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Woman Of The Frontier [Zane Grey] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When Logan Huett discovers the magnificent Sycamore Canon in.
Table of contents

Most women traveled several hundred miles, often on foot, to get to Ohio. Because their wagons had very limited capacity, only absolute necessities were packed for the journey.

Women of the Western Frontier in Fact, Fiction and Film – McFarland

Sentimental objects, like family heirlooms, china, and most furniture, often had to be left behind. Once these women arrived in Ohio they faced numerous challenges. They and their families lived in primitive conditions until land could be cleared and a small, one-room cabin built.

The climate could be very harsh, and settlers also dealt with annoying insects and dangerous animals. Having left friends and family behind in the East, many women faced homesickness and isolation. In the early years of settlement, women experienced many other challenges as well.

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Commonly, there were no close neighbors or nearby towns to provide much social interaction. Men were away from the home for long hours, working in the fields or hunting and leaving their wives with no adult companionship. There were numerous accounts of loneliness, depression, and even occasional suicides. Women made enormous contributions to frontier life in Ohio. They made much of what the family needed to survive, resulting in a self-sufficient farm. In addition to taking care of the home and raising children, frontier women provided medical care, raised livestock, and grew vegetable gardens to supplement the family's diet.

They made butter, candles, and soap, preserved food for the winter months, and made their family's clothing, often of cloth that they wove themselves. This work kept women extremely busy. In addition, some women also helped with farm work and also performed other men's duties when necessary. In some cases, a widowed woman continued to farm her family's land after her husband's death, often with only her children's help.

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  • Frontier women also made significant contributions to their communities. Women traveling west tried to maintain many aspects of the culture of the life left behind in the East. In particular, women were influential in developing churches and schools, believing that these institutions had a civilizing effect on frontier society.

    In some cases, women were employed as schoolteachers, although rarely once they were married.


    They were commonly paid much less than male teachers. In areas of the Northwest Territory where formal schools did not exist, mothers were responsible for teaching their children at home. Women also often provided hospitality for strangers traveling through Ohio. When public hotels or taverns were not available, settlers opened their homes to travelers, providing both meals and a place to sleep.

    Women also operated businesses, either in partnership with their husbands or alone if widowed. Project Gutenberg believes the Court has no jurisdiction over the matter, but until the issue is resolved, it will comply. For more information about the German court case, and the reason for blocking all of Germany rather than single items, visit PGLAF's information page about the German lawsuit. All IP addresses in Germany are blocked.

    Frontier Doctor - The Woman Who Dared - Rex Allen, Jean Parker

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    Woman Of The Frontier

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    1. 7 of the Gutsiest Women on the American Frontier - HISTORY.
    2. Women of the Western Frontier in Fact, Fiction and Film – McFarland.
    3. Woman of the Frontier by Zane Grey.
    4. Leo & I and the Ghost of Cézanne: A Memory of Art and Provence.

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