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Read "You Have to Be Gay to Know God" by Siya Khumalo available from Gay In America: Punishment 24/7 Without A Trial ebook by Clint McLaughlin. Gay In.
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The Iranian theocrats give gay men these choices: cease, use aversion therapy, transition, or get the noose. The law defines transgender persons as mentally ill. Homosexuality is defined as an evil perversion; the acts they commit are unnatural and against religion. Without these permits, however, individuals caught crossdressing remember, Iran has dress codes will be considered transvestites and in violation of the law.

Upon the transition they will have their IDs changed. Failure to undergo surgery creates the perception of homosexuality, in violation of the penal code. They will be at real risk of being targeted for discrimination, arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, and other forms of ill-treatment. Reportedly, Iran now performs more sex change operations than any other country besides Thailand, but unlike Iran, Thailand attracts trans people from overseas for surgical procedures.

As for treatment of trans people, the general public still harasses and abuses them, and families often shun them. Discrimination in the workplace has forced some into prostitution and others to kill themselves. So, though they are both legally and religiously accepted, trans people are social ostracised. If a child claims they are Spider-Man, even dressing up in costumes and hanging around others who do likewise, does that mean the child actually is Spider-Man? The amusing aspect of your query is the perversion of self-identity with sex.

This is very silly and is perhaps designed that way to protect the transgender movement from falling into the umbrella term of assumption disorders or dissociative identity disorder. Gender Identity is understood by the brain at around age 3. Neuroscience does not show any clear distinction between the brain structures of men and women, only general structural trends at the population level. Therefore, an individual brain cannot be said to have a male or female structure.

Even so, the brain structures of individuals identifying as transgender have a general tendency to resemble those of homosexual people of the same sex rather than heterosexual people of the opposite sex, in studies where any significant difference at all has been measurable. Maxine Webb — So we can do a physical review and determine homosexuality and transgenderism?

Right now, we simply rely on self-reporting, which has proven suitably effective. Maybe Sydney is more laid back about such things, but it would seem that most people are quite used to homosexuals. If they were bullied it would be for other reasons rather than their sexuality. The United States is a big country. I certainly faced bullying about my homosexuality in rural North Carolina while I was growing up.

My husband, who attended a private Christian school in rural Alabama, had it worse than I did. Our white gay and lesbian peers who grew up in Seattle and San Francisco say they faced almost no bullying. Our African-American gay peers faced more of it in their families and communities because African Americans tend to be more socially conservative about LGBT issues.

African-Americans are not a monolith and the idea that they are more predisposed to homophobia than white people is misguided — education, economic status, and religion are far more impactful than racial categorization in thinking about why people exhibit homophobic or transphobic attitudes.

We were both bullied at Catholic School in South Carolina, but he went home to a much more educated, progressive set of parents. That being said, I have a co-worker who has a penchant for speculating that certain gay and lesbian people in our community are secretly transgender simply because their gender presentations do not properly align with established norms. Why is not permissible for her to simply be a gender non-conforming lesbian woman? This sort of thinking seems to be animating what Dr. Debra Soh and Dr. Julian Vigo are arguing in their pieces here at Quillette.

To question orthodox narratives within transgender discourses is not to deny the existence of transgender people or to argue for them to be discriminated against and treated with cruelty.

What Soh and Vigo are arguing has to do with how orthodox messaging about transgender people might inflict damage on gay, lesbian, and bisexual people and maybe even heterosexual people who simply refuse to comply with gender norms. You can be a gender non-conforming gay man who likes to perform as a drag queen or a gender non-conforming lesbian woman who likes wearing plaid shirts and baggy jeans without desiring to undergo a social, legal and medical transition that transgender people undergo.

Just to be clear, I did not say that African Americans were predisposed to homophobia. Based on polling, African Americans have historically been less supportive of same-sex marriage than their white counterparts, although attitudes are definitely changing. The African-American peers I had in mind came from religious homes in the South. To suggest that kids might ask for gender reassignment because it will make their lives easier amongst their peer group in school is ludicrous.

I will say this though, in support of the discussion- I find it deeply problematic that any child is subjected to what is ostensibly elective therapy or surgery.

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It defies our current collective and legal understandings of consent. These rifts within the Identity Politics Movement have been long predicted as just the natural endgame of a dubious Ideology. Last week it was trans vs 3rd wave feminists. Grab some popcorn and get comfortable, this is going to be fun.

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I have be opening line to a good joke: A homosexual, a trans-woman and a radical feminist walk into the one-size-fits-all bathroom …. It should be expected that it will eventually be abandoned as more lesbians and gays realise that trans activism is essentially a heterosexualist movement. The other day, an older transgender woman with whom I am acquainted on Facebook posted an image of a can of carrots that had been mislabeled as a can of peas. She said it was a good metaphor for transgenderism.

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It is becoming a derogatory term among the younger generations of transgender people. They believe that transgenderism is simply a feeling that requires no further action. If people are interested in learning more about this topic, I would highly recommend reading J. You know how racists have a rich vocabulary of how to slur every ethnicity on the planet?

They all know how a moolie is different from a shvatsa is different from a pisshead. Same thing. I have no idea what the other two terms mean. Somewhere else, Jon Kay asks, more or less: why is it male transgender persons are attacking women all the time not attacking het men? Ask Blanchard. Autogynephiles are more likely to get sex-reassignment surgery.

Blanchard also characterizes autogynephilia as not just a fetish, but a sexual orientation encompassing feelings of romantic love in addition to sexual desire.

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Unlike a lot of the comments here and on Twitter, neither Blanchard nor J. Michael Bailey use autogynephilia to frighten people about transsexuals. I think transgenderism is a real phenomenon that should be understood, but transsexuals whether homosexual or autogynephilic are not boogeymen to be feared. Blanchard and Bailey wrote sensitively about this topic on the 4thWaveNow blog. I was a very effeminate child but it never occurred to me, nor was it ever suggested, that I was actually a girl.

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I adored everything feminine but I never questioned my sex. I really pity gay children growing up today, being pressured into changing their gender and all the accompanying surgery. I was repeatedly assured that feminine men had nothing to do with homosexuality. Gay men are just like everyone else, no different, etc. And yet all up and down this thread are people saying that lack of masculinity is associated with homosexuality.

What gives? Harland It just varies. Same for the physical stuff when it comes to hermaphrodites. So there can obviously be overlap to varying degrees regardless of the dimorphic nature of the sexes. Postmodernists and others who believe human beings are blank slates will dismiss these claims.

Good resources about this topic would be J. This has to be someone Trolling….. Oh, no. I checked his profile.

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He looks like a normal butch lesbian, and his Facebook page is filled with this kind of stuff. This is actually one area where I disagree with Dr. As transsexuals like Miranda Yardley and Debbie Hayton have said, this is especially dangerous for biological women. Well, to be clear, the person I was referring to in my anecdote was a natal female, not a heterosexual male. I met him at a feminist meeting.