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The Fallen Man: Nature's Revenge [Frederick J. Tidball] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Fallen Man: Nature's Revenge By: Frederick.
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And the presumably unbiased i. Revenge is, by nature, personal; justice is impersonal, impartial, and both a social and legal phenomenon. The driving impetus behind revenge is to get even, to carry out a private vendetta, or to achieve what, subjectively, might be described as personal justice.

If successful, the party perceiving itself as gravely injured experiences considerable gratification: their retaliatory goal has been achieved—the other side vanquished, or brought to its knees. Just or not, the avenger feels justified. On the other hand, social justice is impersonal. It revolves around moral correction in situations where certain ethical and culturally vital principles have been violated. When justice is successfully meted out, the particular retribution benefits or protects both the individual and society—which can operate effectively only when certain acceptable behavioral guidelines are followed.

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Revenge is an act of vindictiveness; justice, of vindication. Two wrongs do not make a right and ethically speaking never can. Degrading another only ends up further degrading oneself. Or to behave vengefully is, at best, to take the low road to justice. In opposition, justice is grounded in assumptions, conventions, and doctrines having to do with honor, fairness, and virtue.

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That is, bloodthirstiness has no part—or should have no part—in precepts of justice, at least not in the way the term is presently employed. Revenge is about cycles; justice is about closure. Revenge has a way of relentlessly repeating itself as in interminable feuds, such as the Hatfields and McCoys —and ever more maliciously. Revenge typically begets more revenge. Unlike tic-tac-toe, tit for tat is a game without end.

One side gets satisfaction, then the other is driven to get its satisfaction, and then, theoretically, ad infinitum. There can be no resolution, no compromise. Each faction say, Israel and Palestine has its own agenda, its own sense of right and wrong. And the righteous rigidity of each side usually demands that some trusted outsider intervene if matters are ever to be settled.

On Anger, an excerpt from Anger, Mercy, Revenge by Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Justice, in contrast, is designed by individuals or officials generally not linked to the two opposing camps to offer a resolution far more likely to eventuate in closure—especially if, in fact, it is just equitable. Revenge is about retaliation; justice is about restoring balance. The motive of revenge has mostly to do with expressing rage , hatred, or spite. On the contrary, justice is concerned with dispassionately restoring balance by bringing about equality—or better, equity.

It centers on proportion as it equates to fairness. Not driven by emotion, restorative justice—meted out by a court of law—seeks to be as objective and evenhanded as possible. Great article - unfortunately the concept is based upon justice being available. Where do we find justice? Courts, law, church - where? There is no impartial justice, everything is skewed. The social systems in place designed to bring justice and woefully inadequate - look at the levels of discrimination and bias in the courts, in society, it's a game to be played and the best players win.

It's rarely about what it right. And if it's deeply personal and you can't get justice for the wrong that was was imposed on you - what are you left with but submission or revenge? As someone once said "Go to a brothel if you want justice, go to court if you want to be screwed. Having been a psychotherapist for 30 yrs specializing in sexual assault, I find that your kind of discussion about revenge leaves out some important facts.

Sexual assault victims rarely get justice. Therefore, thoughts of revenge are very normal and predictable. When victims are shamed, admonished, criticized and condemned for wanting revenge or even going after revenge, sexual predators are emboldened further. The script gets flipped and the victim becomes the perpetrator and the perpetrator becomes the victim. I'm not taking a position on the moral view of revenge. But it seems to me that sexual perpetrators need to learn that if they victimize, they better watch their backs. They don't get to choose how people are going to reacts to being victimized.

Stigmata IV - Nature's Revenge

They should expect that there will be consequences. Perhaps their having a better understanding of human nature would deter some percentage of predators. And perhaps, the idea of revenge needs to be approached in a different manner. I agree with much of what you cited in your article. What about the death penalty for killers. Is this not perceived revenge? The victim is usually victorious once the killer is sentenced to death. I don't agree that revenge always begets more revenge. Sometimes just getting back at someone once is enough for satisfaction.

I think man has the proclivity to seek revenge whether they will admit it or not, and whether it's called revenge, avenge, or justice. Let's say criminal A Let's call him Jake A Life Sentence behind bars? That dosen't bring back the family member. It dosen't help the family members who visit the grave knowing that "Jake" is pumping iron in the yard or watching TV in the rec room So who benefits?

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The taxpayer who pays for the incarceration? Maybe if a family member puts a bullet in jake's brain it won't remove the pain of losing a family member I don't agree with the death penalty. I don't agree with a life behind. Btw you forgot to all the B's court proceedings that just bring the cost of so called "justice" up. Yup there is a part of me that says just kill the bastard and cut the B's. But the reality is we, society especially elected officials, invest more money in punishment vs prevention.

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  8. If people got the help, justice, support, a fair wage they needed at the beginning housing, education, healthcare which includes mental then revenge would be less frequent and severe. We are a society of cowards who won't dare hold anyone accountable for fear of damaging our own networks and reputations.

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    No one trusts each other. Punishing wrong doers is brave and noble, or the closest thing we've got right now. Studying the work of Rene Girard has been the only illuminating and workable consolation for me regarding mankind and violence. Here are the 4 major points the 4th will irritate most no doubt, but Girard approached the Bible as historical literature, not sacred text.

    But cloaking it in an institution doesn't make it any better, any more than cloaking superstition in a "church" makes it rational. I'm wondering how well Dr. Seltzer knows the case. Depending on your point of view, Zimmerman may or may not have engaged in anti-social behavior prior to the actual conflict. For sure it was not criminal. The only crime committed was Martin's attempt to administer 'street justice'. If watching another person is criminal we would not have a society at all for even the jailers would have to be locked up.

    American Revenge Narratives

    As to anti-social behavior being the root cause of the conflict, had Martin been behaving in school he would have been home in Miami Gardens, not Sanford. I was enjoying the above article until Seltzer brought in his personal bias by mentioning Zimmerman. Seltzer certainly does not know the facts in this case, apparently only what he read in the newspaper.

    Martin was the one attempting street justice, and he paid. The case was investigated by Florida Dept of Law Enforcement as well as by the Obama administration's Dept of Justice, and both found insufficient evidence to file any charges against Zimmerman. As for Zimmerman's subsequent actions, I wonder if Seltzer is able to put his Ph.

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    Great point, sir. Zimmerman broke no laws. There was zero evidence to the contrary. For these reasons he was not charged. The Obama "Traygone looks like my son" Administration race baiters went so far as to spend federal funds to transport and pay for professional protestors and agitators to infest FL, with the express purpose of perverting justice and public opinion. This failure of objectivity and education on the facts soiled this entire article just as I already began to seriously question its previous positions and arguments. Get educated! The author, in my opinion, presented that as an example of a miscarriage of justice in an unbiased manner and provided George Zimmerman's ongoing violent, illegal behavior as evidence of his character and personality.

    These aggressive characteristics, his basically flawed and violent personality framework, is not only in reaction to what he did. It is a continuation of George Zimmerman before he killed Trayvon Martin. Nothing new, more of the same, how he justified killing Trayvon Martin, at least to himself.

    Aside from that, I'm really commenting to inform PT. Of course, they are not racist because they are wrong about this case. They use racist keywords. They repeat proven lies about the President's behavior based on his perceived race and color compared to Trayvon Martin's perceived race and color. I read a lot of things that I disagreed with but then I realized I'm confusing justice with law.