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Abstract: NTRP , Navy Supplement to the DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, establishes and standardizes the professional language of the U.S. Navy by defining the terminology, acronyms, and abbreviations used in Navy Warfare Library (NWL) publications.
Table of contents

Phrase-level matrices. External matrix. New terms are included in the Dictionary if they meet four criteria, which are defined in Instruction Inadequate coverage in a standard, commonly accepted dictionary; b. Terminology is of general military or associated significance. Technical or highly specialized terms may be included if they can be defined in easily understood language and if their inclusion is of general military or associated significance; c. Term is not a code word, brevity word, or NATO-only term; d.

Term is not Component or Service-specific or functionality-specific unless it is commonly employed by U. He felt overwhelmed at first. All around him were junior officers only three or four years older than he, who were operating this complex machine and rattling off nautical terms in what sounded like a foreign language. Army Field Manual , For example, apocopes or aphaereses are processes typical of oral interaction, as opposed to abbreviations, which pertain to a written register.

Bay [], this particular abbreviation was already in use in the U. Army in the s. Navy amphibious warfare vessels prepositioned in a conflict area, ready to conduct an amphibious assault if needed. Navy's communications, advised sailors to use less jargon and gibberish in a memo issued in Lexis Journal in English Lexicology. Contents - Previous document - Next document. Anthony Saber.

Lexicogenic matrices of U. Spontaneous neology in U. Definitions of lexicogenic matrices. Semantic matrices of military jargon. Semanticization: semanticizing the military alphabet. Resemanticized official abbreviations. Truncations combined with suffixation. Amalgamation and portmanteau words. Semi-metaphorical fictitious idioms. Institutional roles of U. Full text PDF Send by e-mail.

navy supplement to the dod dictionary of military and ... - CIE Hub

Army Field Manual FM Army in the Navy amphibious warfare vessels Navy's communications, advised sailors to use less jargon and Notes 1 Unplanned damage or casualties resulting from a bomb, missile or artillery strike. Top of page. Browse Index Authors Keywords. Follow us RSS feed.

  • DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms - The Black Vault.
  • Lexicogenic matrices and institutional roles of U.S. military jargon.
  • Much more than documents..
  • Appendix 1: Sources used to build the military jargon dataset?
  • Military to Civilian Thesaurus - Matthew J. Louis.
  • Blur (Book 1)!

An area identified by the designated commander in coordination with the unified commander and host nation for arrival, offload, and assembly of forces and equipment and supplies and preparations for subsequent operations. The arrival and assembly area is administrative in nature and does not denote command of a geographic area. Such an area may be inside an amphibious objective area. Within the arrival and assembly area, coordination authority for the following is implied for the designated commander: prioritization and use of airfield, port, and beach facilities and road networks; air traffic control; and logistic support activities.

A command and control agency in each Marine air-ground task force element and the Navy support element that coordinates the logistic functions of the offload of maritime pre-positioning equipment and supplies and the arrival and assembly of forces in the unit assembly area. MCRP 5- 12C. A staff agency composed of the Marine air-ground task force personnel and a liaison from the Navy support element, to control the arrival and assembly operations.

The angle between the fore-and-aft axis of a target and the line of sight, measured from the target heading to starboard or port. May be expressed in general terms, e. Also see target angle.

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A group of airmen who conduct airfield assessments to determine feasibility and usability. Lead element for airfield opening forces. Those forces and resources that have been placed under the combatant command command authority of a unified commander in the Forces for Unified Commands Memorandum. Forces and resources so assigned are available for normal peacetime operations of that command.

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Entry of search and rescue facilities into or over foreign territorial seas to assist persons in distress. NATO In naval usage, operations in which a designated unit operates independently of a specified force or group, but is tasked to provide contact information to, receive intelligence from and, if authorized, to cooperate and coordinate operations with the supported force. Tactical control of the unit remains with the assigning authority who coordinates tasking and movement of the unit in response to the requirements of the supported force commander.

Related term: direct support. NATO Two or more aircraft squadrons formed under one command for administration and tactical control of operations from a carrier. The reduction of the effectiveness of a force caused by loss of personnel and materiel. In naval mine warfare, a field intended primarily to cause damage to enemy ships.

