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Sarah's mother tells her a secret that will change her life forever. She becomes determined to fulfill her mother's wishes by discovering her true identity after.
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In fact, the movie almost plays its story too straight compared to its descendants, but Harryhausen's effects are always a hand-crafted joy and the film's final battle sequences are thrilling, as the invaders lay waste to a number of famous landmarks.

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This small, yet effective, thriller stars Charlie Sheen as a radio astronomer whose search for extraterrestrial life leads him to discover a conspiracy involving power plants shades of Quatermass 2 , greenhouse gases, alien imposters and miniaturized black holes. It's a smart, involving mix, cleverly written by David Twohy who also directed , and it plumbs a lot of the same interesting territory as The X-Files. Plus, it's a reminder that Charlie Sheen could deliver on screen, before he became a tabloid disaster.

Writer Nigel Kneale's series of Quatermass tales, which originally started as BBC serials and later adapted as three excellent films, remain among the finest examples of British science-fiction from the s and '60s. Eerie images, stark cinematography and a constant level of tension make this a crackling, unsettling 90 minutes. Arguably Nigel Kneale's masterpiece, this third Quatermass outing finds our rocket scientist now played by Andrew Keir investigating the discovery of a strange artifact buried under a tube station in the center of London.

The object is a dormant Martian craft that was part of a colonization effort by the long-dead Martian race. When the craft is activated, it possesses the minds of any humans who have the remnants of Martian genetic programming from millennia ago and sends them on a murderous racial purge. Alien invasion by proxy is what this gripping film serves up, with the ideas coming fast and furious the Martians look vaguely Satanic, suggesting our racial memory of the Devil and the atmosphere full of suspense and terror throughout.

While the main thrust of this terrific and underseen sci-fi action epic is the continual time loop that turns Tom Cruise from a cowardly PR flack into a resolute hero, it's also worth noting that Edge of Tomorrow is a crackerjack alien invasion flick, too. The Mimics are a truly monstrous race, and it's their ability to reset time that provides the narrative engine for the Cruise character's arc, making for an unusually coherent and smart script all the more wonder since it was finished during filming.

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Is District 9 an film about an alien invasion? Neill Blomkamp's directorial debut finds some , aliens in a massive ship seeking asylum on Earth and getting it -- only to live in squalid refugee camps on the edge of Johannesburg, South Africa, where tension and suspicion between aliens and humans rages daily for the next 28 years.

The aliens' true intentions remain murky, but the film's brilliant central metaphor is perhaps even more relevant today, with the ongoing refugee crisis happening abroad. And it's one hell of a thriller, to boot. One day, the entire population of the town of Midwich, England falls unconscious, as does anyone who enters the hamlet. When they wake up, it's discovered two months later that all females of child-bearing age are pregnant, and they give birth -- all on the same day -- to children who develop quickly and begin to manifest both a telepathic bond with each other and strong psychic powers.

Predator seems to start out as a typical Arnold Schwarzenegger action vehicle and veers into weirder territory once the Predator, himself -- an alien being stalking humans in a South American jungle -- starts pursuing and killing Schwarzenegger's team. Is the alien an advance scout? A lost explorer?

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An extraterrestrial mercenary? We never know and we don't care; this movie lives on its relentless suspense, its hideous monster and Schwarzenegger's winning performance, not to mention the final confrontation between him and the Predator. Although it's been supplanted by the Carpenter masterpiece, The Thing from Another World is still a classic in its own right and one of the best sci-fi films of its decade which is saying a lot, since the s were a hell of a decade for sci-fi cinema. Although this Thing is a highly evolved, intelligent form of plant life in a humanoid shape a "super carrot" as reporter Ned Scott calls it , it still has the ability to reproduce itself -- making The Thing from Another World about the vanguard of an invasion, if not the invasion itself.

The Cold War allegory is intact as well, and Scott's final plea to "keep watching the skies" is a potent one. While less drenched in the alienation pardon the pun and urban angst of the version, the film is just as creepy in the way its small town of Santa Mira, California is effortlessly absorbed and replaced by the pods. This thriller takes place in one of the genre's most unusual settings yet: a council estate a. Relentlessly suspenseful, exciting and funny -- not to mention on point with its subtle explorations of race and class -- Attack the Block is a modern take on the genre that is fresh and furiously entertaining.

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Yes, the late Roddy Piper is not much of an actor, but They Live has nonetheless slowly achieved cult status over the years to become one of John Carpenter's most enduring films. Piper plays a drifter who accidentally discovers that Earth's leaders have all been replaced by aliens, who are sending out subliminal commands to keep the human population distracted, in debt and under control.

A rousing action thriller as well as a satire on our complacent, conformist society, They Live is the kind of cynical science fiction that only John Carpenter could make. Night Shyamalan makes alien invasion into a personal matter, focusing on one small family led by Mel Gibson in rural Pennsylvania and their response to the bizarre events occurring around their farm and, by extension, in the world outside. The movie's a bit heavy-handed at times, and the final lapse in logic why would aliens invade a planet that is made up mostly of a substance harmful to them?

