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the Buddhist Conscience of Gotama: a new translation and guide for application of the teachings of the Buddha Gotama [Shakyamuni Gotama, Aaron Brachfeld].
Table of contents

Ma nayahetu: Do not believe something merely because it accords with your philosophy. Ma akaraparivitakkena: Do not believe something because it appeals to "common sense". Ma ditthinijjhanakkhantiya: Do not believe something just because you like the idea. Ma bhabbarupataya: Do not believe something because the speaker seems trustworthy. Ma samano no garuti: Do not believe something thinking, "This is what our teacher says".

According to these ten teachings of Buddha, it is up to the individual to consider each thing by themself, in another words, they are the light of themself. The charter provides individuals full rights to thought, to belief, to decide, to choose what the expectation they may have for themselves without this being based on traditions or customs that they belong to. It further extends to common opinion, the scriptures, logical reasoning, deductive patterns or inference, common sense or outward appearance, majority beliefs, because it agrees with their ideas, the speaker seems reliable and, finally, the speaker is their teacher or a respected person.

Buddha has provided freedom to his followers either to accept or to reject his teachings based on critical observation and analysis. He rightly encourages his disciples to think thoroughly and critically before accepting his teachings. Well-proclaimed by himself Svakkhatobhagavatadhammo 2. Self-realized sanditthiko 3.

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Followed by fruit without delay of immediate result akaliko 4. Brought to oneself opaneyyiko 6.

Nation, p. Sri Dhammananda, the king of Kosala named Pasenadi was very disappointed when he heard that his Queen Mallika had given birth to a daughter. For she may grow up wise and virtuous, her husband's mother reverencing true wife, a daughter. The soul in both is the same. The two live the same life, have the same feelings. Each is a complement of the other.

The one cannot live without the other's active help. But somehow or other man has dominated woman from ages past, and so woman has developed an inferiority complex. She has believed in the truth of man's interested teaching that she is inferior to him. Kripalani, p. Individual, social and world suffering are the result of imbalance of greed, hatred, delusion or ignorance. A case study of this is, the conflict between the Sakya and Koliya kingdoms related to inequality in water- distribution- from the Rohini River, which borders the two Kingdoms, leading to conflict.

The two were set to fight about this issue when Buddha went to interrupt them and solved the problem.

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According to The Sunday Times, Mr. Sarath N. The first is the failure to develop the cognitive faculties to the fullest and to see as it is the factors that cause the conflictual situation to arise. Buddha spent his 6 years to find out the way for escaping from daily problems. Finally he got the thing which he wished for, which is the true knowledge of reality. The practical methods of Buddha are contained in the Four Noble Truths. Now what are they?

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They are: 1. There is suffering. This should be understood 2. The cause of human suffering. This should be abandoned 3. End of suffering. This should be realized 4. Paths leading to the end of human suffering. These should be practiced Human Suffering in the State of the Absence of Human Rights Buddha began his observations from the effect or the fact which can be experienced to that cause of the facts or cause of the problem.

It is similar to the scientific method, which starts from investigations of general facts and arrives at assumptions through verification of those facts.

Gotama the Buddha Son of Earth | Bhagavan | Gautama Buddha

He observed various things that happened around him and, of course, those things are the effects of some causes. These problems, according to Buddha, are the effect of some causes or the facts to people. In addition to this, he also claimed that there are many levels and forms of problems, simply state, many physical and mental levels.

Buddha classified human suffering into three categories, namely;1 suffering of suffering, which includes sickness, old age and death, 2 suffering of change, which consists of social and political movements, 3 finally, all-pervasive suffering, which includes suffering of loss, depression, jealous, avarice, anger, hatred, violence, and delusion. In the absence of human rights dhamma , people suffer due to violence, hatred and ignorance, technologies and various kinds of development and movements.

The suffering of people should be identified and understood as the biggest problem of all. Of course, it is very practical that when you have a sound sleep and in the morning you wake up to see the ground is wet, you will assume that it was raining last night. Because you see the effect, the wet ground and you dare to conclude that it was raining cause of wet ground.

According to Buddha, human suffering is caused by human themselves. And the main cause of this suffering is that humans bind strongly to greed, hatred and ignorance. He also strongly believed that the main cause of every problem is ignorance Avidya , Again, in the example of the conflict between the two Kingdoms we see that humans were facing suffering, violence, hunger, and killing among the humans themselves.

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This is due to social change, which Buddha termed the change. Kalupahana, p. Wherever there is conflict and war, there is also the solution.

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When the cause of human suffering, greed, hatred, are controlled, then the state of peace and happiness will exist. Applying the Paths to End Human Suffering You should note that the very biggest problem for Buddha was how to eliminate human suffering, which exists in many forms of life, and interfered in all lifestyles and at all stages of life. The Buddha himself applied this in practices and achieved the goal, Nibbana, which completely eliminated all forms of his problem suffering. Buddha applied the fourth truth as shown in the table below: 1.

Right Understanding and Right thought: Understand problems as they are, suffering as suffering, or things as they really are. Penetrate into the real nature of suffering, its sources, sizes, and constraints. It is the identification and recognition of the suffering as suffering, big as big, and small as small.

Gautama Buddha

Then now observe the ethical cultures or, in other words, human rights, which are essential behaviors for human society. Buddha has suggested people should avoid unethical cultures, such as telling lies, vain talk, biases, bad habits, subjectivism, stealing, violence, and killing, Ethical cultures or human rights are seen to include: Right Speech: Sometimes I call this good communication, real communication or right communication.

Abstaining from lying, from tale-bearing, from harsh language, and from vain talk are called Right Speech. Everyone has the right to speech but this right is limited. Right Action: Abstaining from murder, from stealing, and from adultery.

Gotama the Buddha Son of Earth

This right action opens the room for the right to life, to property and to security of person in the human rights of the modern day. Right Livelihood: Taking the correct lifestyle within your dreams and plans without choosing it based on what is popular or what is tradition is called Right Livelihood. People have different natures, talents, capacities and education, so their lifestyles should also be different.

You can imagine, when Buddha left his home and family to do research within his plan and dream how many people agreed with him to let him achieve his plan? It seems like no one approved his actions. People are happy to see you always with them. But they are unhappy or come to criticize you when you are doing something different. This is simple. According to this, everyone has right to do what he or she wants to do; for business everyone is freed to do any business except human trafficking, drug smuggling…and other causes suffering.

It serves both to support the practice ethical culture and prepares us to attain wisdom. Mental development or mental attitude is as below: Right Effort: This is one of the mental attitudes towards the object of thought and actions. The reason why Buddha assigned Right Effort as a mental attitude is that there are many ways to achieve things. One is too difficult and another is too loose, one is to increase the problem and another is to maintain the problem, Avoiding these things is Right Effort.

There are Four Efforts in the Buddhist perspective.