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Stories of Heroic Deeds for Boys and Girls (Illustrated) - Kindle edition by James Johonnot. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or.
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Beneath all the fun is a valuable message. Powerful females are not a modern invention. Anna is raised by her scientist father, who does not believe gender should limit accomplishment. Not only does he provide Anna with an extraordinary education, but he also encourages her to wonder, question and experiment. And so readers watch Anna grow — with each page turn of this elegantly designed book — from a curious child gathering buttercups in an English meadow in to a learned botanist who collects, records and renders exquisite and detailed scientific drawings.

In fact, much of what we know about Anna has been lost to history. More books by this author. Category: Children's. ISBN: Back to top.

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First, the can helps the gardener to express his Heroism by providing him with an excuse to take off his shirt and and show his physical strength, thus impressing the group of women. Second, the can helps the women to connect with the gardener. Note that the Tricksters are, thus, Heroines as well, in the sense that they are on a journey toward being noticed by the gardener.

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In the two singular plot stories by Heineken, the Trickster role is fulfilled by the brand. In both stories the brand deceives the Hero by setting up a game scenario of which not all crucial aspects are shared with the Hero, either in competition with Opponents for a Treasure a Champions League Ticket or facing challenges together solving a puzzle.

In sum, the results of our set reveal both similarities and differences between the various brand stories. A noteworthy difference that we found between the two types of stories is the limited use of evaluations in the singular plot stories and the frequent use of evaluations in the embedded story plots. This would imply that embedded story plots are structurally more complex, allowing the narrative elements and archetypes to be expressed at multiple levels.

Structural complexity in embedded brand story plots can be argued to evoke processes of enactment in consumers that differ from the enactment evoked by singular plot stories which are mainly visual by nature. Although the story clearly features a central Hero — i. Williams making a deep bow in acceptance of congratulations — suggesting surrender to her public and herself.

By facilitating such effects, Nike connects consumers to vital values on a deeper level than its sports garments: the Nike symbol is associated with diversity and self-confidence.

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All of the eight basic traits were found present in the analyzed set. The traits strong, caring, charismatic , and inspiring were found in both singular plots and embedded plot stories, while the trait smart was primary only in singular plot stories. For instance, the Nike Choose Go brand story depicts a Heroine who is both smart and charismatic : she thinks of a solution to get the world turning again, and succeeds in getting other people to run with her to achieve this. Likewise, the young men in the Heineken Champions League brand story need to be smart and strong in their competition for the match ticket.

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By contrast, the traits selfless , resilient and reliable were found only in embedded plots. Such social value levels presuppose a higher degree of moral reflection on the self and others Maslow, Examples are the value of social responsibility for sustainability and the courage to overcome fears for the self in the interest of others. An interesting finding is that some of the embedded story plots identified in this study represent a subgenre that suggests a journalistic style.

These films typically include interview fragments that are interwoven with the story proper. These alternations resemble the frequent shifts between news story and reconstructions found in journalistic reportages and newspaper narratives Van Krieken et al.

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Temporarily moving out of the story proper into an explanatory mode serves in all these genres the same dual function: to lend the story authenticity and credibility and to engage the reader. This engaging function is fulfilled by the quotations of the characters giving expression to their evaluations and thoughts. Through the authentic Heroine, credible by her quotes and filmed in her own context, Dove facilitates a phronetic effect of mutual respect and satisfaction about beauty in various manifestations.

This exploratory study explains that in essence, brand stories are not about promoting products or services to customers but about establishing strong relations with consumers. Narrative archetypes have been argued to facilitate such bonding processes because they resonate with the audience and have the potential to establish mappings between the identity of the brand and the identity of the consumer e. Our study provides support for the contention that consumers are indeed attracted to stories structured around archetypes e.

Moreover, the results of our analysis clarify how brands employ narrative archetypes and elements to foster the relation with consumers, both at the self-centered level of the consumer and the social level cf. Schmitt, , by enabling them to enact the roles played by the story characters. Brand stories were found to enable consumers to enact the journey of heroes toward pleasure or spiritual and moral enlightenment. Cathartic and phronetic outcomes of archetype enactment can be expected to strengthen the consumer-brand-relationship in distinct ways.

Cathartic effects may be found for singular plot brand stories that show a narrative series of events, causing effects such as immersion into the story world and affective identification with characters, thus dominantly manifesting at the emotional level of the relationship between brand and consumer. Thus, phronetic effects are likely to manifest at the emotional as well as rational level of the relationship between brand and consumer.

Brand stories eliciting both catharsis and phronesis can be expected to have the strongest impact on the consumer-brand-relationship because they acknowledge that consumers, as individuals, are emotional as well as rational beings and such stories appeal to both sides simultaneously see Grundey, Such studies could furthermore develop scales to measure cathartic and phronetic outcomes of the enactment processes.

It is important to note, in this respect, that phronesis should be considered both distinct from and complementary to the concept of moral elevation.

