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FOR new ideas new words are needed, in order to secure clearness of language by avoiding the confusion inseparable from the employment of the same term.
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Get them this book. I had never tasted anything so cool and clean.

A Book Surprisingly Ahead of its Time

They made me feel civilized. Bond , into the cocktail revival of the mids and beyond. A great read, and not at all diluted by the 75 pages or so of martini recipes that follow.

7 New Books About Craft Beer And Spirits

Rather like gin and vermouth, one might say. This is one of the most useful books a wine lover can own. The edition has a plethora of new maps and information, reflecting changes in the world of wine over the past six years or so. Study the third book: Hopes and Consolations.

Everyone who entertains noble thoughts in their hearts and believe in the good read the book from start to finish. Those who only found subject for prank, our lament. Bordeaux, 25 th April Dear Sir,.

Fortunately I did not lose with the wait as the book goes beyond any idea I might had, based on the prospects. Impossible to describe the effect it had on me.

I feel like someone coming out of the darkness. It feels like a door, closed until now, suddenly opened to me and my ideas amplified in a few hours. Oh, how much humanity and those miserable concerns seem greedy and puerile sided by this future, which I envisaged but which was so much masked by prejudice that I could only imagine. Those who, on reading this book, meditate, as I did, will find an endless treasure of consolations as it encompasses all phases of the existence. I have suffered, along my life, losses which vividly affected me; today they do not cause me any distress and my only concern is to usefully employ my time and capabilities to accelerate my own progress hence now, for me, good has an objective and I understand that a useless life is an egoistic one, which will not help us to progress in our future life.

When I am in Paris I will have the honor to look for you and, if not an inconvenience, I will request some explanations about certain parts of the book, and a few advices about the application of the moral laws under certain personal circumstances.


You may have, Sir, the expression of my whole gratitude, since you have done me enormous good, showing me the only path to real happiness in this world and thus, hopefully, a better place in the other one. Lyon, 4 th July Sir, D How much consolation in your teachings to our poor humanity!

As for myself, I confess, I feel stronger and more encouraged to withstand the penalties and annoyances of my poor existence. I have shared the acquired convictions, during the study of your work, with many friends. All feel very happy; they now understand the inequalities of social positions and no longer complain against the Divine Providence; hope, supported by a happier future, as long as behaving accordingly, give them comfort and courage.

I wish, Sir, I could be useful to you.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I am a simple person of the people, raised on an insignificant position through work, lacking instruction, as I was obliged to work since childhood. Nevertheless, I have always loved God and done my utmost to be useful to my neighbors. That is why I always look for things that can make them happier. Let us unite, all scattered adepts, and make every effort to help you. You have raised the flag and it is our duty to follow you.

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We count on your support and advice. Respectfully, Sir, if you allow me to call you my comrade, your dedicated We thus summarize here, with pleasure, the answers we have given to such questions. It is an opportunity to pay tribute of gratitude to so many people who had the good will of supporting us. Type keyword s to search. Temi Oyelola. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

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