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Chicks Dig Fries: A Guide for Clueless Men [Bob Mathews] on *​FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Many women would say that the notion of.
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Christen and Yamen and Caro and Cormac. Now it's up to the islanders to pick one person from each couple to stay. They debate and decide the OGs, Caro and Yamen, can stay. Cormac basically throws up deuces and walks out the door, but Yamen and Christen cry about how they didn't get to know each other better. I have a feeling when new women walk in next week, Yamen will be just fine. And, who knows, maybe Christen and Cormac will kindle a romance in the flight home You know who's not excited about Winston joining the Villa?

He worries that Kyra isn't opening up enough and maybe it's because she's waiting for someone else. Well fear not, Cashel. After an uneventful dinner without any eating, Kyra and Winston go back to the house Kyra tells Cashel the whole time she was out, she wanted to be home with him. But Cashel isn't convinced. He tells Dylan later that despite what she says, Kyra is holding back. The next morning Winston gets to invite three of the women on a lunch date, which he will make. The rain kills whatever plans the producers had, so they sit on one of the porches with all the other islanders close by.

He meets with Katrina, Alexandra, and Caro. Not much happens, but immediately after, Caro talks to Cormac about how she wants something more than what they have. And he agrees. He tells the guys later that he wants to "play the game" because he knows a great girl is coming. We'll see. The game of the night is Hearts on Fire, which requires the girls to wear heart rate monitors while the guys dance for them. And then vice versa. It's more funny than sexy — especially when Alexandra comes out in a hot dog costume. AND then when Alexandra in her hot dog costume gets Cormac's heart rate up the most.

So, note to the girl coming in next, food costumes will win you a spot in Cormac's heart rate. Right after the mixup, Christen pulls aside Alana to explain that she wanted to get to know Yamen better. He was the only guy she couldn't learn enough about earlier, so why not share a bed with him? Alana honestly tells her she's not happy, but she's not mad. Her expression tells me otherwise. Mallory also isn't pleased, which is surprising since she friend-zoned Weston days ago.

But when she talks to Katrina the next day — and Katrina gushes about Weston — she tells her to go for it. Both Mallory and Alana are on edge since the guys get to pick the next recoupling. Tonight's game is called Girl Power. They must battle the bad guys to save the guys they're coupled up with.

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Whoever shows the most girl power will win. Thanks to a couple cartwheels and the worm dance, Alana was chosen as the winner. But she doesn't come out as a winner at the end of the night And for the wild cards of the night, Weston chooses Katrina slight shock! They're both dumped from the island, and everyone acts like it's a complete shock.

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Alana shares an incredibly awkward kiss with Yamen, and the two women leave. Once they're gone, Kyra gets a text saying she needs to go meet Winston for a date. You might recognize him from Big Brother Season As a reality vet, hopefully he can spice up this house a bit! After glowering from above and letting the guys introduce themselves, the ladies of the house decide to come down and meet Christen and Katrina. The OG women interrogate the newbies to learn about their type in men — you know, to make sure they aren't going to creep in on someone's turf.

After this, Katrina says the women are "so freaking sweet and nice and welcoming. Weston decides to induct the new women into the house with a game of Suck and Blow OK, a text tells him to do this, but still. It immediately leads to Weston and Christen making out. Then she gets to kiss Yamen, which makes Alana get angry eyes.

After knowing her for maybe 12 hours, Mallory decides that Christen is a "fake bitch," and Caro agrees. They're certainly not going to like the new text news: The two new women get to go speed-dating with all the men. They sit and chat in one-on-ones while everyone else watches from a few feet away Yamen and Cashel tell the new women that they're open to meeting people, which is not what their partners wanted them to say.

Then Katrina gets another text. She has to pick a girl to send to the Hideaway for the night.

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Katrina will take over the banished girl's place in her bed and date her guy. And to make matters worse, Christen gets the same text.

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Katrina chooses Weston, and Christen chooses You're a virgin who can't drive. Cher : That was way harsh, Tai. Tai : Do you think she's pretty?

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Cher : No, she's a full-on Monet. Tai : What's a monet? Cher : It's like a painting, see? From far away, it's OK, but up close, it's a big old mess. Let's ask a guy. Christian, what do you think of Amber? Christian : Hagsville. Cher : See? Tai : I could really use some sort of herbal refreshment. Dionne : Oh, well we do lunch in ten minutes. We don't have any tea, but we have Coke and stuff. Tai : No shit. You guys got Coke here?

Dionne : Well, yeah. Cher : Yeah, this is America. Tai : If I'm too good for him, then how come I'm not with him? Tai : Cher, you're a virgin?

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Cher : You say that like it's a bad thing. Dionne : Besides, the PC term is "Hymenally challenged".

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Cher : Sporadically. It means once in a while.

Try to use it in a sentence. Tai : Yeah, I hope not sporadically. Cher : Are you talking about drugs? Tai : Yeah. Cher : Tai, how old are you?