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Dive Into Multitenant Applications by Charles Taylor, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
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Regardless, the error message is crucial to determining the specific cause. Use this sample to learn about multi-tenant scenarios in Azure AD. For a deeper dive, go through the multi-tenant sample. Learn more.

Graph Connect sample not working for multi tenancy in. Asked 4 months ago. Active 3 months ago. Viewed 78 times. Nicolas Nicolas 1. Paul Schaeflein Paul Schaeflein 2 2 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. It looks like the Authority URL has the tenant ID of the first tenant logged in so when the second user from the different tenancy logs in, it uses that tenant ID in the Authority URl and hence the error message I guess? Here we're resolving tenants based on the hostname but notice that you have access to the full HttpContext so you can match on anything you like - URL, user, headers etc.

I've hardcoded my tenants for now. In your own applications you'll likely resolve tenants against a database or a configuration file.

Mvc Area Routing

Once you've defined your tenant and tenant resolver you're ready to wire up SaasKit. I've tried to follow the same pattern as most ASP. NET Core components. First you need to register SaasKit's dependencies. Open up startups.

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Then you need to register the SaasKit middleware components. Add the following to your Configure method:. Whenever you need the current tenant instance you can just take a dependency on your tenant type. For example in an MVC controller:. The same is true for TenantContext. SaasKit registers both of these dependencies for you so there's no need to obtain the current HttpContext every time you need access to the current tenant. This makes your tenant-scoped dependencies much easier to test. So that we can see everything is working, add the current tenant name to my site's title.

To do this I'm going to use a new feature of MVC6, the ability to inject services into views.

This will inject AppTenant into the view and make it available on a property called Tenant. Open project. Of course hardcoding tenants is pretty lame so we'll update our sample to load the tenant details from appsettings. NET Core. To begin with add your tenant configuration to this file:.

E24: Multi Tenancy with Boilerplate

He will then create a new alias which is conform companyname. So, long story short, a Tenant is always coupled to 1 or more user s 1-N. I need to guarantee that a user from Tenant 'abc' will never be able to login to Tenant 'xyz'. Therefore I also don't like the WebSecurity framework too much, as it seems a shared database for all my tenants or am I wrong?

Could you guys share some insights in how to handle the check on "tenant" and "authenticated user" in real world multi tenant applications?

Deep-dive to ASP.NET Core Logging

I would be very much helped if you could share some documentation where I can read all about these questions. I have the strong desire to see some more in detail documentation about multi tenancy, that dives into the actual design maybe even code examples. Each solution you could get here would be dependent on what your app does and how it works with data, if you use repository pattern, if you use IoC etc.

You might consider instantinating your repository by passing userid to repository class and doing filtering everytime application needs data, you can do that in your controller - this approach is used very often even in VS SampleProjects - like "SinglePage Application" you might want to download some open source projects and just see how it's done there. What I do in some of my projects where nothing "really fancy" is required and I don't expect a huge load is this: - I setup BaseController that every other controller needs to implement - in onActionExecuting event of the BaseController I do.


You could do the same with your Company object. So I assume you would query Employees like I do and retrieve the Company reference and pass it to public property on your BaseController. It's maybe not the best solution, but it's rather secure as long as you remember to pull out data via Company object navigation properties eg. Employees, Tickets, Requests etc. Learn more.

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Multi Tenant - User relations - Some real life examples? Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. Active 6 years, 11 months ago.