75 Lives of Haran : New Insights into Reincarnation

75 Lives of Haran provides new insights into reincarnation and the topics of karma and the soul. This intriguing and highly spiritual book chronicles the author's.
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At day's finish, quiet your brain and unburden your middle. This advisor seeks to reinforce your realizing of the aptitude and services given to us at start. Trapped inside you, ready to be realised, is a big capability. Grounded in real-life case experiences, the infl uence of cosmic power in your collection of occupation and plenty of facets of existence is explained. The past-life regressions highlighted within the ebook inspire and empower us to reside our lives with which means and purpose.

Haran lives outdoor of Johannesburg in South Africa and is a retired engineer. Raskin Where may the Jewish humans be with no the discernment and knowledge of Jewish girls - features they own a long way in way over males? Olitzky At day's finish, quiet your brain and unburden your middle. By Jerry King "Why is it really easy for convinced humans to acquire luck of their career? By Benjamin Marienfeld Seminar paper from the 12 months within the topic Communications - Public kin, ads, advertising and marketing, Social Media, grade: Marcin Poprawski, we discussed the connections and intersections of the 2 subject matters tradition and types, as the identify of the seminar indicates.

We handled tradition customarily as nationwide tradition and with manufacturers commonly as product manufacturers. The kingdom that i would like to check during this paper is the German country, the product that i need to check is beer. A first connection among Germany and beer is clear. Beer is a component and parcel of the German tradition. After this brief glance again at the German heritage, we are going to specialise in the present time.

The modern German beer industry might be defined. Following that, i'm going to draw the eye on the variety of sorts of beer which are produced in Germany. This leads us to the query if and to which expand the choice for a certain kind of beer is hooked up to the correct culture. But Arthur Findlay was among many who stood firm against reincarnation. I would probably have expressed the same opinion in the late s. But in recent times, a number of scientists have made it their business to research cases suggestive of reincarnation and, for the most part, they have produced evidence that many people find compelling.

I certainly do and on that basis I believe Spiritualism can happily embrace reincarnation. Before discussing the evidence for past lives, let me make a more general observation. As Leslie rightly points out, the spirit entities who communicated with Allan Kardec and the spirit guides Leslie also names taught the reality of reincarnation. But there were and are others who do not. Some suggest that these guides are at different levels of spiritual understanding or on different planes of existence. Fortunately, researchers like Professor Ian Stevenson, who have looked at the evidence, have approached the subject scientifically, unencumbered by religious doctrine other than, perhaps, to compare how particular cases may have been influenced by dominant religions.

What they have found is that cases in which a person claims to recall a past life follow a pattern, regardless of the country in which they occur or the beliefs of the community into which they are born. For example, memories of that earlier existence are talked about almost as soon as the child can speak, often voicing dissatisfaction with the new life or even the parents with whom he or she is now required to live. Typically, these memories fade during childhood and are usually forgotten or buried by the age of twelve.

Children appearing to recall a past life are sometimes so strongly drawn to that previous existence that they try to run away from home in order to search for their previous family. Some parents are supportive and even take the child to the village or town named, and there have been a number of cases where the child has led them to the former home and the family inside recognise the details he or she has given about the person whose life is being recalled. However you choose to interpret such cases, my view is that, at the very least, they demonstrate the continuing existence of personality after death, either able to be reborn or to possess or overshadow a physical person.

In my judgement, reincarnation is the explanation that best fits the facts. Moreover, there are occasional anomalies in the Stevenson cases, such as lives that appear to overlap, and communities where reincarnation is always into the same sex… Many of the Stevenson cases have been collected in communities where it was necessary to rely on interpreters. Roy mentions overshadowing as a possible explanation of the experience of past life recall — in less benign cases, one might speak of obsession, especially in cases where the previous personality died violently and is not at peace.

There may also be a role for the group soul, or soul group. Stevenson put reincarnation on the map as a serious scientific hypothesis — but where are his successors? But aspects of the huge body of evidence he compiled have received corroboration from his colleagues and those who now follow in his footsteps since his death in He produced joint papers with both Keil and Haraldsson that reinvestigated cases and confirmed the stability and similarity of features over many years.

