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LAWMAN () ran for episodes. It was part of the rush of lates westerns, but the quality of stories was a cut above, and the number of well-known.
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Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future #9

Please note Use of geocaching. The series contains 13 caches which 12 caches contain a clue for the final 13th cache. Please do not remove clue from cache. Please leave for fellow cachers to enjoy as well. This series does not require you to find a cache in any particular order, but the first 12 are needed in order to find the final cache.

You may want to read each story associated with the corresponding cache as each one may hold a clue for a later cache or the final cache. They holed up, licking their wounds, in a country motel near Amarillo. For the first time, the Barrow Gang felt hemmed in. What had occurred in Joplin had been too close of a call. While Bonnie and Clyde learned from their mistakes, they were smart enough to know: so had the police. Clyde had had some trouble clearing Joplin, having taken a few dead ends.

Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future #9 - Read Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future Issue #9 Online

From now on he would contrive an escape route ahead of time. And although they changed cars and license plates quite frequently, he resolved to do it even more frequently. He accounted that the stolen car he had driven in Joplin might have led the police to them. Again, as in Temple, the streets were daylit and again its owner, this time H. Darby Dillard had seen them. As they pulled away, he shouted obscenities from the screened porch of the boarding house where he resided.

Maybe because he was an undertaker, Dillard was not a man to fear death. He convinced a fellow boarder, Sophie Stone, to let him use her auto to pursue the thieves. In the rush of the moment she agreed and found herself tagging along. After momentarily losing sight of his car, Dillard saw it again a few blocks away at a stoplight, W. Sliding closer, the forlorn undertaker failed to notice the rest of the Barrows in their original car behind him.

Western Kentucky University

They had been following the stolen car to a prescribed junction on the outskirts of town. Bonnie chuckled, watching Dillard shake his fists violently at W.

At the pre-arranged location, in a less-traveled area, W. Seeing this, Dillard braced for fisticuffs. But, it was then he noticed the reinforcements rolling up behind, their faces crinkled in grins. The curious company drove all night, stopping only to grab some hamburgers, to which they treated their "guests".

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Tensions eased and Dillard slowly began to realize that they might not be so bad as the newspapers painted; in fact, even though they dropped him off miles from his home the next morning they slipped him and Stone money to get home. Of course, they kept the car. Now, came a bad time. Gunning the car down Highway towards Wellington, Clyde was unaware that a bridge over a small gully ahead had been removed for maintenance; none of the gang had noticed the warning sign. Spying the chasm too late, Clyde braked but the car spun, screeched and turned sideways with a jolting thud into the ravine.

A fire had broken out beneath the hood; miraculously, the rest of the crew, unhurt, yanked her free just as the automobile exploded. One of her thighs was badly burned beneath her tattered dress. Near her knee, the skin was severed to expose bone. She screamed in pain.

Tom Pritchard, a nearby farmer who had seen the accident from his field, rushed over to give these "city slickers" a hand and to help carry Bonnie to the family bed. The face of the wounded girl, he realized now, resembled that girl on the wanted poster in the town hall.

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What was her name Bonnie Parker? Pritchard, in her small way, helped where she could, cleaning the wound and applying iodine. Still, she admitted to Clyde who stood bedside, Bonnie needed a doctor - badly. When Clyde emerged from the bedroom to check on the others, he asked W.

Buck and Blanche, he said, went back to dig the car from the ditch. And the farmer It was obvious, thanks to W. In a dither, the gang was out of there, confusing Mrs. Robert B. By Robert Knott. Email or call for price. Description Itinerant lawmen Virgil Cole and Everett Hitch return to confront an escaped criminal in the grittiest entry yet in Robert B. But all that changed when Augustus Noble Driggs was transferred to a stateside penitentiary just across the border from Mexico.

But nothing is ever quite what it seems with the ever-elusive Driggs. With an unlikely and unconventional Yankee detective by their side, Cole and Hitch set off on a massive manhunt. As horses' hooves thunder and guns echo deadening reports, Driggs discovers one of the lawmen on his trail is none other than a fellow West Point graduate he'd just as soon see dead. Ruthless and willing to leave a bloody path of destruction in his wake, Driggs seeks vengeance at any cost.

About the Author Robert B. Parker was the author of seventy books, including the legendary Spenser detective series, the novels featuring Police Chief Jesse Stone, and the acclaimed Virgil Cole—Everett Hitch westerns, as well as the Sunny Randall novels.