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The Seventh Tower is a series of six books written by Garth Nix, the result of a joint partnership between Scholastic and LucasFilm. The series follows two.
Table of contents

Why do the Chosen and Icecarls remember none of this? What has any of this to do with Tal and his family who are so obviously being persecuted? Why was the Codex stolen and hidden these past 22 years? And what of the mysterious disappearances of the Chosen over the years? Tal may have solved a small part of the puzzle when he himself was lured by an ancient Chosen into a trap and discovers the bones of other young Chosen, but what was the old man's purpose? What will Tal and Milla find fleeing from the Empress's guards into the lowest levels of the Castle where the Chosen rarely enter?

I can't wait to find the answers to these questions. LibraryThing member BrynDahlquis.

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An interesting world, but not the greatest of stories. It must be admitted that this is a children's series, but I still think that Garth Nix could've added more depth. Seventh Tower has such great potential for coolness with the Spiritshadows and mysterious history and light games and stuff.

Aenir is pretty cool in that they spend the majority of the book in another world, a world with different rules and dangerous creatures. We also get the addition of two interesting characters, Adras and Odris. I like that they have actual personality, but I think Adras's stupidity is a little Who knew there was a way to mess up dumb? Overall it's just kind of "meh," but I'm finishing the series anyway. LibraryThing member Tigerlily Honestly I think this series has been overlooked by most, and that's a shame.

Series: The Seventh Tower

I absolutely adored it when I was younger. Nix creates a unique and fantastic world. Alone, each book is relatively short and not especially satisfying, but the entire series is a wonderful adventure.

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The Veil is a shroud of darkness that covers the world from the sun, resulting in eternal darkness in which only the Sunstones can provide light. It was created to protect the people of the Dark World from the creatures of Aenir, and is generated by the seven Keystones in the seven towers. The Veil is presumably quite thick, as it takes many moments to cross. Inside the Veil, there is absolutely no sunlight.

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The darkness of the Veil is so intense that it not only blinds anyone within it for the duration of their presence within, but also leeches all heat from them and prevents breathing, causing a drowning sensation. The Veil is also so dark that Shadows with no source of light energy will be destroyed, as Shadows can only exist if there is light.

This is how it provides defense from Aenirans, as they always take the form of Shadows when in the Dark World. Keystones which are large Sunstones are placed in each tower e. A Chosen from each Order is assigned as a guardian to protect their Order's Keystone.

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The Keystones must be unsealed for periodic renewal or tuning by the guardian, and if all Keystones are unsealed at one time the Veil will shut down. A single Keystone can power the Veil for a short period of time. The Red Keystone the weakest of the seven can power the Veil alone for seven days, though not at full strength. The Violet Keystone is the most powerful and is in the charge of the Emperor or Empress of the Chosen - possession of the Violet Keystone gives the bearer the right to take the throne. Dreaded by the Chosen, the Hall of Nightmares is a room used for punishment in the Castle.

It is run by a man named Fashnek, a man who was badly wounded and whose Spiritshadow now forms part of his body. The victim is placed inside a glass globe powered by Sunstones. Sleeping gas knocks them out and puts them into a dream state. Fashnek enters and controls the dream, turning it into a nightmare from which the victim cannot awake until Fashnek allows it.

Those who have been to the Hall of Nightmares are forever changed. The victims often twitch uncontrollably, cease to laugh and smile, or lose the ability to communicate altogether. Ironically, the glass globe used for the nightmares was originally created to help people with bad dreams. Wise leaders of the Icecarls. There are crones for each Icecarl clan. As crones age, their eyes appear to become cloudier or give off an unnatural light. Crones are aware of the Chosen, but the Chosen believe that there is nothing beyond the castle. There is at least one crone in each clan of Icecarls.

They share their knowledge in a powerful mind link established by their ancestors at the beginning of time. Younger crones have blue eyes and older crones white eyes.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main article: List of The Seventh Tower characters. This Characters from The Seventh Tower may contain excessive or inappropriate references to self-published sources.

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  • The Fall (The Seventh Tower, #1) by Garth Nix;
  • Please help improve it by removing references to unreliable sources where they are used inappropriately. September Learn how and when to remove this template message. Retrieved October 18, Star Wars Indiana Jones. THX Garth Nix.

    The Fall: The Seventh Tower, Book 1

    List of characters The House. Sabriel Lirael Abhorsen Clariel Goldenhand List of characters Across the Wall collection The Bells.

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