The invasion, itself, is spectacular, but non-violent: the human emissary Klaatu and the giant robot Gort land on Earth and make a simple declaration -- that we must get our act together and stop our violent ways if we want to join the larger universe, or else risk elimination. But behind that declaration is vast, unimaginable power.

The Day the Earth Stood Still remains gripping and involving not because of what is shown -- although Gort is one of the great movie automatons -- but because of what is implied.

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John Carpenter's modern classic is not a remake of the film, but a fresh adaptation of the original source material, John W. Campbell Jr. It retains the original premise of a malevolent, aggressive alien organism capable of assimilating other lifeforms and imitating them.

The threat is clear: this organism will absorb and imitate everything in its path and cannot be allowed to reach civilization. The invasion here is insidious and biological: the very essence of every living creature that comes in contact with the thing is consumed.

Somehow, that's more frightening in a way than giant spaceships hovering over the Earth.

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Although it takes a lot of liberties with the original novel and is dated in some ways, producer George Pal's epic adaptation of the Wells book retains a considerable amount of power to this day. Director Byron Haskin draws maximum tension out of a tightly written script and the story's Cold War backdrop, while the film also provides a human element to the devastation that the Martian invasion wreaks.

The War of the Worlds was one of the first big sci-fi movies of its kind -- a precursor to the modern blockbuster -- but it's got heart and a mournful quality that's hard to shake. ID4 was one of those game-changing movies that upped the ante for summer blockbusters, sci-fi spectacles and the kind of destruction porn that's now a regular feature of both.

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But at the time it was released, those brain-searing images of the White House and New York City being pulverized by massive alien spacecraft were like almost nothing that had been seen before. More importantly, the movie is vastly entertaining from start to finish. From the tense build-up to the invasion, through the catastrophic first attack, to the unabashedly patriotic and resolute counter-attack by a united human race, Independence Day is grand pulp adventure that crackles with energy and is bolstered by a cast that digs into their one-dimensional characters with relish.

A world class exercise in rampant paranoia, Philip Kaufman's remake of the classic is eerier and more terrifying than the original, not to mention one of the best sci-fi outings of the s. The idea of updating the story to modern-day San Francisco during the "Me Decade," is a masterstroke: everyone is so absorbed in themselves that it's easy to miss other human beings being duplicated by the insidious alien pods.

Your spouse has stopped showing emotion? Why, he's just having trouble connecting with his feelings. By the time anyone in the brilliant cast Donald Sutherland, Leonard Nimoy, a young Jeff Goldblum wakes up to what's really happening, it's far too late. One of Steven Spielberg's darkest films, this was his angry, frightened response to the events of September 11th and the way the world changed after that. Although staying true to many elements of H. Wells' landmark novel including the alien tripods that march across the land , the script changes other aspects of it: no longer do the aliens arrive in "cylinders" from Mars, but they emerge from the ground, having been buried there millennia ago.

What triggers them? It's never really explained. That is the genius of the film: with the focus on everyman blue collar worker Ray Tom Cruise as he tries to save his estranged family, there are no scientists or leaders around to explain what is happening. That somehow makes it all much scarier.

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War of the Worlds is not a perfect film and blame Wells for the much-maligned ending but it's the most visceral, immediate and, dare we say, realistic alien invasion epic ever made. Update your browser for more security and the best experience on this site. Skip to main content. Latest Stories. Tag: Movies. Tag: Fangrrls. Don Kaye. Jun 27, Share This Post. Tag: Independence Day: Resurgence. Tag: Spotlight. Tag: rankings. Video of biG8R1yGouY. Critters Video of BB61nauFkds. Mars Attacks! The Faculty Kronos Video of vGpjlfCfe2Y. Oblivion It Came from Outer Space Lifeforce London, Harry makes use of two of the Unforgivable Curses in the books.

Rick is a very successful author of over thirteen books which have been published in more than twenty languages. Emit Hopper was a one-hit wonder—twice. In this expanded edition, each chapter is followed by a study lesson for yourself or for a small group with review questions, a life application section and a memory verse. For the scripture says, "Whoever does not always obey everything that is written in the book of the Law is under God's curse!

Curse of Vanishing is an enchantment that causes the item to disappear on death. I am finding it a very interesting read.

I heard that there's not going to be a fourth book, but I still wanted to create one. And now it? Curse of Strahd is a good resource for ideas on curses, and cursed items. A roller-coaster ride from beginning to end, this book has action, history, poetry, romance, magic — everything you could ever want.

In The Curse of the Good Girl, Rachel Simmons argues that girls are pressured to embrace a version of selfhood that sharply curtails their power and potential.