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The Gambler is a American crime drama film directed by Rupert Wyatt. The screenplay by William Monahan is based on the film The Gambler, written.
Table of contents

Our story begins in , with passionate Alexei Ivanovich The Gambler , an unhappy tutor to retired Russian General Sagorjanski's two young children, the formerly rich soldier squandered it all, to much high living and reckless spending, no matter how wealthy a person is, when the money flows out Gambling addiction, the great writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky knew too well about this affliction, he had to write this short novel very quickly, in order to pay for the debts acquired as a result Our story begins in , with passionate Alexei Ivanovich The Gambler , an unhappy tutor to retired Russian General Sagorjanski's two young children, the formerly rich soldier squandered it all, to much high living and reckless spending, no matter how wealthy a person is, when the money flows out faster than it comes in, the inevitable consequences occur, bankruptcy as Benjamin Franklin said it long ago , " A Fool and his money are soon parted".

The General receives loans from the mysterious Frenchman, the Marquis des Grieux, a sophisticated nobleman but has quite a sinister reputation, no amount of beautiful manners can hide, besides everyone in Roulettenburg, Baden-Baden Germany, a spa and gambling resort town , dominated by the casino, and the Roulette table dominates that, and the desperate visitors inside seem to be all royal The poor Russian teacher Alexei, is smitten by the General's stepdaughter the beauty Polina Alexandra Praskouja, in her early twenties, like himself, she is rumored to be involved with the prosperous Marquis des Grieux though , and likes to tease and play games for her own outrageous amusement, the tutor being the target.

The love obsessed man even insults a German baron, at her request. Another player is the Englishman, quiet Mr. Astley, the fabulously wealthy businessman, with of course noble blood, much richer than the Frenchman, but the shyest man around, who befriends Alexei, he naturally needs to meet and be introduced to Polina. Yet another important character is the General's Aunt Antonida, "Granny", seventy-five, said to be in poor health in Moscow, she is very affluent and will leave her fortune to her closest relative, the hopeful nephew the General , who constantly sends telegrams to get the latest news You can imagine the consternation that follows, when this supposedly dying lady shows up at the resort hotel and surprises everyone there, they are speechless, Mlle Blanche the gold digging woman and considerably younger fiancee of the retired military officer walks out, not unexpectedly The invalid old woman likes to intimidate the people in her presence, they do as they are told, after all she has lots of money, but this is a gambling town and the fever can be caught by anyone Too bad this novella wasn't longer , the characters are not well developed and the plot flies by too fast , but I am a big fan of this talented author and have only read his lengthy novels before, any book by Dostoyevsky, is well worth reading.

It is not the most developed of his works and I may be somewhat influenced by the stuffy translation, and hearing it read via audiotape , but there are moments in it that are still great. My greatest attraction to it is the autobiographical aspect, that Dostoevsky was drawn to gambling, and brought to the brink of ruin again and again by it.

In that sense, it is a psychological portrait of his own obsession and anxiety.


I remember you in an ardent and strong moment of your life; but I'm sure you've forgotten all your best impressions then; your dreams, your most essential desires at present don't go beyond pair and impair, rouge, noir, the twelve middle numbers, and so on, and so forth--I'm sure of it! He wants to move up in class, but his desperation undermines him.

I fairly rushed ahead to read the gambling sequences, which are great. I have some not much experience in casinos, and I know a little of the heart-racing thrill of stupid risk-taking. But--why can't I resurrect? It only takes being steadfast at least once, and in an hour I can change my whole destiny!

If they only knew to what degree I myself understand all the loathsomeness of my present condition, they wouldn't have the heart to teach me. I read this primarily because I wanted to look back at the sources for degradation and despair in Dostoevsky for twentieth century noir writers, but the three works above are better sources for those experiences than this book.

But it still has some great moments! View all 17 comments. The small black ball rolls, rolls, makes small goat jumps before stopping in a hut.

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Those who are around, who follow his farandole, hold their breath and perhaps close their eyes so as not to see. All are subject to this "chance". Will they lose or to win? To lose and win again or turn your back and go? Dostoyevsky tells one of his protagonists that it takes courage to turn his heels and run away from the table. Alexei Ivanovich, in spite of all his promises, ended up turning, like Lot's wife. Struck immobilized, as stuck to his condition as a player he can do nothing for himself. For is not the small black marble the hand of destiny striking at random and sealing the human to its condition?

Can he change it? Dostoevsky traces an implacable fatality in the soul of his characters. They are all in the bath of the game of life. They are pawns, numbers that have the illusion of having free will, a fierce will to control their existence. But this is only a sham.

The Gambler Who Blew $127 Million

Dostoevsky asks in this little novel: Why all this agitation? For the absurdity of life? Full of lies, of false pretenses, of little glory? How can we bear all this, if not by making fun of it?

Alexei Ivanovich often laughed at himself. It is full of rush with a touch of cynicism. Young man very intelligent and lucid, he gets carried away by his destiny as a straw tossed by the wind. Because he always believes to "redo", like all players.

However, he has doubts about his mental health. Perhaps in fact he is not in this spa town in Germany but in an asylum for insane and he writes what he believes to live? Here is a little comical and pathetic story that has its share of cruelty and darkness. Everything goes fast, sometimes we believe in a farce: a penniless Russian general that awaits the death of the grandmother to get its hands on the inheritance. For it is a Russian general aging, love with a young half-worldly Parisian greedy.

The decor is planted. The general neglects his children, makes debts; owes money to a French crook, Des Grieux, who said of noble descent. And the grandmother whom everyone had already buried, arrives. The effervescence rises a notch. Alexei Ivanovich is the preceptor of the children of the general. He is consumed with a violent passion for the daughter-in-law of the latter: Polina. But the fervent Alexei is a player at heart.

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Player of his feelings, his desires, his life in general. With, when the opportunity presents itself, an almost frightening renunciation. Rather a desperate plume. Dostoevsky was for a long time an addict of the game. When he dictated "the Player" he was still pacing the tables of the casinos; Therefore, it is also a hollow confession. Fyodor Dostoevsky says: Alexei Ivanovich is me. It carries my madness, my bitterness, my splendor, my lucidity, my contradictions and my devouring passions.

He embodies the Russian soul. Dostoevsky, even though he encompasses the "Russian spirit," is fierce with his contemporaries and with himself. The abyss He dictated this novel very quickly, not taking the trouble to write it. I can only thank the translator for having delivered it as it is, without seeking to correct "to make beautiful literature"; It is anyway sparkling. The tongue vibrone, modern, brute, hooked to the thought of Alexei Ivanovich, the narrator; We are hanging on his lips.

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It's a whirlwind, a crazy roulette movement. Unfinished speeches, rehearsals, verbal ping-pong, thoughts unfolded in one spray. Like thrown on a gambling table. A narrative that ends abruptly as if everything had been wagered. Mar 18, Piyangie rated it really liked it Shelves: russian-lit. On the second reading I'm forced to change my entire opinion on this book. This was my introduction to Dostoevsky.

I didn't know at first what to expect. Unfortunately, I read that this is not one of the best works by him. All must have influenced my perspective on the book. But after falling in love with Dostoevsky, I wanted to revisit the book to see if I had done justice to it. On this revisit, I realized that I have not done enough justice to the book. It is an interesting story. It talks On the second reading I'm forced to change my entire opinion on this book.

It talks about addiction, obsession, frustration, anger, arrogance - the human vices that threatens the sanity and peace of the human mind.