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Cauley's Christmas To Do List: 1. Identify the Dead Guy. Not the usual intro to a Christmas To Do List but not so unusual for obituary writer Cauley MacKinnon.
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I am so gonna punch your Fat Floof Face! Bite me, Bro. It is performed with a big, fluffy tail, because getting an actual fan would involve climbing a wall. Acceptable audience gathered, getting centered for performance, waiting for appropriate musical accompaniment. Hecklers get a punch fight….

With a redneck, you get a three-fer.

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I know this because I went through all three of these stages with a redneck of my very own. And she warned me, the only difference between a redneck and a monkey is better use of opposable thumbs and the ability to buy beer. In the beginning the play-with and stay-with stages , my own personal redneck could do no wrong. The man practically farted hearts and flowers which is a neat trick if you can get him to do it.

Face it. The trick is to just hang around with a redneck—any redneck—as long as you can possibly stand it, because sooner or later the redneckedness is gonna rub off on you. A steak knife is as handy as a pocket on a shirt and can be used not only for slicing up a good steak, but also as a screwdriver, a back scratcher, or, in a pinch, a hammer.

Moreover, you learn the true use of major appliances—transmissions go on the bottom rack of the dishwasher, baseball caps go on the top. You catch and keep your own personal redneck and do the whole moon-pied, doe-eyed, hearts-and-flowers thing until one day he stays out all night and you have to restrain yourself to keep from Super Gluing his frank to his beans. And if you kiss a screaming monkey, it will inevitably, bite you in the face.

A MacKinnon Christmas

Actually, breakups can be relatively pain-free if done correctly, and in fact, some can be downright fun. Call all your girlfriends, add Tequila and commence to dancing naked in the backyard around a burning pile of his underwear. I warned you—redneckedness rubs off on even the best of us.

My daddy used to say that you should never try to teach a pig to sing—it wastes your time and annoys the pig. And while this brain trust of southern bards waxed elegantly on the whys and wherefores as to the bad attitudes toward Texans, the question ended with me, and in my own, simple way, I summed it up in one word: Redneckedness. Redneckedness is often related to craziness, and Texans take great pride in lapses of sanity.

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I hear up north they lock their crazy up in the attic. In Texas, we prop them up on the sofa and invite the neighbors over for iced tea. While rednecks in Texas are by and large not locked up though they are often incarcerated they do sometimes roam freely about the rest of the country inflicting their redneckedness on unsuspecting strangers. It was one such case with my own personal redneck that I used to illustrate the profound affect rednecks have on people outside the state of Texas.

My redneck and I ventured out of the state without a passport but were easily recognizable, due to certain trademark indicators. Of course, there is also an image of the Texas flag somewhere on their person, and often on their underwear. I know of no other state where people would wear their flag on thong underwear, or for that matter would want to. But in doing so, Texans can go anywhere in the world with the state flag up their butt. On this particular occasion, we put ourselves in the hands of my urbane, Northern California stepbrother, Clif, who was our tour guide the civilized world beyond the bounds of Texas.

I am sure my step brother is still ruing the day. The lull of lovely, sophisticated banter shattered like someone dropped a bottle of five-hundred dollar cabernet. How big is it? My mother raised me right, but even I have my limits. My redneck was being true to himself, and this woman was just being downright rude. And so I did. Here are the true life stories of being loving a redneck and living to tell the tale.

Love you, Mama, Daddy and Sister. And I miss you every single day. First Reader and I have known and loved each other for 17 years, and never had a serious discussion about suicide. A friend of mine committed suicide yesterday. In and out. You are safe. The air conditioner is on. Why would the sound of an air conditioner be important? Yes, I hear the steady white-noise hum of it, I feel the cool air on my face.

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And so are you. Not everyone thinks about driving their car off a cliff.

Carol of the Bells

We need to have a talk. And creative people seem to have a tougher time with what Holly Golightly used to call The Mean Reds. The first time I laid in bed, rocking myself, praying that God would kill me, I was five-years-old. I remember the minute details of that day, the little ruffle-butt swimsuits my sister and I were wearing mine was pink. And take care of your sister. I was four. She was three. Mama was six months pregnant with my little brother. I am awed now, that not only did she will herself to survive her own turbulent waters, she was able to drag her three small children to shore, so to speak.

Take me. Give Daddy back to Mama. She is so, so sad. So suicide has been a part of my life, so to speak, since I was a little girl. It is sometimes still a struggle, and I sometimes still get flip about it. Not today. I had a guest overnight last night, and while he is kind and lovely and was with me the entire time, he had no idea that my mind had slipped into that spinning whirlpool. I have to remind myself of the long, ugly road I traveled to get there, the steps I made to make sure loved ones including—and especially—the furfolk would be cared for.

In nearly all of the near-death episodes I chronicalled for the newspaper was what these survivors thought were going to be their Last Words. Is it perfect? Of course not.


When will I ever get my ducks in a row? She was a tough little no-breasted double-mastectomy , blue-haired, Southern Baptist woman. Your ducks will never be in a row. Not the nature of ducks. I just blinked, stunned. How Can You Tell? What Should I Say? What Can I Do? My writer-buddy Jan Yonkin and her husband had managed get this tiny feral kitten into their home, where he immediately declared war on her pair of large, well-behaved pussycats and declared himself King.

Venison for dinner! She nodded. The Temple of Siam where the king lived and ruled. Squad - 2 On the Brink". FAIR, A. James Bond : by Various Authors. FONG, C.

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Garland's Mistress? Polton Explains". Pinkerton Goes to Scotland Yard". FAIR ;. GILL, B. Gold Medal Book Soft Cover. Book Condition: Very Good. Good Girl Art Painted Cover! Like Kerrigan, the stevedore, the old-young man with the strength of three and the secret dreams of a life away from the hell of Vernon Street. They fell in love and they would have been all right, except for Vernon Street.

It stood between them, this crooked length of scarred, cracked asphalt - an abyss that held them worlds apart. Mass Market Paperback. Bookseller Inventory Book Condition: Near Good. First Paperback Ed.