Dreaming of Atlantis Issue 04

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works.
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Or, have you ever asked yourself these questions? We spend so much of our time and energy reacting and responding to experiences and stimulus as life unfolds before us. It can be overwhelming to constantly be taken on the roller coaster ride of circumstances and all the emotions that go along with them. The world right now, as it stands, is in turmoil.

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We are as divided as ever, in politics, religion, and social structures, and we are lacking human connection to an astonishing degree. More than ever it seems, we have so much information coming at us from all directions that we are responding and reacting to at enormous rates, and some of the stimulus is down right terrifying. If ever there was a time in history to ask yourself some hard questions about what it is you really want, now is it!

If we are to be the change that we want to see in the world, as Ghandi suggests, why do many of us not spend even a few moments sitting and asking ourselves what change that is exactly? They just nicely fit within our existing system. We settle for doing as little as possible so as to not rock the boat, but still make a positive contribution. How would I change things? They might make all the clouds marshmallows and have chocolate growing on trees. They may wish for endless summer afternoons and never needing to go to bed. Instead of starting with small ideas and trying to fit them into an existing societal structure, why not think on a larger scale first and then work our way into the details.

If ever out of the box thinking was called for, now is the time, and one can not truly think outside of that box while they are still firmly planted within it. If you think that the ideas you may come up with are just too big, or too out there, and no one would ever take you seriously, I implore you to take a moment to look back at history and see that most of the great change makers applied outside of the box thinking, and that was what changed the world as we know it.

Can you even imagine the reaction he must have gotten in that time when everyone believed the world to be flat? What about Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison creating the lightbulb? Can you even imagine the kinds of things people must have been saying about what impossible and ridiculous ideas those were?

Chooga - Dreams of atlantis

What about Kate Sheppard? Just think about that for a minute. I mean, holy shit! Amidst enormous opposition, doubt, fear and hoards of haters, she sparked a global shift that we are still benefitting from to this day. We are all capable of so much more than we ever allow ourselves to consider. It was fabled to have sunk beneath the waves during the last great war with false gods that came from the stars - the Ori.

  • Ill Be Home For Christmas.
  • The Herb Garden Gourmet: Grow Herbs, Eat Well, and Be Green.
  • .
  • The Serious Business of Laughing at Life.
  • Norris and the Balloon (Norris Books, The Book 2)?
  • .
  • Dreams of Atlantis - Tarlan - Stargate Atlantis [Archive of Our Own].

For years he had read through ancient texts and listened to old tales and legends, hoping to find some clue that could lead him to the lost city. All he had found so far was a mention of starcrossed lovers, and the bond between them that would guide them to the city lost beneath the waves. Everyone he'd spoken to had their own theory or definition for starcrossed, but Rodney had read an ancient text somewhere that mentioned the Astria Porta, poorly translating it as Crossing the Stars.

It didn't take that much of a leap to see how that could have been changed over time to starcrossed and romanticized. Astria Porta was a door or gate to the stars, and most doors and gates in Rodney's knowledge, needed a key.

Dreams of Atlantis

Years earlier, he had bought a strange large crystal off an old woman, paying far too much for it much to his sister's disgust, but Rodney was convinced that it held or was the key. However, he had found no other reference that could lead him to this door or gateway. All he had was a reference to an old temple overlooking the ocean, but the ocean was vast with thousands of miles of coastline. He was used to his creature comforts despite the ridicule he gained from those who believed he had no soul because he had no daemon.

That had all changed yesterday, when John came to his door and Rodney saw in him the young, imaginary friend who had followed him through his childhood. As he lay in his bed, cradled against John's firm, hairy chest, with his strong heart beat easing the chaotic thoughts that usually overflowed Rodney's brain, he felt their souls linking. Daemon and human usually imprinted upon each other from birth, and it took a moment longer for Rodney to realize that he and John had imprinted at that time in a mental bond.

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The difference between them and ' normal ' humans was that they had now imprinted physically, sealing the final bond between them that had started with that first kiss. Just some old ruins within a mountain overlooking the ocean, where once there was only plains and deserts. Rodney sat up, recalling with crystal clarity another old text that talked of a mountain overlooking the plains, holding the secret to the stars.

Rodney shoved at John, almost tipping him off the bed, but John grabbed for him, and the press of his lips against Rodney's short circuited any other thoughts as his body soared with pleasure. By the time he could think clearly again, his body was thrumming with the pleasure of John's scent and skin surrounding him. He moaned into the soft, pleasure-sated kisses and sighed. His body ached in a way that only made him crave more from John, and his lips felt swollen from the press of kisses.

It was a good feeling, but the mysteries that had consumed his mind for decades reared back up as his thoughts drifted back to the amazing lost city of Atlantis. The journey took weeks, and Rodney sent a letter to his sister every other day so she would not worry for him. Part of him wished he had waited long enough to introduce John to Jeannie, but another part was glad that he was finally seeking out the city that had come to him in dreams for as long as he could recall. The long days were filled with the pleasure of John in his arms and in his bed, loving him and being loved in return.

It was amazing and perfect, and Rodney had never felt such care and wanting after spending all of his life before this alone. The trader ship took them along the coast far north, almost to where the land became snow and ice. From the ancient maps, it had not always been this way but the climate had changed radically during the war with the Ori, and the water had risen to consume much of the land. The magnetic fields had changed too with the North Pole no longer where it had once resided, throwing out the celestial maps that so many had relied upon once upon a time.