Guide Best 5 tips for choosing Bracelets & Watches.

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Jul 13, - How you can wear bracelets with your watch in a way that looks stylish wrist, some people adore it and wear 3, 4 or even five bracelets on the same wrist as the watch. too flashy, which bracelets you should choose based on the watch you are wearing, Note that the tips below only are general advice.
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You must know the three categories of skin tone since they will serve as a guide for you before you choose a watch. Here are three different skin tone categories to help you determine which tone is yours. Fair or light skin tones are common for people who live in countries with constant cloud coverage or snowfall, such as northern Europe or North America. Medium skin tone, sometimes known as olive, is a neutral skin tone that can be seen on people with a Northern Asian or Southern Europe descent. People who live in these regions have balanced beige skin tones because of the hot and cold weather.

People with dark skin tone are usually from countries that have the most exposure to sunlight, such as in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, or Africa. People have dark skin tones in such regions because of the high amount of melanin they need to protect their skin from UV radiation. Skin undertones are different shades of skin tones that can be seen underneath your skin.

The most crucial fact about skin undertones is that they will never change, unlike skin tones.

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Besides skin tones, skin undertones also have three different categories consumers have to take note of when choosing a watch. Since watches have different colors and materials, knowing what your skin undertone is can serve as a guide to choosing a timepiece that can highlight your skin tone. However, even though there are three types of skin undertones, people of different skin tones can either have one of the three types of skin undertones.

Thus, here are the three different types of skin undertones. The cool skin undertone is evident in people with a bluish, pink, or red complexion. Further, the veins of people with cool undertones appear purple or darkish blue.

The neutral skin undertone is evident in people with a combination of the cool and warm skin undertones in their complexion. Further, the veins of people with neutral undertones appear slightly blue, going towards green. Further, the veins of people with warm undertones appear green or slightly olive. After identifying which category of tone your skin belongs to as well as the skin undertone you have, choosing a watch that matches your skin tone becomes easier. Since colors play an essential role in transforming our style, we also have to know how to match the color of the number one jewelry for both men and women, a timepiece.

Consumers should keep in mind that they can wear any watch straps that are irrespective of skin tone and undertone, except for metal bracelets. Further, their watch strap can either be leather, plastic, rubber, or synthetic. For metal watch straps, the most common colors are either silver or gold. The reason being is that gold looks better on people with warm undertones, while silver looks better on people with cool undertones. So should you wear your bracelet on the left or right wrist?

You can be wearing a bracelet on your right wrist or left wrist. The part a suitable wrist bracelet plays is no different from that of other pieces of jewelry such as rings and necklaces. While it is not the focus of your outfit, it is certainly a distinctive part of the look. The attires you like to dress in will dictate the form the bracelet actually takes and which hand to wear the bracelet.

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For instance, if your outfit tends to mostly include wrap pants and tropical shirts, then rough-edged, naturally looking bracelets with leather, rope, and beads would be more suitable for you. However, if you are the sort of guy who wears a suit and ties regularly, a natural fit would be something metallic and stylish looking.

This can also determine what wrist do guys wear bracelets on or wether men wearing bracelets is suitable.

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However, in each case, the bracelet plays the same role; accentuating your overall appearance. Just like many other good accents, it tends to make a social statement: that it is your intention to look that way. So, should men wear bracelets will be determined on the occasion and your own style, and not so much whether do you wear bracelets on left or right?

When buying a bracelet, you should ensure that you get it sized correctly. If you go for a sizable heavy one, you must ensure that it is fitted pretty close. A big heavy metal slipping back and forth normally gets old sooner. Lighter bracelets made of rope and bead pieces can leave some room. When it comes to wearing a bracelet, one of the problems is that typical menswear does not leave room for this piece of jewelry. Suit and shirt cuffs will be competing with bracelets for space on your wrist.

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This is why bracelets are mostly a summer phenomenon, with short-sleeved shirts leaving lots of room to display them. However, with a little bit of common sense, you can somehow adjust them into long-sleeved attires as well. Wear bracelets the way you wear wristwatches — They should stay against your skin beneath any sleeves. If you like, you can pile up multiple thin cord bracelets, but not thick metal bracelets on one wrist. Likewise, a wristwatch looks fantastic with thin chord bracelets but thick metal ones look awkward.

You should not wear more than one thick metal band on one wrist. It is better to wear a bracelet on one wrist than both.


Wearing matching bracelets on each wrist is not recommended unless you want a bondage-cuff like look. So, it does not matter that you are a man. You can still wear bracelets as part of your accessories. Just buy bracelets that match the outfit of your wardrobe and you will be ready to go. So, do guys wear bracelets on the left or right? Even men, who formerly considered any piece of jewelry beyond a wristwatch plus cufflinks as a fashion statement taken too far, are now sporting bracelets. These pieces of jewelry are increasingly becoming a popular accessory for any formal or casual style.

Importance of Skin Undertones

They can be worn either separately or combined with a few others to create an elegant setting. When it comes to which wrist to wear bracelets on — left or right — there are no ironclad rules. The idea is to avoid the bracelet coming in the way while you are working. Also, to avoid scratching your watch, it is best to sport it on the opposite wrist.

5 tips on choosing and wearing the best bracelet

But if they prefer to wear the two jewelry pieces separately, then they can just wear the bracelet s on the opposite wrist. Beaded bracelets — They are comprised of a stretch string with many beads made of diverse materials. They usually come in several shapes and sizes, hence making it easy to combine them together. One great advantage of them is their affordability. Chain bracelets — Most of them are made of precious metals or metal alloys, for example, silver, copper, iron and stainless steel. Chain bracelets are rarely mixed with other types of bracelets since they do not look quite good when combined.

They are popular due to their simple design, durability and provide that masculine appearance that most men are looking for. Anchor bracelets — They are commonly made of leather or rope that function like the strap material. They feature a pendant or fastener that is shaped like the traditional anchor of a boat and is ideal for casual wear. They can be sported with a watch and sunglasses, giving that complete casual summer look.