This replicates a similar study carried out by Stevenson and it silences the sceptics who claim such cases can be explained by false or biased reporting of facts by interpreters. Even if none of these studies had been carried out, young children around the world would still continue to make statements about what they claim to be a previous life and to behave in a way that disturbs their relatives.

There are anomalies, of course, but they may also be clues as to what is happening and provide us ultimately with a better understanding of the nature of consciousness. Stevenson discovered that many of these children had birthmarks or birth defects coinciding with wounds or deformities on the persons they claimed to have been in a previous existence. The evidence is contained in his monumental work, Reincarnation and Biology: This illustrated, two-volume, 2,page study, published in , examines more than cases, most personally investigated by Stevenson, showing striking similarities in physical features between the deceased subjects and individuals who claim to be their reincarnations.

Birthmark cases have taken the research to another level and reincarnation is the explanation that best fits these cases as far as I am concerned. He would, therefore, have been familiar with the words of Mahatma Koot Hoomi in a letter to A. To have your say on this subject, click here to vote on our MicroPoll. To see the result of this survey, click here. The fundamental error into which both spiritualists and reincarnationalists fall time and again is to assume that the human personality is a watertight entity which does not change.

We would do better to think of ourselves as streams of consciousness which merge and diverge like eddies on the surface of a river. This more flexible view can accommodate the apparent phenomena of both mediumship and reincarnation. The apparent separation of our personal identity is a relative, rather than an absolute reality. There is just one universal underlying field of consciousness but we have been conditioned into thinking of ourselves as permanently separate and discrete entities.

The phenomena of mediumship and reincarnation or overshadowing all give the lie to this blinkered understanding of our true nature. Hi Roy, as you know I have studied various forms of Reincarnation, over the past twenty years and wrote a detailed study for Psychic News back in I started it by saying, I did not believe in Reincarnation, but I did in previous lives! My general view was that the overwhelming evidence over so many years, led many people to believe in reincarnation; but how could it be proved scientifically? We always have things at the edge of our understanding, grey areas on the edge between nature and science, brave people study these matters and put forward models, to suggest how they work, These are tested to destruction, requiring repeat experiments to become scientific proof, the papers are peer refereed, by all that are for or against; eventually the model is agreed, modified or rejected.

Just look back in time to see how that has been the norm! How would they have viewed Electricity and Radio in ? All very normal now. Others, more wise, have spoken on levels of enlightenment. But what of Rules? I agree with the comments made by Leslie Price. Reincarnation has never been proved and even the respected Prof Ian Stevenson had to admit that he had not discovered a watertight case. Science and spiritual science is able to present rational explanation for all alleged cases of reincarnation and past lives. The theory of reincarnation was built upon error and became a false doctrine which has misled millions and also used as a method and power tool to control.

This big problem for me with the human reincarnationist theory is that within 65 years, less than a lifetime, the human population has trebled and looking to increase to 10 billion people in the coming decade. What this means is that, at the very least, two thirds of the population living today could not have lived a human life before on this planet.

They would be newbies, without previous karma and human experience. Yet, such a position would have a major impact surely on our society. I mean, at least three quarters of the population, if not more, would have no previous life. Yet looking back at older generations, before the influx of new souls — is there any real evidence of wisdom? In order to explain this, all kinds of weird and wonderful explanations have to be given.

For me at least, it represents a major flaw in the belief in human reincarnation. I am surprised to see a theory worthy of in depth investigation being rejected by a single assumption. Therefore we should always keep an open mind about issues like these. It is worthy of discussion whether we believe in reincarnation or not.

I read this debate with interest. I am undecided about the whole issue of reincarnation but I find Mr Salters views hard to argue with. I would be interested to see how pro reincarnationists would answer him. The problem with such debates is that too many people make too many assumptions.

Mike Salter argues that an expanding population would result in millions being born without having lived a previous life and without a karmic record. That might be so. Please understand that for twenty years I held a firm belief in human reincarnation and I have the greatest respect for those that hold these views today. I stress that it is only my opinion for what it is worth. I do believe, however, that common sense should be our guide in these matters. The old chestnut has been re-heated once more and we already see evidence that ideas other than our own can be unpalatable. For me, Re-incarnation is just too small a concept.

