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ADHD is a medical condition that affects how well someone can sit still, focus, ADHD can make it harder to control behavior, so kids and teens may get into.
Table of contents

On the other hand, when my husband was a child, his parents were very supportive and didn't have violent fights. My husband, though, in his own words, "was a spaz. He would do things like jump up and down for over an hour trying to reach the light on the ceiling. He couldn't sit still in class. One of his brothers was the same way. They both took pure dexadrine when they were kids. Now my husband and I have a son.

He is fifteen, but I could see signs that he was unique, even when he was little. After putting him to bed in his crib, he would lift his legs up and drop them to the mattress until he became too tired and finally fell asleep. It was also difficult to take him to other people's homes because his curiosity compelled him to rifle through their drawers just to see what was there. In kindergarten, my son couldn't sit still in circle time because he loved to just explore the classroom.

The kindergarten teacher, unfortunately, prided herself on being super academic Really, she was just being developmentally-inappropriate. I took my son out of kindergarten after two and a half weeks.

ADHD in Children

He already knew how to read, anyway, and he knew all his colors and shapes and could count to twenty. The following year, we moved, so I attempted regular school, again, for my son. Do you know they do timed math test in first grade? Yes they do. My poor son who had such a difficult time focusing was required to do timed addition and subtraction tests. It didn't take long for him to start showing signs of anxiety.

Key Takeaways

My previously potty-trained kid was starting to have accidents. Also, he was pulling out his hair. Was it trauma causing his inability to sit still and focus, or was the pressure of being required to do things that were beyond his ability causing him trauma? Remember that his father and uncle took a stimulant to be able to focus when they were in school. We also tried several different stimulants with my son. They did help with focus, but they also caused horrible side effects, so we stopped trying this route. I finally took my son out of school, altogether, half-way through second grade and have been homeschooling him since.

He was in a downward emotional spiral at school. My husband and I ended up having to take him to counseling for a time. This helped with his anxiety, but it didn't help with his abilities to focus, sit still, or temper his impulsivity. These have slowly improved, though, as my son has gotten older. He unfortunately, still deals with some anxiety that often limits him. All this being said, my son, husband, and brother-in-law are all highly intelligent individuals. My husband and brother-in-law have discovered careers in fields with which they have great aptitudes. My husband works in television, and my brother-in-law is an engineer.

Now I have to help support my son in finding the thing he enjoys that he is good at. I don't think people with ADHD have defective brains. I do think those who design education in regular schools have a very narrow view of how and what students should learn. I also think our society can be narrow-minded about such brain types. Those with atypical brain types are creative and can be incredible innovators.

We are really missing out by dishonoring these individuals and determining, ignorantly-so, in my opinion, that their behaviors result from trauma. We should be supporting them to help them find their gifts and their passions. They could be the ones who will save this traumatize world. So true! A lot of this trauma is actually caused by the school system.

Some teachers should not be around these types of kids is all I'm saying. The damage they do the child is monumental. Often turning them off of school for life.

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Making It in Science. How to Party Like an Animal. Marilyn Wedge Ph. Why does everyone think it is?

ADHD Throughout the Years | CDC

So, about your theory Submitted by Emily Scott on May 1, - pm. Where is any of your prooof? Submitted by Alex on June 15, - pm.

The proof is in the pudding. Submitted by Emily on June 24, - am. You lost me Submitted by Shawn on November 12, - pm. Slow down with the arguments from authority Submitted by Mim on November 28, - pm. So you're just resorting to Submitted by George Fleming on December 2, - pm. So you're just resorting to insults? That's just pathetic. Microaggressions Submitted by Emily on January 5, - am. And you lost me Submitted by Frankie on March 12, - pm.

Does my Child Have ADHD?

Submitted by Tracy Otsuka on August 27, - pm. Amphetaming Submitted by Recovering addict on December 26, - am. This is established science, not howling fearmongering.