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Therese & Tiamat is a novella and a fantasy, but rooted in real history. It is about the unnoticed, their enemies, about their escape and their dream-time.
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As with all Antediluvians, any stories of Absimiliard's early life and unlife are apocryphal at best. In the Bible Absimiliard is the wicked son of King David. Tradition holds that he was an expert and stealthy hunter whose skill at predation inflamed the dead heart of his female sire therefore, presumably, Zillah. She chased and embraced him, although in the ensuing struggle she also scarred him lightly. A creature of prodigious vanity, this trivial ma Review This Product No reviews yet - be the first to create one!

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Partners MySchool Discovery. Subscribe to our newsletter Some error text Name. I have neither the time, given my age, the resources, nor the inclination to produce a definitive textbook for students or a work competing for professional advancement those days have gone.

However, it is my intention to produce a work of rigorous argument and grounded vision challenging the professional treatments of the subject of consciousness both in philosophy and science.

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I do this in solidarity with what I call the vanishing and unnoticed masses! Quite seriously I intend this as a substantial addition to human thought, a motivation, ambition or possibly a grand delusion always present in my own being conscious. Before concluding these preliminaries there is something else. For good or ill, for enlightenment or otherwise, I have spent much of my life in philosophy. As a result I have known a number of philosophers, all, and how could they be anything else, conscious beings. Their being conscious beings a precondition of whatever identity or particularity they possessed, this precondition not being exclusive to philosophers but applying to almost all human beings, and the reason why not applying to some requiring no more than a little philosophical imagination to determine.

Of the philosophers known I have known not only their works but also them as conscious beings: as a conscious being I have encountered them being conscious. However, many of those I have known, and this claim would be contested, no longer exist as conscious beings; they have died. In my life I think of these as lights that no longer shine, lights whose illuminations I attended to for whatever my reasons, and those reasons were many. But what my exposition and demonstrations are about is that being dead is the death of consciousness: the death of the body is the death of consciousness. So in my account dualism has no future whatsoever.

And the reasons why these deaths entail each other is because of the physicality of consciousness. Death and consciousness are absolute limits like being and nothingness. Consciousness is physical and irreducible. There is nothing underlying which it is, nothing it can be reduced to, it is as we understand it, prima facie, it does not require translation into a more fundamental language. To appreciate what it is we have to enlarge, upgrade and so free-up notions of the physical, which for too long have been the prisoner of professional science.

Science will not admit this though because it cannot entertain that it is so, and as a result everything has to be squeezed reduced into its confinements. So, for these reasons, this work is about being conscious and being dead but without ever approaching what might be called a philosophy of death. This work is materialist and autonomist. Understanding it will be a difficult struggle but so will be writing it. Rumpledsilkskin : Often we co-author but with this new book am I right in thinking you have gone it alone?

Roger Taylor : Well, you are right to have phrased the question that way. You might think you would know whether or not you were involved, but the matter is not so simple. When you have an alter-ego, or, to refer to your case, when you have an avatar, it is not always clear which of you is speaking.

What has to be said about my new book is that nowhere does it acknowledge you. However, the book contains two narrative voices, one the narrator, never referred to as such, and the other Scaramouche.

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The relationship between the two, mirrors in many ways our relationship, not that I am able to define precisely any of these ways. Rumpledsilkskin : So there is a character, Scaramouche, and Scaramouche is Rumpledsilkskin? Roger Taylor : Not so fast. To begin with, my new book does not contain characters in the authorial sense. There are names and persons, real, historical, as well as fictional, but they are more points of view than characters, although an attempt is made to draw a certain person from historical obscurity back into the circle of life.

Scaramouche, on the other hand, is a personal, narrative voice but with a fantastical history within the events of the book. These things are not true of the other narrative voice, which is more deus ex machina and more abstract. This mirrors our relationship without either of us being in the book, but where I have inputted content you have inputted nothing, although if we were not related in the way we are then this book would not have the structure it does have.

Rumpledsilkskin : Not so simple. Not so fast. Very Roger Taylor, if I may say so. But we should move on. So what is it about? Can I ask you that? Rumpledsilkskin : So who are the unnoticed? Roger Taylor : Let me give you an example.

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The medieval serf. The Magna Carta is pure ideology. It has nothing to do with democracy. It is anti-Semitic and sexist. It concerns the class of what was called freemen , conveniently and wrongly equated with everyman in contemporary misinformation. Magna Carta details their property rights as against the king, detailing the taxes the rich should not have to pay. The rest of the population were villeins , the serfs or peasants. They were noticed, but only in the way deer and salmon were noticed. They were not celebrated in history or society, in this sense they were unnoticed, apart, that is, from religion, where the unnoticed were given the status of the chosen ones as long as they remained quiet and unnoticed, thus leaving the world to the self-chosen; freemen.

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The fairly recent emergence of social history tries to redress the balance but given the subject is the unnoticed the data is necessarily scant and its interpretation prone to wishful-thinking. Rumpledsilkskin : If this is so how is it you have a subject to write about? Roger Taylor : Exactly so. My book is fantasy, but like social history it plays with the available data.

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Its subject is not the medieval serf but a French woman, largely unnoticed, alive in the C18th, and a woman who, according to my book, was midwife to the French Revolution and its Terror. I bring her into the light from obscurity but when you blink she is gone again, as, in my book, Jean Seberg discovers. My thinking about her is wishful yet coincides with fact. Rumpledsilkskin : This is the woman who lived with Jean Jacques Rousseau as his servant. A reputed dullard and, well, shrew? Roger Taylor : She was scolding ditch-water in the eyes of the intelligentsia and so they were blind to a tributary leading back to the sea of Tiamat.

Rumpledsilkskin : And Tiamat is a Babylonian sea-dragon and goddess? Roger Taylor : Pure myth. Life without purpose, anonymous existence, a refusal to nominate essence, a life of multiple orgasm. Life in the warm waters of the primeval sea before the urge to leave these waters and be human.

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Life before culture and civilisation, life as ecstatic dream. She is there at the birth of divine being. Rumpledsilkskin : Well an avatar can live with that. She is also present at the death of divine being. Am I understanding you correctly? These things I have her do. Could you explain this?

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This is a re-enactment, echoing dividing Tiamat from being whole. It is an attempt to conceal an orgasmic existence and to make life conform to rule, purpose and, wait for it, hard-work. The dialectic between these two becomes concentrated in an effigy of the girl, in two halves. History is then a struggle between keeping her apart or bringing her together. The struggle between the rule of law and chaos, the forces of order and Assassins, holy women and harlots.

Through the centuries this links Lydia, Delphi, Constantinople, Venice and in culmination the Rousseau family in Geneva: from ancient history to the Enlightenment.

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Of course there is no pre-existing essence but neither is freedom exercised in choosing essence. There is no essence, only existence, constant making and re-making, the flow of Eros and Thanatos. The division of woman is a fear of the dialectic. Rumpledsilkskin : Well thank you.

I have read the book and found it deeply moving.

It is also very funny. Perhaps it is the only book needed. I would say read it a million times.