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Book three of London Undead The zombie epidemic in London has been contained, but that's all the werewolf pack that protects the city has been able to.
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They can't walk across the countryside fast enough, in large enough numbers, to pose a threat to people living in more isolated areas. After 28 days, cities aren't the most dangerous places any more - instead, it's the suburban and rural places that are in between major population centres.

Otherwise dull and quiet towns like Bakersfield in California, or Scranton in Pennsylvania, become extremely dangerous, as zombies move out of the biggest cities and along major highways to try and find more food. The big surprise, though, is that even after several months sparsely-populated states like Montana remained almost entirely unscathed. It turns out that, as long as you can survive the first week and get to somewhere isolated, your chances of surviving the zombia apocalypse are pretty good.

You might even be able to start thinking about repopulation, once they've fully decomposed and the vultures have done their work. He is on Twitter as iansteadman. Normally a strong offense is the best defense but in a case of being extremely outnumbered, this is definitely not the best motto. I thought this to be a culturally relevant and FUN way to express the importance of emergency preparedness.

Obviously, zombies are not real yet but the effect of disaster on infrastructure is very real. A good way to get an idea of how life might be in the event of a widespread disaster is to look at how survivors in zombie horror movies… well.. Their first concern is often a safe haven… shelter. This is not much different if at all than those displaced by natural disaster or affected by widespread disease. For those of you worried about government spending, this blog was going to be written regardless of whether or not Dr. The fact that you think this blog costs extra demonstrates that you have probably not been to the blog before, which has been in existence for quite some time now.

CDC asked Dr. Khan to make the topic of this blog about emergency preparedness and he did just that.

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A blog that normally gets 3, hits over a period of weeks as received 50, hits in a matter of days. Does the CDC normally work alongside religious professionals such as priests, ministers, and rabbis? Ali, the real question is how does a resiliency framework hold up in the zombie attack? In this post self-sufficiency remains an important component of the resilience framework, but how does the rest of the resilience framework hold up in a zombie apocalypse.

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I agree with the CDC that being prepared for an emergancy is top priorty, but what i dont think anyone relizes is how real this could be. We all must be prepared for natural disaters but i believe the undead walking the earth will be a glorious day for us zombie hunters.

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Well done CDC. If I may suggest: 1. Try to avoid crowded areas. Try not to draw attention. Hooray for the MIW men in white! Thanks again CDC.


Kudos CDC! A large part of your function is advertising and education to increase the public awareness. This particular advertising scheme was pure genius. Also for helping me plan to survive the zombies. Helps fend off the zombies, and makes your food tasty! I have means of protection for my companions and I, too. What a great idea! Would have never looked up an article about emergancy preparation had it not been approached this way.

Love it and glad to know how to get prepared! Thank you! Think of all the little things, you enjoy and take for granted.

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There would be roving bands of living thinking humans whom, without the threat of law, would be more than happy to rape and kill you just to take what you have, and to enjoy whatever sick twisted fantasy they cook up on the spot. I love the idea of linking preparedness with current pop culture and getting the message out through social media. I think that most folks will take the humor in it to prepare their own family plan.

This photo may also lead viewers to leap to the conclusion that folks with phobias and delusions are the ones who may take preparedness seriously.

Survive the real zombie apocalypse, in an abandoned UK shopping mall (updated)

I am also concerned that there may be some negative feedback from the religious community who may give the Agency negative feedback by the linking of Zombies to preparedness. Many religions associtate Zombies to Satanic worship, and this linkage may relfect somewhat badly on the Agency. But you forgot to mention for preparation for a real zombie apocalypse, we have to be armed to the teeth! But its probably not very responsible of the CDC to encourage weaponizing the United States citizens…. Sanitation and Hygiene — Why bother? Clothing and Bedding — Why would you need clothing? Important Documents — Dont bother with all this stuff, its a zombie apocalypse, the first thing youll be thinking is getting out of there alive, just take whatever you got in your wallet and book it.

Hope this helps you all. Now i think that the CDC has gone crazy. If someone is dead that means their body organs stop functioning and the brain controls everything you do and the heart provides the blood for the brain to function correctly and if if the heart stops then the brain stops and can not be made functional again because no blood means that your body cant do anything. Zombies are pure fiction, the dead cant rise and chase us because the bodies have probably decayed and when you die you DIE and nothing can bring you back.

Now that is fact and zombies are fiction. Its common sense. It was a test of the CDC servers, which could well have failed if this had been a real emergency. I would hope that CDC has learned something from this and taken steps to support sudden and massive traffic spikes. Thanks for reading our blog and posting a comment. We did learn a lot about our blog servers during this campaign, however we would like to note that:. CDC is prepared to handle large volumes of Web traffic that may result in public health emergency. Great Information! The CDC is on the right track with this campaign… It brought a lot of awareness to an important subject… Whoever thought it up should get a raise!!!

The existence of the tact taken in writing this blog proves one thing: The zombie apocolypse is already here, and the brain-dead have already been re-animated at the CDC. Just have to say, the basic preparation that the CDC is giving us, is more than adequate in any fall down of the earth.

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You need your basic materials just to survive and if say a tsunami hit us, we would be prepared with the necessary supplies to survive. The CDC is only telling us what we should already know and have set up for when the world is taken over by zombies or by each other. I have been prepared for a zombie outbreak ever since I first watched Shawn of the Dead. Tip 1: As we have learned from zombies in movies, games, and books.

List of zombie novels - Wikipedia

Tip 2: Large groups will slow you down and will raise the chances that the disease will infiltrate your group and within days the whole gang will be undead. On the other hand wandering around by yourself in post apocalyptia will leave you vulnerable and lonely, which can be death sentences around the living dead. So tip 2? And most importantly, make sure that you get along well with each person in the group so that there is no fighting within the group. Keeping yourself clean will help fight off things like flu, the common cold, pink eye, pretty much anything that you could sick from before the zombiepocolypse you can get sick from after the zombiepocolypse.

So make sure to brush your teeth, clean your clothes, and wash behind your ears! Tip 4: You never know how long it will be during the zombie outbreak before you can restock supplies such as water, food, ammo, or medicine. You may need to stock up supplies for as long as months. Running out of food, medicine, ammo, etc… will cripple any chances you have at long term survival in a zombie apocalypse. Well other than the obvious infection the answer is: depression. Depression will lower your immune system, cause stress, and cause you to be tired constantly.