Guide Swans and Swine

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Swans, Swine, and Swindlers: Coping with the Growing Threat of Mega-Crises and Mega-Messes (High Reliability and Crisis Management) by Ian Mitroff.
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Hundreds of miles away, angry citizens would protest the rising stench from piles of dead ducks and swans, their rotting bodies collecting by the thousands along river banks. And three unrelated individuals would stagger into three different hospitals, gasping for air. Two would quickly die of severe pneumonia and the third would lay in critical condition in an intensive care unit for many days.

Government officials would announce that a previously unknown virus had sickened three people, at least, and killed two of them. And while the world was left to wonder how the pigs, ducks, swans, and people might be connected, the World Health Organization would release deliberately terse statements, offering little insight. But the facts delineated are all true, and have transpired over the last six weeks in China.

The events could, indeed, be unrelated, and the new virus, a form of influenza denoted as H7N9, may have already run its course, infecting just three people and killing two. The vision of a few dead pigs on the surface of the Huangpu was every bit as jarring for local Chinese as porcine carcasses would be for French strolling the Seine, Londoners along the Thames, or New Yorkers looking from the Brooklyn Bridge down on the East River. And the nightmarish sight soon worsened, with more than animal bodies found by sunset on that Sunday evening.

The first few pig carcass numbers soon swelled into the thousands, turning Shanghai spring into a horror show that by March 20 would total more than 15, dead animals. The river zigzags its way from Zhejiang province, just to the south of Shanghai, a farming region inhabited by some 54 million people, and a major pork-raising district of China.

The pig carcasses were swiftly traced back to key farms in Zhejiang, and terrified farmers admitted that they had dumped the dead animals into the Huangpu. Few Chinese asked, "What killed the pigs? And across China — especially in Beijing — air pollution was so bad in January and February that pollution particulate levels routinely peaked at higher than 10 times the U.

When I was in Beijing in late January, the air pollution was so thick that it visually looked like fog, obscuring all sunlight and even skyscrapers located less than three city blocks away.

Swans, Swine, and Sirens

So, hideous as the pig carcasses might be, Shanghai residents tended to shrug them off as yet another example of the trade-offs China is making, pitting prosperity against pollution. Known as "the Sky City" for its 2,foot-tall central tower, Changsha is home to more than 7 million people and capital of Hunan province.

Along with some 50 dead pigs, authorities collected a few thousand dead ducks from the Xiang on March 22 and Two days later, another mass duck and swan die-off was spotted, this time along the Sichuan River hundreds of miles to the north, near Lake Qinghai. The lake is the most important transit and nesting site for migratory aquatic birds that travel the vast Asia flyway, stretching from central Siberia to southern Indonesia. In , a mass die-off of aquatic birds in and around Lake Qinghai resulted from a mutational change in the long-circulating bird flu virus, H5N1 — a genetic shift that gave that virus a far larger species range, allowing H5N1 to spread for the first time across Russia, Ukraine and into Europe, the Middle East and North Africa — it has remained in circulation across the vast expanse of Earth for the last seven years.

On March 25, Chinese authorities seized manufactured pork buns that were found to be made from Zhejiang pigs that had died of the mysterious ailment.

Vietnam faces pork shortage due to African swine fever - Xinhua |

The possibly contaminated pork was in the Chinese food supply. By the end of March, at least 20, pig carcasses and tens of thousands of ducks and swans had washed upon riverbanks that stretch from the Lake Qinghai area all the way to the East China Sea — a distance roughly equivalent to the span between Miami and Boston. Nobody knows how many more thousands of birds and pigs have died, but gone uncounted as farmers buried or burned the carcasses to avoid reprimands from authorities.

While environmental clean-up and agricultural authorities scrambled to remove the unsightly corpses and provide the anxious public with less-than-believable explanations for their demise, a seemingly separate human drama was unfolding.

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On Feb. On March 4, Li went into severe cardio-respiratory failure and succumbed. The day Wu succumbed a third individual, a year-old woman identified as Han, was hospitalized in the city of Nanjing, though she came from distant Chuzhou City, in Anhui province, about miles northwest of Shanghai. Han is reportedly in critical condition, in intensive care.

Everything you need to know about swine flu

To date, no connection between the three individuals has been found. The elderly Li may have been part of a family cluster of illness, as his year old son died of pneumonia in March, and another year-old son suffered respiratory distress, but has survived.

According to Chinese authorities, some of the dead pigs tested antibody-positive for circoviruses , or PCV-2, and samples of the virus were isolated from Huangpu River. The implication was that the Shanghai pigs died of PCV-2, a type of virus that is harmless to human beings, as well as birds. Photographs of the carcasses reveal that the animals were large adult hogs, but PCV-2 does not kill adult pigs — it is lethal to fetuses and newborn piglets.

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The Chinese health authorities have to date offered no cause of death for the ducks and swans, failed to describe any unusual genetic features that might have turned the PCV-2 into an adult pig-killer virus, and insisted there is no connection between the pigs, people, and birds. Though the surviving woman, Han, had some contact with live chickens, according to Xinhua, neither Li nor Wu had any known contact with birds.

Wu has been identified variously as a butcher, meat processor, and employee of a meat plant — all of which might imply he had contact with pigs. An endless science, as we know, is grammar. And life is short; the hindrances are many. Nature] is left, and what is to be taken [i. Soul] is taken; as in the case of the swan and the milk. Both the good Shreyas and the pleasant Preyas approch the man. The wise man pondering over them, makes his choice.

The wise Swan chooses the good Shreyas in preference to the pleasant Preyas. The fool simple-minded swine for the sake of worldly-being prefers the pleasant preyas -Katha Upanishad. This is the reason; iconography of Maa Saraswati — goddess of knowledge — is not completed without swan — the discriminative ability described by Bhagwad Gita. Thus the bird, as it floats on the lake, may be said to drink ksira or milk out of water.

Home About me Contact. Home Dharma. What is your nature like? Swine or Swan? March 3, Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. The fool simple-minded swine for the sake of worldly-being prefers the pleasant preyas -Katha Upanishad This is the reason; iconography of Maa Saraswati — goddess of knowledge — is not completed without swan — the discriminative ability described by Bhagwad Gita. Popular Posts. Murderous pesticides vs Saatvik Pest Control January 8, Religion beliefs, Science and Climate January 6, Gurukul Pre-requisites : Are parents ready?

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