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A night terror seems similar to a nightmare, but it's far more dramatic. Night terrors can be alarming, but aren't usually cause for concern or a sign of a medical.
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Sachin Relia, M. If she gets out of bed, gently guide her back without trying to wake her up.

Sleep Terrors | Stanford Health Care

But there is no Food-and-Drug-Administration-approved medication to treat pediatric sleep terrors; and few, if any, such alternative treatments have been proven to work. There is evidence, however, that certain medications — such as antihistamines, which lower sleep quality — can trigger episodes.

Relia, which promotes deep sleep without disruptions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that toddlers aged 1 to 2 get between 11 and 14 hours per day including naps ; preschoolers aged 3 to 5 should get 10 to 13 hours; and kids between 6 and 12 should sleep nine to 12 hours daily.

The C. Research suggests that fully waking children 15 to 30 minutes before expected episodes can help ensure peaceful sleep for everyone. Relia recommended trying these scheduled wake-ups every night for one month to see if that fixes the problem, and to continue if necessary. Bobbi Hopkins, M. So can ongoing medical conditions, such as pediatric sleep apnea, a condition that affects roughly 2 percent of children and causes a child to temporarily stop breathing while sleeping.

Symptoms can include snoring, mouth breathing, waking up often, and long pauses in breathing followed by choking or gasping for air.

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If you suspect your child may have sleep apnea, contact your pediatrician. Solving underlying medical conditions can eliminate night terrors as well. Hopkins added that nocturnal seizures share some symptoms with night terrors, including erratic breathing, screaming, sitting up and thrashing. If you notice your child experiencing multiple short episodes in one night, having episodes past the first few hours of sleep or repeating the same behaviors in the same order during every episode, these could be signs of nocturnal seizures and should be discussed with a pediatrician.

In the meantime, it can be helpful to connect with and seek comfort from other parents who are going through the same thing, she said. Christina Couch is a freelance journalist and the assistant director of professional development for the M.

What to do if your child has night terrors

Graduate Program in Science Writing. In contrast, nightmares are more common in the early morning. They may occur after someone watches frightening movies or TV shows, or has an emotional experience. In many cases, no further examination or testing is needed.

If night terror episodes occur often, the child should be evaluated by a health care provider. If needed, tests such as a sleep study , can be done to rule out a sleep disorder. Reducing stress or using coping mechanisms may reduce night terrors. Talk therapy or counseling may be needed in some cases. American Academy of Pediatrics website. Nightmares and night terrors in preschoolers.

Updated October 18, Accessed April 22, Avidan AY. Non-rapid eye movement parasomnias: clinical spectrum, diagnostic features, and management. Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; chap Owens JA. Sleep medicine.

Nightmares and night terrors

In: Kliegman RM, St. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Updated by: Liora C. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Editorial team. Night terrors in children.

'It was me attacking myself': Sleeping with adult night terrors