After Identity: Rethinking Race, Sex, and Gender (Contemporary Political Theory)

Social and political theorists have traced in detail how individuals come to possess gender, sex and racial identities. This book examines the nature of these .
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Feminist Metaphysics and Philosophical Methodology.

Mari Mikkola - - Philosophy Compass 11 From Performativity to Festival. Lauren Swayne Barthold - - Hypatia 29 4: Robert Gooding-Williams - - Constellations 17 4: Cambridge University Press, Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Philosophical Issues of Identity and Justice. She is the Author of After Identity: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity.

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Their Sameness, Difference and Interplay. Rethinking Hua Gender Beliefs.

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Naomi Quinn - - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 4: Women Out of Place: The Gender of Agency and the Race of Nationality. Race, Social Identity, Human Dignity.

After Identity: Rethinking Race, Sex and Gender. Contemporary Political Theory.

Jan Narveson - - Social Philosophy Today Intersectionality and Ameliorative Analyses of Race and Gender. Karen Jones - - Philosophical Studies 1: Genealogies of Race and Gender. Feder - - New York: Bodily Or Gender Identity? Sex and science-- 5.

After Identity: Rethinking Race, Sex, and Gender - Georgia Warnke - Google Книги

Rethinking sex and gender identities-- 6. Marriage, the military and identity-- 7. Hermeneutics and the politics of identity-- Conclusion. Nielsen Book Data Publisher's Summary Social and political theorists have traced in detail how individuals come to possess gender, sex and racial identities. This book examines the nature of these identities.

Georgia Warnke argues that identities, in general, are interpretations and, as such, have more in common with textual understanding than we commonly acknowledge. A racial, sexed or gendered understanding of who we and others are is neither exhaustive of the 'meanings' we can be said to have nor uniquely correct.

After Identity: Rethinking Race, Sex, and Gender

We are neither always, or only, black or white, men or women or males or females. Rather, all identities have a restricted scope and can lead to injustices and contradictions when they are employed beyond that scope.

John Kasich on Political Labels, Virtue and Victimhood, and Race Issues (Pt. 1)

In concluding her argument, Warnke considers the legal and policy implications that follow for affirmative action, childbearing leave, the position of gays in the military and marriage between same-sex partners. Nielsen Book Data Browse related items Start at call number: