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Aug 6, - The first culture to become aware of magnetic material is a matter of open debate, but new evidence suggests ancient cultures in the Americas had knowledge of magnetic forces long before the first pocket leondumoulin.nlg: Common.
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Mesoamerican Sculptures Reveal Early Knowledge of Magnetism | Science | Smithsonian Magazine

And on a beach near their commune, for five months the Koreshanites deployed the rectilliniator, a device of their own creation, to scientifically measure that the Earth is in fact concave. Naturally, it was a success.

This is the strange tale of the hollow Earth, a theory that even Halley himself realized was a tad unbelievable. OK, well, off to an interesting start. But the idea of a hollow Earth was hardly a new one, Griffin notes. A German named Athansius Kircher, for instance, published Mundus Subterraneus in , in which he claimed the Earth contains a central fire kinda true, really and vast underground lakes and lava chambers.

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As strange as it seems, his theory was wrong but well-reasoned given the scope of human knowledge at the time, and it often incorporated ideas from Principia , according to Griffin. Edmond Halley, brilliant scientist and hater of smiles. Image: Wikimedia. There is the problem, though, of cracks forming in the outer shell, with gravity sucking ocean water and debris toward the center of the Earth.

In a time when science had not yet divested itself of religion, there was the question of why exactly God would arrange things this way. What use could the empty spaces between the circles within our planet be? For Halley, who believed that all of the other planets in our solar system were inhabited, it was just another place for God to stash life.

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Earth, he argued, was essentially a giant building made by the Almighty. There is of course then the problem of the light required for such life. No problem, really, said Halley. Halley's imagining of the interior of Earth, which proves he didn't do nearly as much mescaline as Athansius Kircher.

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Quite the contrary: Over 40 years later he sat for his official portrait as Astronomer Royal , and in his hand was the illustration of Earth and its three concentric circles, shown at left. But Halley was on the right track: Earth is indeed composed of layers, from the inner core to the crust we tread.

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We know this thanks to Danish seismologist Inge Lehmann , who monitored an earthquake in and determined that the different kinds of waves it produced, which behave differently in liquids and solids, had deflected off of a liquid outer core and solid inner core. And appropriately enough it's the churning of the outer core that not only produces our magnetic field, but causes it to vary over time. Halley had actually been close to finding the right answer.

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They were installed there in the s after being brought from ancient sites in the nearby Monte Alto region. Guatemalans are thought to have created these potbelly sculptures more than 2, years ago, which would date them to the Late Preclassic period of Mesoamerican civilizations.

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  7. Researchers show that the iron oxide hematite remains magnetic deep within Earth's mantle!

Previous studies of the sculptures had suggested several had magnetic anomalies on their surfaces. In the new research, a team led by scientists at Harvard University studied the potbellies with both a handheld magnetometer and a portable scanning magnetometer that could be fixed to the sculptures to provide detailed magnetic mapping of their surfaces. They found that 10 of the 11 sculptures had significant magnetic anomalies and six of them showed strong magnetic anomalies that were probably created by lightning strikes while the rocks were still in the ground.

What's more, many of the giant heads and bodies of the ancient sculptures were carved to make the magnetic anomalies align with either the sculptures' right cheeks or their belly buttons — suggesting that ancient sculptors knew how to detect magnetism, and that they had selected magnetic boulders to highlight these parts of the body.

The finding gives strength to a theory that early Mesoamerican civilizations knew about the attractive properties of magnetism, and how to detect it with magnetic objects like lodestones suspended on a string — possibly even before magnetism is first known to have been described in China about 2, years ago.