Manual Becoming a Win-Win Teacher: Survival Strategies for the Beginning Educator

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Minecraft Club Whenever I try something new, I try, where possible, to pilot it with a small group first. I find a perfect place to start is an after-school or lunch-time club. Here, both teacher and students can explore Minecraft in a relaxed environment without the pressures and challenges normally found in a classroom setting. However, a word of caution, if you decide to go down the club route, make sure you have a focus build a scale replica of your school or recreate a local landmark otherwise you may find your club slowly spiral into disarray!

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Minecraft Digital Leaders The purists would insist that for students to have an authentic Minecraft experience, they must build their own worlds. I also find that, when asked to create their own worlds, students want their creations to be as accurate as possible and, therefore as a result, will put considerably more effort into their research. However, as a teacher, I can understand that it can be difficult to justify spending several weeks using Minecraft to meet a set of learning objectives when the same objectives can be achieved through other means in half the time.

Nor do I advocate that teachers spend precious hours creating worlds for their students. This is where Digital Leaders can help! For those new to the concept, Digital Leaders also known as Student TechSperts are students who are adept at using technology and are willing to share their knowledge and skills with others. Through working with staff, peers and school leaders, Digital Leaders are able to help shape how technology is used in and outside of the classroom.

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Not long after launching the club, the Digital Leaders were approached by a member of staff from the History department interested in using Minecraft in his lessons. After a brief consultation, the Digital Leaders offered to create a world for him based on Medieval Britain. They also offered to provide support during his lesson. To begin with, the teacher supplied resources such as web links, books and images depicting Medieval life to help the student Digital Leaders with their build.

Every few weeks the teacher would return to check on the progress of the build and suggest improvements — in essence, the teacher became the client.

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As you can imagine, the lesson was a huge success, so much so that the students have started to receive more requests for other worlds from teachers from other departments including in Maths and English. Ask a Mentor Minecraft Global Mentors are a team of passionate educators who evangelize the use of Minecraft in education and who are dedicated to supporting teachers on their journey with Minecraft in the classroom.

Visit this link to find out more. In fact, there will be times when your students know more than you, especially when it comes to Minecraft! Coming to terms with this fact is an important step in your professional development as a teacher. Start small and build up your use of Minecraft as you and your students grow more confident. Set clear expectations — The concept of games based learning may be as new to your students as it is to you! Teach them how to Zentangle , breathe, meditate, make friendship bracelets, knit, color—anything that allows for them to focus carefully on details can help them quiet some of the extra noise.

Provide exposure to as much as possible. TED talks are one way to help students think about different topics. TED even has created teaching enhancements. I heart TED. Reading, watching or listening to the lives of others can help gifted students develop a plan of action and see what others did to accomplish goals. It is true, so many gifted students have found a book that becomes so much a part of them, they can discuss it at length.

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Bibliotherapy is a great way for students to experience how to deal with issues and learn tactics and strategies. For the love of anything that is holy, this should probably be no. Research states that most gifted students do not learn new information until January. Let gifted students pursue their interests.

A Win-Win Review on “Becoming a Win-Win Teacher: Survival Strategies for the Beginning Educator”

If they want to let everything be about dinosaurs, more power to them! We need paleontologists. As mentioned in Outliers , it takes over 10, hours to be an expert. To get that many hours on a time card, students have to be allowed to focus. Gifted students need mentors within their interest areas.

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Allow students to practice like the professionals. Use the same processes that professionals use. Looking to try fashion designing? Have students actually sew, measure, use patterns and do the alterations. The work students create should have a real audience and be appreciated by those who authentically would benefit from its completion. Younger students are a great first authentic audience.

These are a great way to curate the knowledge you want your students to gain. You can find webinars on just about any topic that interests your students. If you sign up at Edtech , they will send weekly lists of upcoming professional webinars. Inventions are a great way for students to take risks and try different things. I feel like students are more apt to take risks when they are creating something new. Do you live in the middle of nowhere? Me too! If you are in the urban areas, you are rich in opportunities. Look to local libraries, museums or universities.

Some of my closest childhood friendships started at summer camp. These times allowed for encouragement and allowed kids to be nurtured in an environment where trying something new was the goal. Summer camp allowed me to be myself and try new things. We need to do good with the gifts and talents we have been given. Give gifted students the opportunity to solve local problems and see the need for change in their own community. What do friends all have in common? We are attracted to those who think similarly and those who challenge our beliefs.

Book clubs make for a great space for likeminded students to come together to discuss a common theme … in this case a book, which serves as a great discussion starter. How many of you hated a certain book in high school only to read it as an adult and see how wrong you were? The moment we lost choice of what to read in this case , we also lost joy. Allowing gifted students to have choice in the classroom allows them to feel empowered and engaged. Choices do not need to be huge either, small choices are just as important.

No one wants to only be the big fish in a small pond. We want to be around people who will make us better and want to achieve more. Allow your gifted student to be challenged by participating in academic competitions such as National History Day. Your students will see what true competition is. This is one of the best ways to develop critical thinking. Show a picture of clouds … what do you see? This type of activity develops fluency, elabora tion, originality and abstract thinking, which are all integral parts of being a creative thinker. There are so many wonderful resources embedded within—contests, lyric labs, lyric notes, connections to primary sources, teacher plans, corresponding handouts, questioning and so much more!

This will quickly become your favorite teaching resource. I promise! I say, if a student is enjoying a book, read it! Reading a book for a different purpose can increase the difficulty of a book without changing the text. Pernille Ripp founded GRA in with the simple idea to read a book aloud to her stude nts and during that time try to make as many global connections as possible.

This mission has grown exponentially and has reached over two million students. Collaborating with students in other states and countries will help a gifted student think empathetically. Allow students to build a better understanding by incorporating mythology into different curricular units.

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This is an authentic way for gifted students to share their reading in a way that we would as adults. Creating readers means treating them like readers—when I finish a book I do not take a comprehension quiz. I talk about it, share it with friends or write about it.

50 Tips, Tricks and Ideas for Teaching Gifted Students - WeAreTeachers

Have your students react to reading like real readers. Kidblog is a great tool for creating safe student blogs. Two heads are better than one!