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Is there a squirrel in your home? Check out these seven humane ways to get squirrels out of the house, attic, or chimney.
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A professional will follow the same general steps to find and remove the dead squirrel as you would but do so more quickly.

7 Humane Tips For Getting Squirrels Out of Your House

Using The Scent Whether you or a professional are looking for the dead squirrel in your home, scent will be the biggest clue. You need to walk around your home and see where the odor is the strongest and the squirrel is most likely close to this spot. It is likely that you heard the squirrel and it was somewhere it typically rested when it died.

Unfortunately, the only way to confirm that the squirrel is truly where you think is to cut a small hole in the wall. Removing The Carcass And Cleaning Once you have found the dead squirrel, you need to put on plastic, latex, or similar gloves and get ready to remove the animal and clean the area.

Squirrel in the house

With your gloves on, pick up the squirrel using a plastic bag, rag, or paper towels and put it inside a sturdy garbage bag. You will need to seal this bag tightly and make sure it is double bagged. If you want to minimize bags, you can also put your cleaning supplies in the same garbage bag.

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You should ideally clean the area with an enzymatic cleaner but bleach and water will also work. Make sure you remove any stains as well as fluids and maggots or flies. Disposing Of The Carcass In most cases, you will be allowed to throw a dead squirrel out with your regular trash collection, but you should consult your local regulations first.

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It will always need to be double bagged at least and stored in a garbage can with a lid until collection. You can also contact your local animal services department to see if they will accept dead animals, which is very likely.

How to Get Rid of Squirrels

If you prefer, you can also simply dig a hole in your yard that is two feet deep or more and bury the squirrel there. In cases where you hire a professional, they will take care of the disposal for you, giving you one less thing to worry about. This is an educational website to help homeowners solve a conflict with an animal in the attic in a humane and effective manner.

We also have a network of over professional wildlife removal experts nationwide, if you need assistance. Do Light or Noise Work?

See a Problem?

Is Poison the Answer? Hire a Pro Contact. Dead Squirrels in the Attic Squirrels sometimes die inside the attic or walls of your home. The one-way door lets squirrels out but not in. The trap catches them so you can release them at least 3 miles away. Put out predator urine. Putting some rags soaked in predator urine near the entryway or nest while the squirrels are out of the house may make them think a fox moved into the neighborhood.

The bullet bounced off a joist.

Signs You Have Squirrels in Your House

Guess who got hit in the unmentionables? Skip to content. Use caulk or foam sealant to close up holes. Caulk and foam can be painted over.

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Make some noise and listen for babies. Anti-Squirrel Tactics Drive them out with sound and light.