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Anne Of The Island: #68 Of (JKL Classics - Active TOC, Active Footnotes,​Illustrated) eBook: Lucy Maud Montgomery: Kindle Store.
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Demon princes hide their amulets all over the multiverse, not just on the Prime Material, since they are as much at risk in the Abyss as anywhere else from both plane-traveling adventurers and other demons. Which one is it?

The module is entitled S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. It has been out of print for some time but might still be available through your local retailer. This module was reprinted with three others as part of SI-4 Realms of Horror, now in print. The entire Temple of Elemental Evil, with its attached dungeons and out- erworks, is considerably larger than a whole case of Players Handbooks. While the latter sports a hard cover, the former comes with a booklet of maps; neither feature increases the page count, and the two product's shipping weights are about the same.

How are psionic strength, psionic points, defense points, and attack points related? How does the expenditure of attack and defense points reduce psionic strength? Psionic strength is determined when a character is created. A character has a maximum of one attack and one defense point per point of psionic strength. Note that the use of psionic abilities require both attack and defense points see the Players Handbook, page Thereafter, the level of mastery increases each time the character gains a new level. Is the ability strictly limited to listening at doorways?

The thief must quietly concentrate on hearing noise; if he is wearing a helmet, he must take it off. A thief is not limited to listening at doors; he can hear faint sounds from any source. The index in the Dungeon Masters Guide is wrong. The index is right. Additional proficiency rules can be found in Unearthed Arcana, pages 18 and This an abbreviation for the Latin word circa, or "about. It rhymes with "cow. The DMG seems to indicate that they must be converted into gold pieces first.

Rival Cryptic Alliances like the Purists and the Mutation- ists, or the Restorationists and the Seekers or the Red Death, which fights everyone guarantee enough warfare to keep an entire continent in conflict. But there's more mass combat where that came from. You also have rival tribes, cities, races, bandits, and religious fanatics. War itself is what made the Gamma World possible, and it stands to reason that it would be a part of any campaign. The BR is calculated in the following way: 1. The result is a base BR 9. This latter rule applies to ships in naval battles, too.

Modify the base BR according to the leader's abilities. Treat the leader's Rank as an ability score on the Ability Modifiers table on the back of the third-edition rule book, and add its modifier to the BR; do the same with the leader's charisma. Add 5 to the BR if the leader has military genius capability.

If the leader has military genius capability, the BR is If the leader is a mutant, use his hit dice instead of his Rank to determine the force's BR modifiers. If the soldiers have ranged combat mutations radiation eyes, hands of power, etc. Thus, the average number of combat mutations is 0. Based on this figure, the BR goes back up to 9.

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These modifiers are listed in Tables , respectively. Fighting the battle When the BRs of the two engaged forces are finally modified, the troops are ready to fight the battle. Battle is conducted by rolling on the ACT Table on the back of the third-edition rule book, referencing the modified BR on the top column. The result is that force's battle result. The players commanding each force roll dice on this table.

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If both the forces have equal BRs, the fight is a draw see below. The losing force is completely destroyed. Those not killed are captured or flee in different directions.

Other combat results Identity of soldiers: Casualties from a battle are assessed in proportions equal to the number of soldiers in the force and their hit dice. This leaves only nine badders and 21 hoops.


Holding the field: Unless the battle was a draw, the winner stays on the field of battle. Injured soldiers: Injured soldiers heal in one week. If the force has many medical artifacts, injured soldiers can be healed in one day at the GM's discretion. If a vehicle is "injured," it remains damaged unless there is a specialist mechanic in the force.

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Prisoners: Each force leader should decide if his army takes prisoners. Prisoners do not try to escape except in isolated cases, and they can be made to carry supplies and do manual labor, such as building bridges, hauling heavy artillery, or chopping down trees. Prisoners must be fed in order for them to do work. PCs in combat: PCs are never killed as a result of a battle dice roll. PCs can be captured or become lost if the GM wishes. Troop morale: The morale of a force is equal to the average morale of its soldiers.

For every victory, morale climbs 2 points; morale drops 2 points with every defeat. If the army is hungry or tired, morale drops 1 point. Mixing forces: If two or more forces are mixed, do not bother with recalculating a BR for the entire mixed group. Instead, treat them as separate forces, and divide the opposing force into as many groups as there are forces in the mixed army.

For example, a force of jagets BR 9 and a force of 50 mutated humans BR 12 join together to attack an army of androids BR The player controlling the androids decides that 40 will fight the humans and 60 will fight the jagets. This gives you two different battles even though the forces may be hopelessly mixed together. The GM should use a similar system when two mixed forces fight each other. The battle will take a number of minutes equal to that average troop number see also "guerrilla war" under optional rules. The fortified position described on the modifier table represents a lumber wall.

If retreat is impossible, the melee- weapon soldiers are automatically routed with no roll made.

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Tech Level I weapons, two combat mutations. The hawkoids have won by 3 RFs, so they gained a minor victory, with 20 hawkoids lost and 10 hurt.

Anne of the Island (dramatic reading)

This leaves 80 hawkoids with To add to all this, the force must retreat from the field in any direction as the attack came from above. Maintaining an army Movement: Armies travel at the same speed a party of adventurers would travel unless the entire force is traveling by vehicle. If every soldier is riding a vehicle, they travel at the vehicle's speed.

Supply lines: If there is a route from the army to a friendly base with access to massive amounts of supplies and means of transporting them, the force can maintain a supply line. This prevents pack animals or soldiers from having to carry as much, leaving soldiers free to fight and move quickly. Read 1,2. Each day that the force's morale is above 25, it will gain soldiers who will have Rank, equipment, and mutations so as not to change the force's BR. Payment: A mercenary soldier usually charges 1 gold piece per day per Rank.

If situations are extremely dangerous, he may charge more. Once soldiers cease to be paid, they leave, with but one exception: If the force is that of a city, tribe. A PC can always count on people to resist if their homeland is invaded or raided.

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Encampments: As a general rule, a force must rest for 12 hours and can travel for 12 hours each day. An eight-hour stretch of rest is made at night, with an hour devoted to setting up camp and an hour devoted to breaking the camp down. Such camps are vulnerable to enemy attacks but are necessary. A midday rest of two hours requires no camp, only immobility.

If both forces use tactics encircle, strike and move, charge blindly with force, etc. But if the second one was trying to encircle the first, then the GM might decide that the charging soldiers will rim deep into a jam. Guerrilla warfare: If a force has a lot of terrain to defend, it may wish to fight another force with guerrilla tactics and so becomes a guerrilla force.

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  • Guerrilla forces are most effective against conventional forces, though two forces can fight with guerrilla tactics against each other. The advantages of guerrilla war are as follows: 1. The guerrillas do not subtract from their BR for their own Tech Level. The GM must decide which mutations are useful ones in this case. Well if snot surprising, we don't sell direct to the gaming public, li'sasafebet that you have dealt with us indirectly AI INS.

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