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He was a Court jester, expected to render the idle courtiers muy ledos. Strangers at The Hive: A Tale of Seduction on the Dance Floor. The rest of the story takes.
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I loved it. Apr 10, Robin rated it it was amazing. The books feature the world of the Zhang Dynasty on the planet of Lintian. Steeped in tradition much of which has been brought with them from when they were on earth. Not only is there a family with Michelle Pillow - Seduction of the Phoenix: A Qurilixen World Novel Anniversary Edition Dynasty Lords Book 1 Although related to the Dragon Lords and Lords of the Var books this new series although there are some appearances of characters from those series ,branches off in a whole new direction. Not only is there a family with several unmarried Princes and one Princess still unrated the other has mated one of the Qurilixen Pirates , there are many ancestral ghosts who are there to protect their home, traditions and give opinions whether requested or not.

This perfect full length novel had me mesmerized with a wonderfully detailed new world, a new culture to learn ,lovely quotes about seduction and desire, and well flushed out characters. Jin is a Prince who observes tradition and is in general an obedient son. On a mission to exact revenge on this family she is more than shocked to find herself about to be tried as a thief or married to a Prince. On top of all this she becomes drawn to Jin both physically and with her heart but she also has an oath to fulfill.

I really loved this story it kept me swept up in its many facets that goes well beyond just a space sci-fi romance. A great start to the new spinoff which can be read as a stand alone as well -although why miss out on the other awesome books in the other series and spinoffs! Feb 16, JjJlJr rated it really liked it Shelves: solid-good-read , evokes-emotion , strong-female-leads , light-supernatural-read , sensual , sci-fi.

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I have to say, I'm flabbergasted. After reading that, I wanted to swear off of this author.

Rob Crowther

Apparently, though, my memory is really short; I picked up an anthology of first books for each of her series in the Qurilixen universe. Out of all of them, Seduction of the Phoenix stood out the most. I was a bit wary when I started the book. Usually when authors base their books setting off of a culture that's not theirs, they I have to say, I'm flabbergasted. Usually when authors base their books setting off of a culture that's not theirs, they run a huge risk of misappropriating and disrespecting the culture. Pillow does a good job of borrowing cultural elements while respecting their origins.

The characters speak a modified version of Mandarin Chinese.

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I asked my friend to translate some phrases for me, and they turned out to be accurate and well used. I love the main character design and development. When Jin and Francesca experienced emotional turmoil, I experienced emotional turmoil. I also love how every sex scene was not only sensual, but served a distinct plot-line purpose. The world design was also thoroughly planned; I was able to visualize every scene in vivid detail. If you are looking for your first foray into Michelle Pillow's work, please choose this book to start.

You will not be disappointed! Apr 10, Nikki Brooks rated it it was amazing Shelves: reviewed , series-boxsets , pnr , sci-fi , michelle-pillow. We have met Jin briefly before when his sister Mei finally met her match in a certain spacefaring shapeshifter! He has to endure the meet and greet that encapsulates the ceremony for him and his brothers to possibly meet their wives. His life is just the way he wants it but a ghostly ancestor takes over his body and he ends up claiming a bride Francesca had a bum deal for most of her life.

Then she met a We have met Jin briefly before when his sister Mei finally met her match in a certain spacefaring shapeshifter! Then she met a great shufu warrior and he taught her everything she knows about the outlawed form of martial arts. Now on a mission to carry out the act of revenge they had planned, she is after the sacred jade and she'll do just about anything to get it.

But will she marry Jin in order to get what she wants? There is a great deal of attention paid to the customs of China, from where most of this planet originates, before colonising this planet. Jin squabbling with his various ghostly ancestors is very funny and I could just seem him stalking down corridors looking like a mad man, talking to thin air! Michelle Pillow has a way with words and she's not afraid to let us all know this.

She wields her words like a mighty weapon and enraptured her readers. I was so excited to be able to read the anniversary edition of Jin and Francesca' story. Michelle Pillow takes us on a rollercoaster ride along with the MCs and oh boy it was one hell of a ride. It's erotic, sweet, and adventurous. It was nice to watch their love story grow as well as develop into something more. A prince raised Wow..

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A prince raised in honor and tradition, a woman raised with nothing at all. Jin the honorable son and Francesca, the feisty revenge seeking thief actually make quite the pair. I felt like they complimented each other very well and that their story was quite funny and descriptive. It was also nice having hours of the past thrown in there. I can't wait for more from the Quixillirians. Overall I give this story a solid 4 stars. I loved this book.

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The twists and turns from every direction including the past was amazing. A fantastic read that had me gripped right from the start and it kept me enthralled all the way through. I loved the way that the characters were helped hindered by their ancestors as they bicker ed back and forth Throw in ancient customs with alien technology and the attention to detail that Michelle has included like the way the shoes I loved this book.

Throw in ancient customs with alien technology and the attention to detail that Michelle has included like the way the shoes Francesca wears to the apology, makes her walk is amazing. I love the feistyness of Francesca and the way that Jin argues with his dead relatives. I particularly loved the description of the food at the banquet thank you Michelle, I will never look at fish or octopus the same way again!

Anyway great love story that is years in the making.

I receieved an ARC copt of this book with no obligation. This is my honest opinion and views in this review. A fun and exciting read by Michelle yet again. The two main characters in this book are truly destined for one another. Prince Jin is bound and driven by duty and his family's honour. Francesca is driven by revenge to make the very family that killed her Master pay for what they done. Prince Jin doesn't want to marry but his ancestors have different plans for him they make him choose the very women who tries to steal his family's most priced possession as his Bride.

Francesca is caught stealing A fun and exciting read by Michelle yet again. Francesca is caught stealing and is surprised by the Prince's claim, she sees it as a way of trying to complete her task again and goes along with the plan. It becomes a physical battle and a battle of wits as the two question the other motive and true feeling for one another. Francesca then flees on her wedding night and completes her task and maybe driving a terrible wedge between her and Jin.

Will he forgive what she has done or will she forever be on the run for her crime and her true feeling for Jin. I absolutely loved this book! I looked forward to reading about the Zhang family ever since I read about Mei and Jarek another must read. We first see Jin when he is in the main hall looking at brides.

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It is a "time honored" tradition and he is all about traditions, even if he finds them boring. Suddenly there is a disturbance and in comes Francesca who was trying to steal the Jade Phoenix. Unfortunately, for Jin, he is possessed by one of his ancestors, he is forced to claim her as his bride I absolutely loved this book! Unfortunately, for Jin, he is possessed by one of his ancestors, he is forced to claim her as his bride and so begins their rocky relationship.

Jin and Francesca were great. They had amazing chemistry and their times together made the pages steam and you laugh at the same time. Each with their own secrets and not wanting to admit what they were feeling. Instantly attracted to each other and trying to deny themselves.