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If you want a child to be your trophy, why not just be a throphy yourself. If you are stressed up, talk to your parents or just ignore it and live as you want. But I do have to wonder…this is the web, not a class in the nomenclature of punctuation…. All posts are projections, bobsmith i. Hina seems to me to be doing a really good job around her own awareness, and is shading her posts with nuance, and understanding…. No style manual, ever, has called them this, and stylizing your brackets as round would be misleading in langauges, and disastrous if you worked in STEM fields.

I would double check your source on that. I bring this up with you only because you are claiming the contrary as fact. I mean no insult. He was rudely insulting my reading comprehension skills since I did not recognize that using parenthesis was the same as bracketing, and that in either case this changed the meaning of his words. If you re-read what he wrote, it does not change the unintentional meaning of what he wrote. Thank you. It is clear that she was a sociopath bud. And maybe one day you can have a sociopath for a daughter and have sympathy for her when she tries to murder you too.

And, you simply have neither the diagnostic not clinical experience to state that anyone is a sociopath…. But, I already have a daughter, one who is being brought up with unconditional love and practical and emotional support. Oh crap? Oh man, I am so sorry. Oh man I take back everything I said. I know nothing jon snow. If you ever look into psychology or sociology they do studies and tests and dig deeper into things like this to provide statistics.

The reason why these serial killers all posses extremely similar back stories is clearly becauee all the events and similarities are factors that lead them up to the point where they wanted to kill a lot of people. Is it the parents fault?

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No one person I to blame for any of the events that occurred, the blame lies evenly with many parties involved. Keep spinning little catalyst. Your pretentious web is providing much amusement. You argue this repeatedly, name calling someone who would argue against your assertion with proof that you cannot refute with a single dictionary, language authority, or even corroborated by a single human being other than yourself, and a non-extant Wikipedia citation that you hold up as proof. OK, you win.

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APA is wrong. MLA is wrong. Science is wrong. Technology is wrong, Engineering is wrong.

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Math is wrong. You win. You successfully learned nothing, despite my best efforts. Please leave me alone now. I concede that I was wrong, and that brackets and parenthesis are the same thing, and that bracketing is a commonly understood verb that means to place text in parenthesis. I will not argue anything to the contrary.

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You are a boorish, pedantic nag with a rigid mind, much of which gets fired up by your undue sensitivity. Why is that a bad thing? Is there something in your one weekend course of psychotherapy that says that is bad? But maybe it was not self-stimulation that created the effect in you…other things can have the same impact e. Yes, you are right. Please leave me alone now, any further attacks will be considered harassment. Thanks Hina. This article has stirred up some deep seated issues for many posting here.

I had a privileged upbringing with loving parents and now live in the paradise of the Gulf Islands in BC. I followed my bliss and have a culture related business in Europe. However I have struggled to have empathy for others and only in recent years have I developed a keener sense for what makes people tick.

This is essential for understanding what is behind the actions of others. The big picture take away from this tragedy is that striving for material success and status in the community has become more important than striving for personal and spiritual fulfillment.

In no way is this disturbing trend an Asian or recent immigrant thing. This sets the tone and creates an environment where material success trumps our most basic sense of decency. Winning becomes the only thing and children are not allowed to be children. Thanks for providing another example of your lack of intellectual integrity. My mother was the coldest, the harshest, the most eager to push me to my limits just so I could be competitive with the children of her prestigious friends.

What we absorb during our formative years affects us all differently.

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Two children growing up in the same household under similar stimulus — say, twins, or siblings close in age — may exhibit completely different reactions, and develop completely different coping mechanisms. Even children who grew up in relatively low pressure, nurturing families can get into the wrong friends circle or experience some other outside stimulus, and turn out just like Jennifer did. Why are teenagers encouraged to not have sex? High pressure discipline, especially physical discipline, is much the same in terms of its emotional impact.

Those who manage to turn out fine, with no psychological scars, are the exception, not the rule. Now, in my mid-twenties, I have virtually no grievances left with my parents. I can live with that.

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But when I was younger, I also falsified report cards. Which is all just to say, when you put your children in this kind of environment when they are younger, the chances that they will grow up messed up is incredibly high. However, the line is thin, as you can see. I would never kill my parents; I think most people feel that way. Or, less dramatically: low self-esteem, social anxiety, compulsive lying, the inability to form emotionally healthy relationships.

Not everybody pushed to the edge of a building will jump. Jennifer, whether due to psychological issues or the accumulation of disappointments in her life, jumped. This is an isolated and deeply unfortunate incident, and Jennifer certainly holds the blame for pulling the trigger on this homicide plan. However, what it is that pushes so many people to the edge of the building in the first place is worth discussing also.

This is a classic example of the stereotyping dilemma. However, people are individuals; labels are intrinsically politically incorrect, and can be deeply offensive. Therefore, in attempt not to commit an offensive Type 1 error, we as a society have overcompensated by frequently committing Type 2 error: we disregard any truth that may exist in a stereotype. I am an second generation Asian who spent all my life before college in a predominantly Asian American town. I can speak from personal experience that this parenting style is prevalent in Asian American households, those of immigrants to this country.

I cannot speak for any other cultures, of course. Our parents were shaped by their own upbringings in what were predominantly poor, highly competitive societies; if they were wealthy back in their home country, chances are that in the 70s, 80s, 90s, they would have just stayed there. The ones who came to the States came looking for opportunities that did not exist at home. As a result, they all developed a very stringent and competitive mentality.

Seducing the Plumber 2: Sweet Torture: A Short Erotic Story (Straight)

Competition with their peers is in their nature, because in order to get food and resources our parents had to compete intensely with their peers. Their parenting styles reflect that. They want their kids to maximize their chances at NOT being poor, and they want to compete with their peers by showing off their kids. This all makes sense. When kids are younger, they have no emotional coping mechanism.

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  6. Some kids, by finding good friends and having a good sense of community like my friends and I did, cope relatively better. That is a much harder question to answer. So how do we mitigate the negative effects of this kind of parenting? And this is where I disagree with you, Adam, and your many comments on this article.

    Those who are calling for an examination of culture on here are not trying to draw patterns where none exist to comfort themselves, but rather are reacting to a lifetime of bearing witness to these patterns in their communities and in their home lives. These people are merely pointing out this reality, which is that there is consistent evidence of a systematic flaw in the parenting styles of some cultures — ones that focus purely on discipline, disregarding any kind of healthy, open, emotional communication. I firmly believe it is a discussion that needs to be had, and should not be silenced in favor of avoiding Type 1 error.

    Think about stomach cancer that causes an ulcer. Some people grow up fine, and some people like Jennifer are when the cancer begins to really rear its ugly head.