Guide I Was Shipwrecked on the Andrea Doria! The Titanic of the 1950s

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Feb 14, - I Was Shipwrecked on the Andrea Doria! the Titanic of the s by Pierette Domenica Simpson, , available at Book.
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In another cabin, Brooklyn resident Walter Carlin discovered that the exterior wall of his room had been completely sheared off. His wife, who had been reading in bed, had simply disappeared. By far the most extraordinary story concerned Linda Morgan, who was sleeping in a starboard side cabin. The crash killed her stepfather and stepsister, but Morgan was somehow lifted from her bed and thrown onto the crumpled bow of Stockholm, where she landed with only a broken arm. Following the shock of the collision, both crews scrambled to take stock of their vessels.

While Stockholm was found to be in no danger of sinking, the Doria had sustained critical damage and was listing over 20 degrees to its starboard side, allowing seawater to spill through its watertight compartments. Luckily for Calamai, his ship was floating in a heavily traveled strip of the Atlantic. While the mangled Stockholm began rescuing passengers from the Doria, several other vessels answered its distress calls and raced to the scene. The first, a small freighter called the Cape Ann, arrived around a.

Two American Navy ships followed shortly thereafter, but lifeboats remained scarce. Finally, around 2 a. Though help had arrived, the situation aboard the Doria remained perilous. Debris from the collision had trapped some of the passengers in their cabins, and many on the lower levels had to brave smoke-filled hallways and knee-deep water on their way to the main deck. Those who gathered by the useless portside lifeboats faced their own set of problems. With the Doria listing to its right, its main deck had turned into a steep, slippery slope.

To reach the starboard side lifeboats, many had to lie on their backs and slide down the deck, making sure to stop before they careened off the edge and into the water. All the while, the ship continued to roll, threatening to capsize at any moment. The rescue—one of the largest in maritime history—lasted several hours, but by a.

Captain Calamai seemed ready to go down with his ship, but reluctantly boarded the last lifeboat after his crew refused to leave him behind. A few hours later, as the rescue fleet steamed toward New York harbor, Andrea Doria finally capsized and flooded. At a. All told, 51 people had died as a result of the collision—five on Stockholm and 46 on the Doria.

In the years since, investigators have used crew depositions and computer simulations to try and recreate the night of the disaster. While there were obvious mistakes from both ships, many researchers now believe that Carstens made the crucial error by misreading his radar and concluding that the Doria was several miles farther away than it actually was.

Nevertheless, debate over the cause of the wreck continues even today. Stockholm was eventually repaired. Andrea Doria, meanwhile, rests in some feet of water in the North Atlantic.

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Named after the 16th-century Genoese admiral Andrea Doria , the ship had a gross register tonnage of 29, and a capacity of about 1, passengers and crew. Of all Italy's ships at the time, Andrea Doria was the largest, fastest and supposedly safest. Launched on 16 June , the ship undertook its maiden voyage on 14 January Struck in the side, the top-heavy Andrea Doria immediately started to list severely to starboard, which left half of its lifeboats unusable.

The consequent shortage of lifeboats could have resulted in significant loss of life, but the ship stayed afloat for over 11 hours after the collision. While 1, passengers and crew were rescued and survived, 46 people on the ship died as a direct consequence of the collision. The incident and its aftermath were heavily covered by the news media. While the rescue efforts were both successful and commendable, the cause of the collision with Stockholm and the loss of Andrea Doria generated much interest in the media and many lawsuits.

Oh no, there's been an error

Largely because of an out-of-court settlement agreement between the two shipping companies during hearings immediately after the disaster, no determination of cause was ever formally published. Although greater blame appeared initially to fall on the Italian liner, more recent discoveries have indicated that a misreading of radar on the Swedish ship initiated the collision course, leading to errors on both ships.

Instead, the famous Italian architect Minoletti designed Andrea Doria for luxury. Because it sailed the southern Atlantic routes, Andrea Doria was the first ship to feature three outdoor swimming pools, one for each class first, cabin, and tourist. When fully booked, the ship was capable of accommodating 1, passengers in three different classes; in first class, in cabin class, and in tourist class. As was the rule aboard transatlantic passenger liners, each passenger class was strictly segregated to specific parts of the ship.

First-class accommodations were located amidships on the upper decks, cabin-class accommodations were located just abaft first class, and tourist-class accommodations were divided between the bow and aft ends and were connected by corridors that ran the full length of the ship.

Each class had its own separate dining room, lounges, and social halls, designated areas of open deck space and enclosed promenades, and even their own swimming pools with verandas. Equipped with a double hull , Andrea Doria was divided into 11 watertight compartments. Andrea Doria also carried enough lifeboats to accommodate all passengers and crew.

She carried a total of 16 steel lifeboats, eight positioned on each side of the ship, coming in three different designs; two person launches for emergency use, two person motorboats with inboard radio transmitters, and 12 person hand-propelled standard boats. However, despite its technological advantages, the ship had serious flaws relating to its seaworthiness and safety.

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Confirming predictions derived from model testing during the design phase, the ship developed a huge list when hit by any significant force. The ship's tendency to list was accentuated when the fuel tanks were nearly empty, which was usually at the end of a voyage. This stability issue became a focus of the investigation after the sinking, as it was a factor in both the capsizing and the crew's inability to lower the port-side lifeboats. Beyond this limit, up to half of the lifeboats could not be deployed. Furthermore, the country was struggling with a collapsed economy.

