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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Michael E. Williams is senior pastor at West End United The Storyteller's Companion to the Bible Volume 8: Daniel and Revelation - Kindle edition by Rick Lowery, Michael E. Williams, Fred A. Shaw.
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About Michael E. Michael E. Books by Michael E. Trivia About The Storyteller's Children usually want something to do when they aren't in school. They are, then, susceptible to a VBS invitation. Go all out and reach them. If those who attend VBS, and their families, are follow up with an evangelistic interest, outreach will be achieved. Teaching and training is a second major goal. Once the children are at VBS, there is ample time to introduce and reinforce Biblical truths.

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VBS should teach and train both the Christian and the unsaved. Careful planning must be given to every facet of the VBS program to make sure good teaching is done. Other goals may permeate your planning. Some churches make VBS a time for missions' emphasis and education.


Others program heavily for recreation. These all seem to be legitimate program emphases if they are plugged into the broader goals of evangelism and teaching. No one can define your church's goals except those of you who make up the congregation. No one can define the direction for your VBS except those who are called to lead it. One would hope, however, that you will strike a fine balance between evangelism and teaching. The choice is critical, for it colors every other decision you make.

The following acrostic suggest some of the necessary qualities. T - teachability. An effective teacher is willing to learn. He seeks new information, tried new methods, and continues to grow in his personal spiritual life. E - example. An effective teacher, especially in the Sunday school, must be a worthy example of what he is teaching. The teacher models the process of Christian growth. A - attitude. An effective teacher is positive. He believes in his pupils.

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  6. He believes that he is doing God's work. He really wants to teach. C - commitment. An effective teacher is committed first to the Lord Jesus Christ, to His Word, the Bible, and to the ministry of sharing Jesus with people. He is committed even in the face of difficulties that he will most certainly encounter. H - sense of humor. An effective teacher possesses a healthy sense of humor. Although he need not be an extremely witty person, he appreciates the humor of his students and circumstances. E - enthusiasm.

    An effective teacher has a zest for living, a joy in the Christian life, and the enthusiasm to share his joy with the individuals who make up his class. R - good relationships with people. An effective teacher understands that his goal is to help individuals to know the Lord. Therefore, he loves people and builds personal relationships with them. He is interested in people and is sensitive to their needs. He never forgets that his message is to people and for people. You teach the Bible to enable your pupils to learn and to practice what God would have them learn and do.

    Earlier in this book we devoted a chapter to your purpose as a teacher. Here it is repeated in seventeen words - to enable your pupils to learn and to practice what God would have them know and do. He is never going to know everything the Bible has to teach, no matter how long he studies it. The more he teaches it contents to others, the more he will earn, for the teacher always learns more than the pupil. Because he is a volunteer worker with many other duties, he does not have the time to do all of the preparation necessary.

    Therefore he is provided with quarterlies, commentaries, paper and other helps which aid him in his study of the Bible. He ought, however, to understand the Bible to an extent that will help him to separate the wheat from the chaff in lesson helps. He ought also to be better informed regarding the Scriptures than are those whom he is teaching.

    The teacher ought to be award of a great truth. The Bible is God speaking to us. Prayer is when we talk with him, but in the Holy Scriptures God talks with us. Regard them accordingly.

    The Storytellers Companion to the Bible Volume 8 Daniel and Revelation Download

    Never try to explain them away. Do not apologize for them. Do not put men's opinions ahead of them. Teach them for what they are - God's Word. Will VBS continue to be the same effective tool that it has been to the present? VBS has been a flexible tool. Though there are many similarities between Mrs. Hawes' first VBS and one conducted today, the changes are also evident.

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    VBS is shorter in length now, but probably with little significant loss of ministry because of more extensive youth and camping programs than there were in the past. Now VBS often meets at night, allowing inclusion of a far wider age group than in Today's VBS sometimes moves out of the church building into backyard settings in a effort to penetrate neighborhoods evangelistically. For a time, evangelistic emphasis seemed to wane in many churches, but a recent resurgence of interest has changed that.

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    6. All in all, VBS has been a wonderfully flexible tool. The future is bright as churches catch a vision of the magnitude of the VBS ministry. Scripture tells us so. Learners are developing persons, those in process, and are governed by the principles of human development.

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      Effective educators understand both the biblical and psychological realities as they plan programs and lessons to meet the needs of learners. Human learners possess a uniqueness that must be understood by a prospective teacher. This uniqueness cannot be seen apart from Scripture. Persons are a creation of God, the crowning part of God's creative enterprise Psalm 8. They were made in God's image Genesis ; , created to have fellowship with Him.

      These divinely created individuals share in God's ability to feel, to think, to express emotion, and to be able to distinguish right from wrong. They were given by God the task of managing the remainder of the creation and to subdue and use it for their own enjoyment and to honor God Genesis ; Psalm Humans were made for relationship, to experience the full gamut of emotions, to love and be loved, to feel, to respond. They were created with the ability to choose whether or not to obey God Genesis However, people chose to disobey God, to pursue their own devices rather than to follow God's desires for His people.

      The result was sin, the awful separation of God from His creation record in Genesis 3. And when sin entered the world, every aspect of humankind's makeup was affected. Thinking became distorted.