Too restricting, too unimaginative and, the biggest insult, only physical and material. If you believe the only way you can experience and develop is on Earth because that is what is actually being put forward , then re-incarnation makes sense. Once you have had a physical existence then there is no point to doing it again.

Your experience gives you a print and because of this you will know the earth for ever. When you draw close to the physical again you will become aware of that print and, because you have experienced a physical life, that awareness links in to all things. Sorry but I disagree with this point…! What about Karmic debt, or pure desire to spend time with those we care about — are we not free as Spirits to choose?

Just my imagination I suppose…? I subscribe to the many faceted Diamond. You will always be you when your facet returns to the afterlife. While we are here, through spiritual unfoldment, we can access the great pool of knowledge and experience that all facets or segments have gained.

So called regression can often be stories told by a passing contact that has nothing to do with us. Regression can damage the fine web that surrounds our consciousness. Resulting in uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous difficulties. As each facet, segment is polished through experience, the whole diamond benefits. The whole diamond must experience all things, good,bad and indifferent, as it journeys back to God the Great Spirit.

Janet how do you know you will always be you when your facet returns to the afterlife? I am trying to get my head round this reincarnation thing but I need to know how people arrive at such categorical statements. Please could you explain how you know? Started to inquire info from my guides after being appalled by the grief of a grandmother who came for a private session with me. A psychic told her she would never see her beloved granddaughter again because she would have long ago reincarnated. Yes the granddaughter gave wonderful evidence of herself and who she was with in the after life.

My guides response was to remind me of two experiences I had during the years they were training me. I had two guides among many I was aware of at the time this happened. One an Egyptian and one Greek. The Egyptian stood before me one day and with a sweeping movement over his head he became the Greek guide.

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He told me they were two facets of the same soul. Another experience was with my mother whose name was Rene. She brought forward another beautiful lady whom she said was Rhea another segment of herself. In this way your helpers in spirit will bring you experiences of your own. I can agree that Regression is a very delicate matter — and must be handled as such, but what about the cases of Regression curing phobias, and even physical ailments. Fear of going too far and losing the self, is often a stumbling block.

Guides will always guide, but it is we who are the pilots of our lives and development. During Guide led meditations we can be given glimpses of lives before, or between this one — which can open the eyes and amaze. Yet to consider this avenue on an individual level can be enlightening, frightening and altogether an illuminating experience! All it takes is a little curiosity and faith in the Self as that indestructable part of God that we are….

75 Lives of Haran: New Insights Into Reincarnation - Haran - Google Livros

Thanks Janet for your answer. I really hope for my own experiences. In the end they are the only thing that can make you KNOW. People are convinced based on their experiences , and their personal proof. Until we have all had the same experiences — we will disagree, argue and bicker the details. As the Earth is our vantage point, so we see from a physical perspective, we cannot do much more.

But during those rare moments of Spiritual Enlightenment, Religious Experience, or Perfect Clarity, we know and see all. Then we get a glimpse of what is possible. There is much we do not know, and the fun is in the discovery! I have had my proof, so I can be almost arrogant with my statements I suppose. Reincarnation is older than the hills.

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I say, embrace the scary thought that it may be real, even without the proof we seek!! Perhaps that thought, would then bring truth our way? It also brings the experience of a physical existence down to such a base level and removes the possibilities of the infinite. Those in the Spirit World tell us how much they love us and are in touch with our true selves Spirit self at all times.

They know where we are every second of every day and the connection is never broken. They constantly ask us to move away from the ties and emotions of physicality to enhance the Spirit Within through the understanding of the self. Re-incarnation, karma, pay-back, only knowing how to love if you have flesh — is all so physical and material. Do you really suppose, with the whole of forever spread out before you, you will want to waste your time plotting to get your own back because someone cut you up on the motorway?

Being physical is not the be all and the end all. It is just one brief, but enriching, experience in your forever. For example, where the one returns to care for the other who may be physically disabled or ill. Is that not pure sacrifice? An example of love? A reflection of something promised from a life before? Perhaps it is a bond that has developed over countless lifetimes and taken many different forms of relationship, therefore needs no explanation between the two concerned.

