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A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick, commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in Publication date‎: ‎
Table of contents

I know femmes who suck at this stuff, and I know many masculine and other-gendered people who do care labor. I want all genders of people to be receiving and providing that labor to our communities. I have an enormous respect for the activism, writing and care work of parents, caregivers and everyone offering this emotional labor. But I would like to advance the radical notion that providing care is work.

Those things are not a sideline or an afterthought to our movements. They are our movements. I tried an experiment recently. For one week, I logged how many times I was asked for care labor or support, and what I noticed about who was doing the asking, and how. My findings? It was not uncommon for these requests to come from someone who I had not heard from for months. This pissed me off.

A Modest Proposal-- Jonathan Swift -- Complete Summary in hindi--

I also knew I was far from alone. The roots and histories of unpaid, unrecognized labor by femme and feminine people—as well as our movements to demand compensation for our work—are enormous. Finally, I think about the rage and oppression many sex workers face for having the gall to actually charge for sexual, emotional labor! I believe in fighting to win and our ability to transform anything we need to.

And all of this has started me thinking about what the solutions might be.

A Modest Proposal: Eliminate Email

If care labor is well, labor, and we participate in an emotional economy all the time, what would a just care labor economy look and feel like? This is just the beginning, but every revolution has to start somewhere. These thoughts are an experiment and a work in progress. Feel free to add your own.

A Modest Proposal, by Jonathan Swift

People would ask first and be prepared to receive a yes, no, or maybe. We can negotiate, but you also need to hear my no and not be surprised by it or push back on it. Sick and disabled folks have many superpowers: one of them is that we often have highly developed skills around care.

All of this has made us very sophisticated at negotiating care, including our understanding that both offering and receiving it is a choice. The idea of consent in care is a radical notion stemming from disabled community wisdom. This choicefulness has juicy implications for everyone, including the abled.

Before hearing Gallant and other femmes talk about asking for something in exchange for our emotional labor, I had rarely considered asking for something in return to the endless stream of requests for information, mentoring and support that came into my inbox. Informally, especially in disabled and femme communities I was part of, there was certainly an unwritten rule that if you gave care, you got some back—it was just good manners.

But sometimes I gave a lot and was left exhausted. Disabled people often run into the idea that we can never offer care, just receive it. However, we often talk about the idea that we can still offer care from what our bodies can do. Maybe instead of doing physical care, I can research a medical provider, buy groceries for you, or listen to you vent when one of your dates was ableist.

This is especially important for folks with a lot of disability or other needs who need a lot of care to survive, who may not always be able to offer a ton back. Everyone deserves to get the care we need. Masculine and other genders of people can notice feelings and offer to listen and do childcare, too! I swear to fucking god, these are learnable skills!

The more systems are not a monoculture, the more sustainable they will be. It can become an ongoing responsive ecosystem.

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The arts and civic society threatened by the Flemish Government's austerity measures Open letter about the budget cuts implemented by the Flemish Government published by L'internationale. International solidarity International organisations have expressed their concern about the austerity measures in Belgium, while Jubilee stands in solidarity with actions taking place abroad. Let's sing our sense of urgency together today!

Caveat Reading Room Commons or commoning?

A Modest Proposal Summary

The website features the trajectories of all artists involved, biographies of all produsers, reflections by the Caveat team and the 'dramaturgs', an expansive network of tags, reports of all public events with audio and sometimes video. Jonathan Swift 's attack on the British government's inability to solve the problem of poverty in Ireland is one of the literary canon's most famous examples of satire. A Modest Proposal proposes that the most obvious solution to Ireland's economic crisis is for the Irish to sell their children as food.

Shockingly, it also suggests various ways in which they can be prepared and served. The detached, serious tone of its narrator emphasises the horror of what Swift is actually recommending: only in its final paragraphs, when the essay turns to the realities of the Irish economic system and the problems caused by absentee landlords, does the author's real view become clear.

Despite its power as a piece of rhetoric, A Modest Proposal did not lead to any lasting changes for Ireland's rural poor. Just over a century later, thousands would perish in the Great Famine. This copy of A Modest Proposal is unique because it has been bound together with other printed pamphlets collected by a private buyer.

All of the pieces in the volume date from between and