Murder Under Cover: A Bibliophile Mystery

Murder Under Cover (A Bibliophile Mystery) [Kate Carlisle] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A rare book inspires a crime of passion in the.
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And they both have news on the romance front, Brooklyn's boyfriend Derek has moved in with her, at least until he can find a permanent place in San Francisco and Robin met the most wonderful guy from the Ukraine on her way home from the airport. Well, someone did not think he is so wonderful because Robin wakes up a few da Brooklyn's BFF, Robin has just returned from a trip to India where she spent some time with her mother.

Well, someone did not think he is so wonderful because Robin wakes up a few days later to find in dead in the bed next to her. Turns out he had drugged her and she did not even hear the shots. As Derek and Brooklyn investigate it because more and more obvious that Robin is smack in the middle of a foriegn intrique. As the body count rises, Brooklyn is determined to protect her friend and find the killer. I think this is my favorite in the series so far.

There was plenty of action and romance. And Brooklyn is alway fun even at the most dire times. We also see more of her neighbors, and a new family has moved in. May 16, Jeannie and Louis Rigod rated it it was amazing. This is a short review as the only word I can attribute to it is 'Excellent.

Murder Under Cover by Kate Carlisle |

This book series keeps moving forward at the speed of light and I, for one, love the direction Ms. I would love to move to Dharma, but since I live in a neighboring county already, I will just appreciate the vineyards around me, like Ceago, and re-read this wonderfully surprising book! I refuse to give away details as this might prevent you from read This is a short review as the only word I can attribute to it is 'Excellent. I refuse to give away details as this might prevent you from reading it! Jun 25, Anne rated it really liked it. This book was on the new book shelf at the library so I picked it up because I enjoy a nice cozy every once in a while.

That's exactly what I got: When I finished the book, I immediately requested the first three in the series so I could find out how Brooklyn and Derek meet. I think that's the ultimate positive review: I went out and got the rest of the series. Jan 23, Michelle rated it it was amazing. This is the 3rd one of this series I've read. Somewhere along the line I missed one because this is the 4th in the series.

Anyway, I liked this one better than the other two because it was faster paced. If you like murder mysteries with a little intrigue and a little romance, then I recommend this series. Although, if I ran across as many dead bodies as the heroine, I'd have to become a hermit. Aug 09, Lesley Looper rated it liked it Shelves: This was the first book of this series that I've read, and I enjoyed it enough for 3. I really enjoyed the book theme, and would've enjoyed reading more of the book-related plot. The main character, Brooklyn, has some interesting friends and neighbors, who added color to the story.

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I wonder if the romance will last. Should I go back and read in the series? Feb 24, Madeline Faye rated it liked it. Not as good as the previous ones in the series, but not bad. I think what I disliked about this one was the lack of focus on the book and the mystery to be honest.

There was more side story commentary. Otherwise, still a decent fast-paced read. Dec 17, Morag Gray rated it did not like it. Too much description of irrelevant stuff, too little actual detecting, not enough about books and way too much obsessing over Derek. Apr 01, Lagniappe rated it liked it.

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I'm giving this one a "gentleman's c". I have not read offerings and I listened to this one as opposed to reading it, but I don't think either of these would have changed the grade. If you suspend credulity and just go with it this is a fun read. The writing is adequate and the characters are interesting. But if you pause to scrutinize a bit closer you start to see flaws. First we have the plot.

Yes, it's fast moving with enough twists and turns to keep you interested - but spies and micro d I'm giving this one a "gentleman's c". Yes, it's fast moving with enough twists and turns to keep you interested - but spies and micro drives? Second are the cast of secondary characters. I realize this is San Francisco - but the stereotypes were laid on a bit thick.

The lesbian couple - did one partner really need to be named Vinnie and do chainsaw sculptures? And the gay couple - did one partner really need to do nude performance art on Castro Street?

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I'm all for inclusion but could we take it down a notch? Finally, one of the reasons I chose to read this book was an interest in the protagonist's bookbinding profession, but I didn't find much of that in this book. I would really like to have had more. Still, despite the flaws, I would be inclined to read at least one more book in this series - just to see if this was an "off" entry. Jul 12, Brandy Grimes rated it did not like it. So many things to despise about this excuse for a book that I don't even know where to begin! To be fair, I audio booked it and that was a million times worse!

The narrator was terrible with every voice other than Brooklyn's. Would it have been better to read? I sincerely doubt it. The story was stupid. The characters are annoying! Brooklyn is the only likable one in my opinion and she's a tad annoying herself. The whole commune story line is absurd! This book reads like a politically correct So many things to despise about this excuse for a book that I don't even know where to begin! This book reads like a politically correct nightmare!

The token gay couple next door. The token lesbian couple next door for good measure. The characters representing every nationality known to man. The happy hippy angle. The free spirit and love crap.

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It's all just wreaked of bad writing and political nonsense. Oh and the praying to Buddha, Allah, Yahweh I've read a couple of others in this series and actually started this one not realizing it was the same series If I could give this garbage a negative rating I would. Hang from a tree from your toenails instead of reading this trash Aug 23, Mary Ann rated it it was amazing. Really Good Story I know that I am reading this series out of order, but it works okay that way.

The stories are so well written that reading them out of order doesn't hurt the story you might be reading.

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  8. I like series like that as I get what I can when I can and just start reading. Robin, Brooklyn's best friend, returns from a tour trip from India events just start happening. Robin meets a dreamy man from the Ukraine and falls madly in love and then wakes up with him next to her, killed in her Really Good Story I know that I am reading this series out of order, but it works okay that way.

    Robin meets a dreamy man from the Ukraine and falls madly in love and then wakes up with him next to her, killed in her bed. Derek, Brooklyn's boyfriend, helps Robin and Brooklyn to find out what is happening.

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    I will admit I was not prepared for the ending, until the ending. Then it all made sense. I will state that I felt bad for Robin throughout and did have to say to my year-old daughter that she could not read this book. Mostly due to the content being a little too old for her. She likes to read cozy mysteries, too.

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    Jul 14, Wanda rated it really liked it. A fun cozy with some international intrigue. Brooklyn's friend wakes up with a dead body next to her. She had just returned from India and met a guy and took him home. Brooklyn and her boyfriend, Derek, jump in to help her. Derek is a former British spy with lots of contacts and they also work with 2 San Francisco police inspectors to solve the crime.

    Bothe Brooklyn and her friend Robin's families are involved. They are searching for a micro drive with damaging information on it and a copy of th A fun cozy with some international intrigue. They are searching for a micro drive with damaging information on it and a copy of the Kama Sutra is involved. Her apartment is ransacked, and the great guy she recently met lies murdered in her bed. Now Robin is the number one suspect. And not a moment too soon, because Brooklyn's own apartment is found thoroughly searched. To make matters worse, a bleeding Russian stranger barges in, and the earlier victim is identified as Ukrainian, making it clear to Brooklyn that she's involved in an international conspiracy.

    Obviously, exploring the Kama Sutra's bliss will have to wait until after Brooklyn finds the killer Read an excerpt Read about Brooklyn's World Listen to an audiobook excerpt: Steeped in San Francisco culture and characters, including the hippie commune parents and requisite gay and lesbian friends, this beach read has the bonus of spy intrigue built into its plot, and not just in Brooklyn's James Bond-like boyfriend, Derek Stone.

    For Cheddar or Worse. Murder at the Mushroom Festival. Who Moved My Goat Cheese? Tangled Up in Brew. A Wrench in the Works. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review.

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