The second vessel, which was launched in , was to be named Cristoforo Colombo after explorer Christopher Columbus. These ships were intended to enter use on the Italian Line's main service between Genoa and New York, which was commonly advertised as the Sunny Southern Route alongside Saturnia , Vulcania and Conte Biancamano , which were among the handful of Italian liners to survive the war.

However, as popular as these vessels were, all three were more than two decades old and had somewhat slower service speeds. Thus, it was the line's intention to use the new Andrea Doria and Colombo to establish a new express service to New York. While the three older liners followed a route that meandered throughout the Mediterranean with additional stops at ports including the Azores, Lisbon, Barcelona and Palermo, the two new faster ships would make only three ports of call between Genoa and New York: at Cannes, Naples and Gibraltar.

I Was Shipwrecked on the Andrea Doria! - Gare Maritime

Construction of Andrea Doria started as Yard No. On 9 February , the ship's keel was laid on the No. During the ceremony, the ship's hull was blessed by Giuseppe Siri , Cardinal Archbishop of Genoa , and christened by Mrs.

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Initially, Andrea Doria had been scheduled to depart Genoa on her maiden voyage on 14 December , but amid reports of machinery problems during sea trials, the departure was delayed to 14 January Nevertheless, Andrea Doria completed her maiden voyage on 23 January, only a few minutes behind schedule, and received a welcoming delegation that included New York Mayor Vincent R.

Her most recent eastbound crossing from New York had concluded on 14 July, and after a three-day turnaround, the ship was prepared to make another trek across the Atlantic, which was scheduled to begin from Genoa on Tuesday, 17 July. On the morning of 17 July, boarding at the pier at Genoa began at 8 a. In all, passengers embarked at Genoa; 49 first class, 72 cabin class and tourist class. Among those boarding in first class were Hungarian ballet dancers Istvan Rabovsky and Nora Kovach , who had defected from the Soviet bloc to the United States just three years earlier. Her first port of call was at Cannes, on the French Riviera, where she arrived in mid-afternoon that same day.

Only a handful of passengers boarded there, 48 in all: 30 first class, 15 cabin class and only three tourist class. Among them was one of Andrea Doria ' s most famous passengers, Hollywood actress Ruth Roman , who was travelling with her three-year-old son Richard. A total of came aboard at Naples: another 85 in first class, in cabin class and in tourist class. Most of those in tourist class were emigrants from impoverished regions of southern Italy on their way to new lives in America.

She departed Naples just after 6 p. After collecting her final 65 passengers 26 first class, 19 cabin class, 20 tourist class , she proceeded onto the open Atlantic for New York. Completed in , Stockholm was of a much more practical design than Andrea Doria. Originally built to accommodate only passengers in two classes, Stockholm was designed more for comfort than the luxury and opulence found aboard Andrea Doria , because the Swedish-American Line was aware that the age of transatlantic passenger travel was coming to an end with the rapid growth of air travel.

However, they did not envision the massive surge in tourism that arose during the s. As a result, the Swedish-American Line withdrew Stockholm from service in for an overhaul that included an addition to her superstructure to provide space for accommodations for an additional passengers, increasing her maximum passenger capacity to This proved to be a successful move, as by Stockholm had gained a worthy reputation on the North Atlantic.

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Stockholm left New York almost booked to capacity with passengers and a crew of As Stockholm and Andrea Doria were approaching each other head-on in the heavily used shipping corridor, the westbound Andrea Doria had been traveling in heavy fog for hours. The captain had reduced speed slightly from However, the eastbound Stockholm had yet to enter what was apparently the edge of a fog bank, and was seemingly unaware of it and the movement of the other ship hidden within the fog. The waters of the North Atlantic south of Nantucket Island are frequently the site of intermittent fog, as the cold Labrador Current encounters the Gulf Stream.

No radio communication was made between the two ships at first. In fact, they were actually steering toward each other, narrowing, rather than widening, the passing distance. As a result of the extremely thick fog that enveloped Andrea Doria as the ships approached each other, the ships were quite close by the time visual contact was established. By then, the crews realized that they were on a collision course, but despite last-minute maneuvers, they could not avoid the collision.

In the last moments before impact, Stockholm turned hard to starboard right and was in the process of reversing her propellers, attempting to stop. Below the waterline, five fuel tanks on Andrea Doria's starboard side were torn open, and they filled with thousands of tons of seawater. Meanwhile, air was trapped in the five empty tanks on the port side, causing them to float more readily, contributing to a severe list. The ship's large fuel tanks were mostly empty at the time of the collision, since the ship was nearing the end of her voyage, worsening the list.

Andrea Doria was designed with her hull divided into 11 watertight compartments, separated by steel bulkheads that ran across the width of her hull, rising from the bottom of the ship's hull up to A Deck. The only openings in the bulkheads were on the bottom deck, where watertight doors were installed for use by the engine crew and could be easily closed in an emergency. Her design specified that if any two adjacent watertight compartments were breached, she could remain afloat.

While the collision itself penetrated only one of Andrea Doria ' s watertight compartments, the severe list would gradually pull the tops of the bulkheads along the starboard side below the level of the water, allowing seawater to flow down corridors, down stairwells, and any other way it could find into the next compartment in line.

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The collision had also torn into an access tunnel running from the generator room, which was located in the compartment directly aft of where the collision had happened, to a small room at the forward end of the tank compartment containing the controls for the tank pumps. But a fatal flaw in Andrea Doria ' s design existed, as at the point where the tunnel went through the bulkhead separating the two compartments, no watertight door was present.

This allowed the generator room to flood rapidly, contributing to not only an increase in flooding, but also to a loss of electricity.