Manual Nonexistence

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Although I may take great words in my mouth, please understand that I am merely repeating what I have been fortunate enough to receive. It is very difficult to really learn something or to be educated in it without a teacher. You probably all know this very well, having gone to school so many years. The education we have received is something that we can make use of our entire lives. Even so, our education has not brought us even one inch closer to the state of perfect enlightenment. Our years of effort in school are ultimately of no real benefit.

Because you are all intelligent, I think you can understand why I am saying this. No matter what we do in this life, all the information we gather and all the knowledge we accumulate and all the effort we make to amass wealth through work and business—when the time comes for us to leave this life, all of it is futile and in vain. It will not help us in any way whatsoever. I can easily say this since I am not educated at all! So I can smile and act big about this. We can buy the most expensive clothes or be famous enough that everyone knows our name. That is quite possible.

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We can pursue these worldly attainments very enthusiastically and think that there is plenty of time to enjoy them while we are in the first half of our lives. However, in the second half of our lives, as we age and become elderly, life starts being less fun. I speak from experience here. It begins to be difficult to stand up and to move around.

You get sick more often and you start to ail in different ways. What lies ahead of you is only further sickness and finally death. All these disasters are lined up in front of us, and we will meet them one after the other. What comes after death is not clear to us right now, because we cannot see our next rebirth. We cannot even see if there is anything after this life.

You have a body, a voice, and a mind. Of these, mind is the most important. The five physical elements of earth, fire, water, wind, and space do not perceive. In contrast, mind is that which can experience, that which perceives. The five sense organs of eyes, ears, tongue, nose and body do not perceive and experience.


The term corpse means that the mind has departed. We say that the eyes see, that the ears hear, that the tongue tastes, the nose smells, and so forth—but it is only possible for this to happen when there is a mind to experience through the senses. The five sense organs are still there, but there is no experience taking place through them if mind leaves the body. Mind means that which knows pleasure and pain. Of all the different things in this world, only mind experiences and perceives; nothing else.

logic - What does it mean that a claim is a claim of nonexistence? - Philosophy Stack Exchange

Therefore, mind is the root of all states—all samsaric as well as all nirvanic states. Without mind there would be nothing to feel or perceive in this world. Mind is completely empty, but it is at the same time able to perceive, to know. The three lower realms are arrayed according to the degree of pain experienced in each, just as the three higher realms are arrayed according to degrees of pleasure.

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Everything is based on that which feels pleasure and pain, which is mind. In other words, mind is the basis or root of everything. Mind is empty, and while being empty, it still knows and experiences. Space is empty and does not know anything.

Nonexistence Quotes

That is the difference between space and mind. Mind is similar to space in that it is insubstantial. You cannot say that there is no mind because it is the basis of everything; it is that which experiences every possible thing. You cannot say that there is a thing called mind, and yet at the same time you cannot say that there is no mind. It lies beyond both extremes of being and not being. If we were without a mind, we would be corpses. You are not corpses, are you? But can you say that there is a mind that you can see, hear, smell, taste, or take hold of?

It is truly beyond both extremes of existence and nonexistence. The absence of contradiction between these two is the principle of the Middle Way—that mind is beyond conflict between existence and nonexistence. The Buddha called this unformed unity shunyata , emptiness. Natural thatness means simply what is by itself. Our nature is just like that.

The Puzzle of Non-Existence

Just recognize that fact, without coloring it with any kind of idea about it. If you believe there is a thing called mind, it is just a thought. Your natural state, free of any kind of thought about it—that is buddha nature. In ordinary sentient beings, this natural state is carried away by thinking, caught up in thought. Involvement in thinking is like a heavy chain that weighs you down. Now it is time to be free from that chain. The moment you shatter the chain of thinking, you are free from the three realms of samsara. In this entire world, there is nothing superior to or more precious than knowing how to break this chain.

None of the buddhas of the past, present and future have discovered an instruction that is more profound or more direct in attaining enlightenment. To ask for teachings on the nature of mind means to understand how to recognize mind nature.

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  8. Finally, after all this, this teaching would be given. But nowadays we live in different times. People are so busy that they have no time to actually sit down and go through all this training. My root guru told me once that different times were coming. If they have the karmic readiness, they will understand, and if they do understand, they are benefited. When I was young, I often tried to do that. But actually, they have to turn around and see the sun rising in the east. You have heard that our mind is actually empty, meaning it is not a concrete thing, and that at the same time it is able to perceive, to understand, to experience.

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