See also minefield. An operation in which the Marine air-ground task force commander's immediate superior is a Marine expeditionary force, Service component, functional component, or task force naval, amphibious, etc. An operational environment with the following characteristics: little or no host-nation support; limited preexisting infrastructure and facilities; immature ports of debarkation; inadequate transportation and communications networks; unsophisticated medical, supply, and other services. It is a particularly difficult environment for conducting operations of expeditionary joint forces.

  1. The Clarinet Whale.
  2. Dictionary Of Military Terms by HHC, th MC(DS) - Issuu.
  3. Ben Franklin and his Electric Kite.
  4. The Happiness of Heaven By a Father of the Society of Jesus.
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  6. Appendix 1: Sources used to build the military jargon dataset.
  7. NATO The person vested with the power to make decisions and issue orders; also, the individual power to make decisions and issue relative orders imposing those decisions such power may be limited in scope, time, and location. Authority automatically confers the responsibility to carry out assigned tasks and report results to the assigning authority.

    A weapon control system feature on surface ships that allows for automatic launch of a ready spare missile if the associated primary missile fails to launch. A world-wide ship reporting system for search and rescue. In acoustic prediction usage, all machinery not directly associated with the main propulsion drive train, especially shipboard machinery that does not vary in rotational speed as the ship changes speed.

    A current present in the open sea that is caused by factors other than local winds. The core element of a Marine air-ground task force that is task-organized to conduct aviation operations. The aviation combat element provides all or a portion of the six functions of Marine aviation necessary to accomplish the Marine air-ground task forces mission.

    These functions are antiair warfare, offensive air support, assault support, electronic warfare, air reconnaissance, and control of aircraft and missiles. The aviation combat element is usually composed of an aviation unit headquarters and various other aviation units or their detachments. It can vary in size from a small aviation detachment of specifically required aircraft to one or more Marine aircraft wings. In a joint or multinational environment, the aviation combat element may contain other Service or multinational forces assigned or attached to the Marine air-ground task force.


    The aviation combat element itself is not a formal command. Equipment designed to sustain aircrew members and passengers throughout the flight environment, optimizing their mission effectiveness and affording a means of safe and reliable escape, descent, survival, and recovery in emergency situations.

    In mine warfare, the deliberate act of maneuvering around a mine or minefield once it has been localized. NATO A reference line originating at formation or disposition center used for stationing units or formations respectively. In underwater acoustics, all unwanted sounds, other than reverberation, received by a hydrophone, including ambient and self-made noise. That part of the energy radiated by an active system electromagnetic or acoustic that is scattered in the direction of a receiver at an angle of greater than 90 degrees relative to the direction of radiation from the source.

    An acoustic shielding structure or partition that increases the transmission loss between two points. The baffle region refers to an acoustically blind area behind own ship created by the physical relationship between the array and the ship hull. A representation of the atmospheric density actually encountered by a projectile in flight, expressed as a percentage of density according to the standard atmosphere.

    Thus, if the actual density distribution produced the same effect upon a projectile as the standard density distribution, the ballistic density would be percent.

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    All active and passive measures designed to detect, identify, track, and defeat attacking ballistic missiles and entities , in both strategic and theater tactical roles, during any portion of their flight trajectory boost, post-boost, midcourse, or terminal or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack. In the composite warfare commander concept, the officer assigned some or all of the officer in tactical commands detailed responsibilities for the defense of the force and designated areas ashore against ballistic missile threats and granted the tactical control authority to accomplish the assigned missions and tasks.

    A structure composed essentially of concrete, earth, metal, or wood, or any combination thereof, and so constructed as to reduce or confine the blast effect and fragmentation of an explosion. NATO The line formed by a series of static devices or mobile units arranged for the purpose of detecting, denying passage to, or destroying enemy submarines. NATO A reference course or direction desired to be made good when evasive steering is being carried out.

    NATO The speed resulting along the base course when evasive steering is being carried out. With regard to maritime pre-positioning ship support of amphibious operations, the quantity of ammunition required to support a given number of weapons for a specified period of time. When used in relation to cargo offered for shipment i.

    The logistics coordinator for a battle force who establishes a focal point for management and coordination of logistics to support operating forces. This organization is established when logistic coordination of two or more subordinate battle groups is required. A fire support coordinating measure, similar to a fire support coordination line, which facilitates the expeditious attack of targets with surface indirect fires and aviation fires between this measure and the fire support coordination line.

    To facilitate air-delivered fires and deconflict air and surface fires, an airspace coordination area will always overlie the area between the battlefield coordination line and the fire support coordination line.