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Moral elevation is strongly emotional in nature, a culmination of feelings of admiration and awe Allison and Goethals, , Alternatively, moral elevation could also be conceptualized as a complex process that in its ultimate form might result in phronesis. Our present analysis indicates that some brand stories are intended, and in fact narratologically designed, to elicit phronesis rather than moral elevation.

The present study points toward two levels at which the brand enables the consumer to become a Hero. At the story level, the brand invites the consumer to enact heroic archetypes, supported by the supernatural aids that are provided by the brand. This enactment can be seen as a form of practice in preparing the consumer for journeys to be completed in real life cf.

Mar and Oatley, ; Boyd, Notably, the brand stories examined in the present study typically do not depict the brand as a Hero but as a supernatural aid that helps heroes achieve their goals. For instance, the Pickwick stories invite consumers to customize their own tea bag label, while The Big Knit by Innocent expresses gratitude to customers who buy smoothies with an additional asset a knitted hat for additional costs, thus creating communities around the brand. Likely, such socially intervening brand stories allow consumers to build their identity by means of relations with brands at the most complex level, not only by buying, using and representing it, but also by ideologically internalizing it, which is reflected in the combination of indexical, iconic and ideological aspects of the consumer-brand relationship Schembri et al.

As such, this study complements previous research on the archetypal structure of brand stories, as well as stories in general, which up until now has been dominated by case studies e. Admittedly, an exploratory study as the current is limited in its generalizability of findings. This limitation notwithstanding, the initial application of our framework to a varied set of complex narrative brand videos was helpful to clarify how brands and characters depict different archetypical roles to enact by consumers, that alternation between archetypical roles during the narrative is not uncommon, and that one role at different moments can be fulfilled by different actors.

In addition, it clarified how brands have various narrative instruments available to target specific consumer groups with various effects. Either way, the stories are intended to cause enactment that enforces brand-consumer connections, ultimately generating brand value. Both authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. We are grateful to the reviewers for valuable advice on an earlier version of the manuscript.

The authors hereby confirm that writing this article was their own initiative. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Front Psychol v. Front Psychol. Published online Sep Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Reviewed by: Stephanie J. This article was submitted to Organizational Psychology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Psychology. Received Jun 29; Accepted Aug The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author s and the copyright owner s are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice.

No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract This study examines how audiovisual brand stories both invite and enable consumers to enact heroic archetypes. Keywords: archetype, brand story, brand video, catharsis, enactment, heroism, narrative, phronesis.

Introduction Stories are told in every domain of social life: parents tell their children bedtime stories about dragons and castles, teachers tell their students stories about history and society, musicians sing their fans stories about budding and fading romances, organizations tell their stakeholders stories about their past performances and future goals, and novelists tell their readers stories about possible lives in possible worlds.

Open in a separate window. Narrative Archetypes Research on narrative archetypes is rooted in the work by Jung and Campbell Story Structure Research on narrative plot structures has a long history and is similar to research on narrative archetypes in its focus on recurring story patterns. Study In order to gain more insight into the relation between brand stories and the nature and outcomes of archetype enactment, we conducted an analysis of a variety of brand stories. Collection of Brand Stories A set of brand stories was collected by a group of 27 master students who were blind to the objectives of the study.

Analysis First, the collected brand stories were categorized as either 1 singular plot stories or 2 embedded plot stories. Procedure The brand stories were analyzed by a team of three coders with experience in qualitative and quantitative narrative analysis. Table 1 Plot descriptions of the singular plot and embedded plot stories. He narrates about the unlikely adventures and achievements he made, receiving skeptical reactions of the teacher and classmates with one exception: a girl who understands that he is narrating his Efteling experience.

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This ultimately worldwide attempt succeeds, but runners appear to go the wrong way, and upon a new call they turn around to make the world turn the right way. At the end, the mouse in its wheel is shown again. He takes it off, wrings it out and goes on to mow the lawn, leaving the girls in awe. After overcoming various obstacles along the way, they finally face the pool boy, only to find out that their mother has already offered him a Coke.

The challenges they have to overcome involve sharing and understanding their mutual attitudes and private histories. Their girlfriends, who are involved in the challenge, have the other half. She invites her mother to go for a picnic. When sitting down, she presents a tea bag with a personalized label asking her mother not to use her smartphone for 1 day.

Mother and daughter discuss the matter over a cup of tea, agree and leave the scene arm in arm. She invites Baukje to meet in their old classroom. When sitting down, she gives her teabag with a personalized label, asking to forgive her. Both women break into tears, embrace and discuss things over a cup of tea. Reflected Heroic traits moral values : selfless courage and reliable social responsibility.

Table 2 Frequencies and percentages of singular plots as well as embedded story plots featuring the various narrative characteristics. Narrative Enactment Structural complexity in embedded brand story plots can be argued to evoke processes of enactment in consumers that differ from the enactment evoked by singular plot stories which are mainly visual by nature.