e-book 50 things not to say before, during or after sex.

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27 things men do in bed that women hate

These studies showed that transmission does not occur below this level. However, a blip could indicate a problem if it happens around the same time as missed or late doses of your medication, or if your viral load stays above detectable on two consecutive tests. Occasionally people have undetectable HIV in blood and have low levels of HIV in other body fluids, but very rarely at infectious levels. About one in six people on their first HIV treatment regimen either never have an undetectable viral load or their treatment stops working in the first year.

50 Things You Don't Say to Your Partner - Fighting Words to Avoid in a Relationship

During the second year on treatment, the chance of your therapy ceasing to work is about one in twenty and this declines further over the next decade to about a one-in-fifty chance of failure in any one year. Almost everyone who goes on to a second or third regimen reduces their viral load to an undetectable level.

If you are having problems sticking with your treatment, talk to your doctor and they may be able to find a drug combination that suits you better. An undetectable viral load will prevent you from passing HIV on during oral sex , vaginal sex and anal sex. Condoms are not needed to prevent HIV transmission when your viral load is undetectable. But an undetectable viral load is also crucial for conception, pregnancy and birth.

If you maintain an undetectable viral load during pregnancy , the risk of HIV being passed on to your baby is just 0. During breastfeeding , an undetectable viral load greatly reduces the risk of passing HIV on, although it does not completely eliminate this possibility. In the UK and other countries where clean water and sterilising equipment are available, bottle feeding with formula milk is the safest way to feed your baby.

Primary tabs View active tab Preview email. Roger Pebody. January Next review date. This page was last reviewed in January It is due for review in January Related topics. HIV treatment.

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Sexual health. Sexual transmission. Viral load. People fantasize about a lot of things: a no-expenses-barred vacation in Bora Bora, finally getting promoted to the corner office, one full day where no one wants or needs a single thing from you… And fantasizing about those things are fun, because you just might get them one day. And, sometimes, those fantasies can be a little troubling—like, say, fantasizing about having sex with someone besides your partner.

Confused about what your sexual fantasies might mean? These are a few of the most common ones. Looking for a Christian Grey to your Anastasia Steele?

52 Things Guys Should NEVER Say After Sex

Nearly 65 percent of women fantasize about being dominated sexually, according to a survey of more than 1, people that was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Eighty-nine percent of the 4, Americans surveyed by social psychologist Justin Lehmiller, Ph.

SEX Fails! 50 Things to NEVER Say While Having Sex

What you'll find below is a cheat sheet on what not to do after sex. Being familiar with these post-coital no-nos can often be a deciding factor on whether you rise or fall in your partner's esteem, and maybe your own as well. A lot of men are familiar with the urge to zonk out after their orgasm. In all seriousness, though, there are a few reasons dudes want to hit the hay immediately after sex: It often takes place around bedtime, we're already in bed, it's likely that we've exerted ourselves physically, and so on.

Orgasm also releases a cocktail of chemicals that often work like a mega dose of Nyquil. Your best move, though, is to resist the urge to drop off until you've considered all the other items on this list.

In our recent article, we talk about being present during the act of sex. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that being present in the afterglow is just as important. If you disconnect, you'll leave her feeling unsafe and insecure. Several studies have looked at the ability of bacteria and viruses like Human Papilloma Virus HPV to hang out on sex toys if they're not cleaned properly. Falling asleep before you clean any sex toys you've used increases the likelihood of one or both of you getting an infection that requires a trip to your doctor's office, taking sex off the table for a while.

Quality sex toys come with detailed, item-specific care instructions; make sure you know what they are so you can play safe to play more.

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Sex can—and some say should —be a wet and wild experience. But a common consequence of no-holds-barred sex is often a puddle of juices that can be rather uncomfortable to lie in—and not taking your partner's comfort into consideration after sex is a definite no-no. As previously mentioned, sex can be a sweaty, gooey, and sometimes fragrant activity. Indeed, that's what a lot of people like about it! There are actually some very good reasons to wash up after sex , but you shouldn't be in too much of a hurry to do it.


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Give her a clear message that you love all of her and you're not in a rush to wash it all away.