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Reverse Culture Shock Overview. This section will discuss reverse culture shock -- the psychological, emotional and cultural aspects of reentry. While the.
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This kind of estrangement is a real feeling for many of us after a spell traveling or living abroad. The best preparation is Be ready for it, because it'll probably strike, even if you've been on the road for just a few months. The best defense against reverse culture shock is to plan your return home before you leave. Had I realized this sooner I might have saved myself some grief and bewilderment, but there are some things you can keep in mind about your touchdown:. On the practical side, you can avoid reverse culture shock by putting some of the following arrangements in place before you go:.

You're home now, and many things don't feel right. How can you ease back into a life that no longer seems to belong to you? Have a big party Invite all your friends over - and don't talk about your trip. That's right. Talk about them and their lives instead.

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Find out what you've missed and what's changed, who is married and who is divorced, who changed jobs or had children. It'll help you rebuild your community. Keep in touch with your foreign friends Just because you're returning home doesn't mean you've disappeared off the planet. Email the many friends you've made on the road. Invite some of them to stay with you when they travel your way. Share your return trip impressions with them.

  • Reverse Culture Shock | International Support Services.
  • The Emotions and Cultural Analysis!
  • Reverse Culture Shock Definition.
  • 7 signs of reverse culture shock and how to deal | Vancouver Sun;
  • 4 Stages of Reverse Culture Shock.
  • Reverse Culture Shock | International Programs.
  • Verses (Annotated).

Find out where they're headed to although beware, it might be too much to take if you've got itchy feet! Capture your memories You can do that in many ways.

4 Stages of Reverse Culture Shock |

You can print out your blog and put it in a binder with photos of your trip. You can write a final wrap-up blog post. You can put your souvenirs on a special shelf or wall. Or make a scrapbook. Don't be depressed, you're not saying goodbye to travel.

Reverse Culture Shock/15年振りの日本でカルチャーショック

You're only filing things away for future contemplation. And if the travel muse pursues you, you can always pull everything out, and reminisce. Go to a restaurant that reminds you of your trip Did you just spend a year in Southeast Asia? Find a great and authentic Thai or Vietnamese restaurant. Just back from South America? Join a language or cultural group If you were in one place long enough to learn a new language or get to know the culture, don't lose that when you get home. Join a language group or a cultural group from the country you lived in. Help others on a travel forum Don't let all that great experience go to waste.

Plenty of traveling or expat women out there need your help. This may be their first solo trip or posting abroad. They could be uncertain or scared or first-timers looking for more confidence. It's important to be prepared that there will be some time for re-adjustment at home, as well!

  • Livin It Up.
  • Re-adjustment & Reverse Culture Shock.
  • Dealing with Reverse Culture Shock.
  • What Your Child Wants You to Know About Reverse Culture Shock.

Although Korean students studying abroad in the United States have decreased in recent years, Koreans still make up the third-highest population of international students in the United States with. Skip to main content. Written By Trent Lorcher. What is reverse culture shock? Stage 2: Euphoria Oh my! Stage 3: Alienation Everyone is so excited to hear about your experiences…for about 45 minutes. Stage 4: Adjustment As you emerge from the alienation stage, you adjust.

Add to Favorite. About the author Trent Lorcher has taught high school English for 19 years. In addition to hosting a foreign exchange student from China, he's traveled extensively, including 18 months in Central America, 2 years in Italy, and additional time in Mexico, France, Morocco, and Spain. He dreams of one day retiring to Spain with his beautiful bride in a place big enough for their 5 kids to visit.

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7 signs of reverse culture shock and how to deal

Educational Trends in Korea. Log in. Recruiter Educational Trends in Korea Although Korean students studying abroad in the United States have decreased in recent years, Koreans still make up the third-highest population of international students in the United States with.