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South New York, NY Please check the plaques being ordered and add postage and handling charges. That I am writing now, within itself, may be some reflection of its continuing appeal. Perhaps by just discovering this series after its cancellation, I saved myself a great deal of distress at the "powers that were" who could only find Catherine's death as a way to explain Linda Hamilton's departure. I would have thought that the writers, produc- ers and directors who had fans waiting patiently to see the Vincent-Catherine relationship evolve over time would have given the consummation of their love more consideration than a sick Vincent laid out in a cave.

Perhaps the first 45 seconds symbolizing the joining of these two characters was all the time TV editing would allow. Equally, though, I think Catherine deserved better after all the romance, beauty and magical hype written into the show than to finally do it one time with Vincent in a cold, dark cave, get pregnant and die. It's kind of like the difference between a romantic weekend in the Caribbean and the back seat of a Chevy Has the appeal of this show died along with the episode which killed Catherine? For myself and friends who viewed "Though Lovers Be Lost," it will forever rank high on our list of emotionally depressing movies which ex- emplify the hopelessness of love and life, rather than inspiring hope.

It's definitely not something to watch in a blue mood. Making Vincent so to- tally impotent that can be taken any way you would like and incapable of "watching over, protecting and loving Catherine 'til his last breath" paraphrased from "Orphans" and then killing her off while he stood around looking lost was akin to killing off Captain Kirk prior to the end of the first five-year mission of the Enterprise and turning Spock into a mindless idiot.

What would there have been left for Trek fans current and future to rally around? The way Spock dealt with his feelings of incompetence when Kirk needed him most? The "beauty" of the show was Vincent and Catherine's ability to rise above the realities and limitations confronting their respec- tive lives. For all that people may want to debate about Gene Roddenberry's personal and profes- sional involvement with Star Trek, he was adamant in keeping the Trek Universe alive. Thus, when the world was ready to concede the undeni- able appeal of Star Trek, the Trek Universe was intact for others to expand upon and continue to explore.

Obviously, the series' impact to the thou- sands who viewed it at the time and those of us just discovering it now, was not worth the masochistic satisfaction of someone cutting out the show's heart.

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How short-sighted — not to mention the financial loss!! I've read the great debate letters from other fans on the reason for, and reaction to, Catherine's death. Three to sii weeks fordettverv. SeodSl foracatalogue. Hamilton certainly wasn't playing as one of the boys when she announced other priorities in her life which did not include continuing her role as Catherine. No other reason beyond spite makes much sense for taking away the character. Another ac- tress could have been brought in to replace Hamilton.

While it would take some adjustment, it certainly would have been a smoother transition than bringing in the Diane Bennett character as Vincent's new love interest. In fact, I don't view Hamilton's departure as the real debate issue although how it was handled and the controversy it created most certainly contributed to the love- hate relationship that many of us now have toward the post-Catherine episodes.

The real problem would have been if Ron Perlman as Vincent had decided to leave. I can't imagine that there are many male actors who could have "worn" this role and played it with such strength. However, any productive fan efforts must be spent in reconciling myself to the loss of one of the principal characters, which is what this letter is all about.

What a waste of "fan energy! Imagine how different the Star Trek phe- nomenon would have been if the reality that "starship captains do get killed and Vulcan first officers must take over, etc.

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I doubt if the first Trek convention would have ever been held on the heels of a dead Kirk! Home: Nara Island off fhe Irish coast. History: In Apparently, those guakes released them after millions of years of undersea hibernation. They were unaware that their prisoner was an infant. Its larger parent came to its rescue, destroying much of London in the process. Weakness: Dislikes fire Parent Gorgo: About feet tall Last sighting: After the rescue, parent and child returned to the sea.

No further sightings have been reported The parent Gorgo is attacked by the Royal Air Force as it attempts to rescue its chRd.

Live Reaction | The Seven Deadly Sins Chapter 192 - Hendrickson & Zaratras vs Fraudrin

From Gorgo the video episodes. My answer may be simplistic, but it's true to the hearts of many fans. Opening pay Someone may ask whether a viewing audience would be gullible enough to believe a new storyline which would bring Catherine back from her two-hour death in "Though Lovers Be Lost. This is the same audience that for two years believed that a human beast lived in an elaborate underground structure below the New- York subways with his father and a separate society of homeless, indigent people. Many are the same audience that saw Spock die and return on the big screen. The overwhelming feeling of the fans was: We're glad you're back.

It doesn't neces- sarily require a motion picture to do this. Koslow saw so many sub- plots to explore without the Catherine-Vincent re- lationship, but they lead to a dead end. The ratings may not have stayed up, but then neither have the ratings of most quality- shows. Now that the show- has been off the air for three years, why not give back the original formula so that the dream can live on through the fans?

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 13, 12222, #192

I also believe that Vincent and Catherine lived happily ever after. Vincent will not die as long as he lives on in the minds and imaginations of our fans. Neither has Catherine in the minds and hearts of most of the show's continuing fans. Ron Koslow, it's your turn to repair the tale in order that the fans can revive the dream through the characters that embodied that dream.

Your idea was much too good to let it end like that. Stephanie J. Lopez Address Withheld I have been waiting for someone to comment on the apparent discrepancy between the two quotes attributed to Ron Koslow in Edward Gross' article "Movie of the Beast" in There is a simple explanation.

The quote concerning Linda Hamilton was relatively recent. That introduction was dated March I can well understand why Randie Pressman in her letter in issue felt the quote about Jo Anderson was said "in the next breath. The third season controversy which for most viewers is a dead issue aside, the article was at the very least "grossly" misleading. To all you moaning readers out there who feel sorry for Ridley Scott and James Cameron be- cause you dislike ALIEN , have you ever thought that they might like the film?

As for me. I thought the film was brilliant, as it has style, spectacular FX, great acting and guts for being different unlike that Lethal Weapon 3 trash which is just a rehash of the previous nonsense. As for Adam Kargman of Scottsdale, AZ, where on Earth did you get the idea that the screenplay went through 27 writers? Is it possible you got this number mixed up with David Fincher's age?

Fincher did a wonderful job. Greg George of Babson Park said, "James Cameron was meticulous in his sequel, matching ever ' little detail. David Fincher's effort doesn't even bother. The idea that a cocooned person would form into the egg was scrapped by Cameron and he made the Alien look so weak it could be killed by regular gunfire after Ridley Scott told us that it was "the perfect organism. Perhaps James Cameron's personal feelings on Giger's work had something to do with it.

Despite my griping, I think all three films are great.

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