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Tomorrow sees the release of Action Comics 18, wherein Superman will face off against Vyndktvx across space and time. EW is excited to offer an exclusive preview of the comic book. First up, read on for an interview with Morrison, who talks about his ambitions for his Action Comics run, how he hopes that people will enjoy Psychedelic Superman, and his plans for future projects including a mysterious Wonder Woman comic. How much of this were you envisioning back in Action Comics 1? No, I actually tell a lie, because the little man appears in the first panel.

I knew he was from the fifth dimension, and I knew he was new baddie.

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I guess…I have no idea why I put him in there. I planned six issues. So why the hell is that guy there? Honestly, I think he sneaked himself in. In the last few issues, the different timelines have been clashing together as Vyndktvx attacks Superman at different points in his life. How do you keep it together?

I can actually see the entire thing, and how it connects. I try to take a top-down view on the whole story, the way that Mr.

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Mxyzptlk would do. Where do you think Superman is now, in relation to past versions of the character? As I think I may have said before, Batman fights death and Superman fights the impossible.

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Those are their ultimate antagonists. I do like that. I think there have to be certain heightened emotions. In these days, with everyone playing videogames and watching pretty immersive movies, the emotions have to be pumped up a certain degree in comic books. In every Superman story, we want to feel that feeling of optimism. I love The Walking Dead as much as anybody!

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But I think it does show certain terror in the imagination right now. And what I love about superheroes is that they defy that. Superheroes say: Maybe mankind does have a future.

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Without getting too far into the plot of Action Comics 18, do you have any final thoughts on the issue or your run? You know what you can do in comics? You can do anything. So what I did was to have the impossible happen. I wanted to show that comics can actually do the impossible. This is true weirdness. Josh Flanagan has an in-depth conversation with the guys who know how it works. Join C. Make sure to follow Perazza , Cebulski , and Christy on Twitter as well, for more information on making comics. Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 3 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast!

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast! You career path will be to work on the fringes of society for little money, cutting yourself with razor blades, and dying alone.

Taking it back to your article on Fear vs. Will, this was like standing next to the Green Lantern Power Battery. This was so helpful to me as an artist and I appreciate the honesty conveyed throughout this interview. You guys are awesome!!!! Thanks for this, Josh. Knowing that books such as Gunnerkrigg and Freakangles are actually pushing copies has made me reconsider things.

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Login or Register to get involved and leave a comment. Terms of Service Legal Privacy. Register Log in. Cebulski, Ron Perazza, and Stephen Christy. Show Notes Have you ever wanted to break into comics as a writer, artist, letterer, colorist, or whatever? Running Time: Make sure to follow Perazza , Cebulski , and Christy on Twitter as well, for more information on making comics.

Wanted Comics 24 (Toytown Publications/Wanted/Patches)

Subscribe Subscribe Comments DaveCarr says:. December 4, at pm. Tremendous Job, Josh! So muxh information to digest. Great song choice too! Log in to Reply. December 5, at am.