going to leave the bench anyway, will you come and talk to our CEO about it? So, they wanted to do this one stop that was gaining attention across the country. So, I really got the chance to plan and build something new. Justice McGee Brown: Yeah, well the University of Cincinnati, actually, they didn't have a free standing building but Cincinnati Children's, they had the first model, yeah.

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  4. Fischer: But, it's really, I see it in the more rural counties. They got the social worker, the police, and for a young person, that's kind of intimidating, time-consuming. But also a note, too, you were appointed on a five-person panel to review sex abuse allegations in the Columbus diocese. How was that? Justice McGee Brown: That was. Bishop Griffin, who was an amazing leader — not only in the Catholic diocese, but in the community here. And, he actually asked me to chair that board. It was challenging. I would say to you that our military has nothing on the Catholic Church.

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    We have due process. They have uber-due process, and everything has to go to Rome. And so, of course all of these allegations were old and, you know, going through the investigation and taking them to what we call laicize a priest — move a priest from the active ministry — you have to go all the way to the Vatican. And there were some frustrating times, and some difficult conversations.

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    Fischer: As a non-Catholic, how did you feel about being in this hierarchical world? It was very interesting, and really, their role — which I think is why they've been so slow to respond to these U. Fischer: I get that. Anyway, you're at the center for a while. And then, I think you ran for lieutenant governor. I know a lot of people like that.

    What did that feel like?

    Justice McGee Brown: It was, talk about coming full circle. I say to law students I never could have imagined when I was in law school that I would one day sit on the Ohio Supreme Court. It didn't hit me until my swearing in. I mean everybody of course I was excited, and I remember talking to a good friend of mine when the governor first approached me about this. My first instinct was: no. I was serving on two corporate boards.

    I was about to take a huge income hit. Justice McGee Brown: And you know, my husband's a high school teacher, so it's not like we have some huge trust fund. Fischer: I mean, really, you're telling your spouse I want to do this, but it's going to cost us as a family. And Tony wanted to retire, and I said if I do this, you can't retire. And we have kids that are moving up to college. And you got to run again. This is a huge state. You're not going to take an appointment to the Ohio Supreme Court? This is a big state. You don't think you can get a job as a former Supreme Court justice.

    You don't think you can get on corporate boards as a former Supreme Court justice. So, it really was to your point a family decision. Once my husband said I'll keep working, he wasn't happy about it, but he agreed to it. My best friend's just been shot. It was freezing cold and we were having it at the Martin Luther King Center.

    The lines were out the door. That's when it hit me. And there were two buses that came down from Cleveland. There were all of these people who showed up, because my fear was that would be an empty auditorium, and it was in that moment that I realized that it really wasn't about me. I wish I could tell it was electric, the warmth. I mean you feel like another barrier broken, and all of these people here are celebrating that.

    So, it was very humbling. And I'll never forget that day.