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Business as usual.
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Business as Usual, as Usual

As early as the lates, this expression referred to store hours. For example, a store might say that they were open for business, as usual. The term originated as an announcement businesses would use to say there were still open despite the weather, construction, or other kinds of interruptions. The expression became popular during World War 1.

Initially, politicians in Great Britain thought that the war would not disrupt trade and business. Leaders assured the public that businesses would operate as usual. Even once it became clear that the war would disrupt businesses and everyday life, people adopted the expression as a type of rallying cry or slogan. Please try again later. Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase.

  1. True Purpose.
  2. Business as Usual!
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  4. 20/20 Perfect Vision or a Political Pipe Dream?.

This concise book lays out the most precise criticism of capitalist society printed in recent years. In plain English the author points out the crisis ridden nature of our current social order, which as he reminds us, is organized to produce profit and not necessarily the things that human beings want or need.

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Rather than a problem of "underconsumption" that can be remedied by state spending and stimulus of the Keynesian variety, the author points out that a tendency of the rate of profit to decline is the root cause of all recent crises including the "great recession" that we are currently suffering through. Describing the current crisis as mere tremors indicating the more major crisis lurking under the surface, the author warns of dire consequences that will come from either a continued deepening of the current issues or more "jobless recovery.

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While the illusionary or delusionary left has either dropped pretensions of opposing profit-centered social relations or faded away into the oblivion, the author is not disheartened. He points out that these forces often got in the way of self activity of working people to find solutions to the problems they face.

Whatever happens in the future is up to us, and we are better enabled to act without phony saviors in our way leading us down the wrong paths. In the crises inevitably to come there will be real opportunities for people to act in a way that can fundamentally alter society in favor of humanity rather than the drive for more profits.

The means for meeting the wants and needs of us all already exist. All it takes is real action to reorient society to human need, and in fact that is the only way out of this economic crisis and the other more major crises that may follow. One person found this helpful.

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Format: Paperback Verified Purchase. At first when I first saw this book pop up on Amazon. There was little descriptive info given to make a different conclusion since publications they added more to the Amazon description. Since he since has become a Professor of Philosophy and author of books on post-modernism, I thought the book would come from that perspective. I was wrong. This little book basically gives a history of this crisis and prior crisises of capitalism from a councilist perspective but without labeling it as such.

It does this from the perspective of the US and its central role in the world economy.


As for solutions, Mattick disses whats left of the Left. He finds hope in the ability of every day folk to take over the ruins of capital and remake it for use in their everyday lives. He draws from the work of Rebecca Solnit A Paradise Built in Hell in which she analysed various natural and unnatural disasters. To find common ground in the reaction of the victims to organize themselves outside of the State and find solidarity with fellow victims to overcome their loss. BTW, I recommend readers of this blog to read Solnit's work. Over all, I recommend this book. Its a good summary of Marxist economic theory in everyday language and applied to the current crisis.

Paul Mattick is a fantastic speaker. I highly suggest to anyone interested in the recent recession: watch his youtube videos and recent discussion for the Platypus society. Moreover, he writes as clearly as he speaks.

Leadership for introverts.

However, when it comes to actually comprehending the financial crisis in intimate detail, I somewhat prefer Andrew Kliman's presentation, which has far more statistics, and graphs, and the feeling of a solid well thought out presentation and all encompassing theory. Mattick is more or less giving the reader a spotty historical account of the booms and bust of the capitalist mode of production; which is very interesting, and very hard to do in a mere pages.

Serraglio also has fought to strip the Ministry of Environment of the power to create nature reserves. There is no single solution to the ongoing destruction of the Amazon rainforest. But despite advances , this alternative to the present destructive economy has yet to take on the scale needed to change the course of development. Establishing protected areas is an urgent priority, and they must be created now before settlers and investors move into undisturbed regions.

But instead of creating reserves, the government and its ruralist allies are downsizing and revoking them. One example is in the state of Amazonas, where congressional representatives are currently working to rescind parts of a mosaic of reserves in the southern part of the state, which is one of the hotspots of deforestation.

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The Ministry of Environment and other agencies need to be strengthened and given financial and political backing. Failure to do this is one of the reasons behind the current resurgence in forest clearing. The Ministry of Environment is always one of the last priorities when scarce budget resources are allocated. This has reduced inspections for illegal deforestation and impeded efforts to create and defend protected areas. But the problem goes deeper. The response to bad news about deforestation is always to hand the problem to the environment ministry, while the rest of the government continues normally.

Yet a host of government actions lead to more deforestation, and these actions need to be recognized and halted. Opening roads inevitably sets in motion a chain of land invasion, land speculation, and deforestation that quickly escapes government control.

The response to intensifying deforestation, therefore, must include foregoing some major infrastructure projects, which have a high potential for catalyzing more forest clearing.