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I must say, my life so far has been an interesting one — and I would not trade some of my experiences for anything. I look forward to arriving in the Spirit World, and meeting my closest associates, but also I have no problem with the possibility at becoming Human again…who knows I could become a Spaceship Captain in years time! I agree with Julie. I cannot accept reincarnation, because what is the point of being sent here time and time again, forgetting everything that happened in past lives, and starting afresh. How can we accumulate our learning and know what we are here to learn, if we have to first forget everything we learned in the past?

How can you look at fat-cat rich men, or the Paris Hiltons of this consumer-driven world, and tell me they deserve to live like that because they were good in past lives. Small wonder movie stars turn to Buddhism when it seems to justify their obscene wealth as reward for good deeds undertaken in past lives. And yet, is not the whole point of Spirituality that material wealth means nothing? So why does karma give these people such materialist rewards of riches and wealth?

Is it also true that, according to karma, the 6 million jews who died horiffic deaths in the concentration camps of WW2 all deserved to die because of bad deeds done in past lives, all 6 million of them, men, women, and children? And if karma goes hand in hand with reincarnation, then reincarnation sucks too! Look more closely at film stars and sports personalities and others with their obscene wealth.

Do they use that wealth for the good of others or are they suffering from self destructive behaviour. Is it truly a reward or a burden on the spirit to be overcome. The Buddhist aim is to abandon the temptations of this world while respecting all life as sacred. Their ultimate goal is to achieve Nirvana, which is to abandon the self and be absorbed back into the moving spirit of the universe on passing. So not much comfort to be had by wealthy would be Buddhists who cling to the material trappings of this world, they have a long road to travel.

For those who accept reincarnation past memories and actions are not truly forgotten in the next life. They operate at a very deep level informing and influencing future actions, rather like a hidden conscience. The idea being to amend the negative actions of the past and progress to a higher state of spirituality. Explaining horrors like the holocaust in terms of karma or indeed asking why the divine allows these things to happen is too deep a question for me to even try to answer.

As an SNu spiritualist combined with my understanding of the 7th principle Eternal Progress open to every human soul, reincarnation negates this. Is it inconceivable to think that perhaps it is because we have the genes of our ancestors, that at times we have a glimpse into their lives, after all we are all related to each other. Maybe during astral travelling, dreaming and through meditation we visit places which seem familiar and see people who we feel we know.

Our ancestors are in spirit now, but we remain as one big family. I will continue to keep an open mind on the subject, but remain unconvinced at present as to the advantage of having past lives and reincarnation. I forgot to add, that as we have free will, then if there is such as a thing as reincarnation then surely it would be a question of choice.

Chris, the questions you pose are very pertinent, but you must also ask yourself why we are all here in the material world at all? Why do we not all just live our lives in a spiritual dimension? The answer seems to me to be that the experiences we have on the physical plane — not all of them good, of course — and how we deal with them are necessary for our spiritual advancement. Or does the spirit world give us such opportunities, the rough with the smooth, as well? Whether we will reincarnate or not may depend on how well we learn the lessons we are meant to learn in this life.

There is also a sense that the personality is really a viewpoint temporarily adopted to experience a lifetime. The one thing that seems certain is that I will transition, I will adjust and then move on. Well said Karl and Julie, I think we are beginning to expose the problem here, in this debate. When things got heated in the debates I chaired, I lifted a sign saying: It made the group laugh and the speaker re-start with the comments and the thought of: It is clear that Spiritualism is not the only voice onn Science and Nature; often the thoughts of the original Spiritualists are being repeated with blind faith, taught and defended… thus stop thinking now!

Things move on, ignore the Flat Earth Society and review all facts to date, learn from those who have earned their spurs, but keep the critical factor alive within your belief system? I believe in reincarnation, and that we come back many times to learn and progress. I once had regression and saw a couple of lives i had. I was once part of a Red Indian community. Year previous to this i was in Canada and i was looking at a photo of a red indian and i felt in my heart i knew him.

When i was regressed later on in years i was taken back to a place as a red indian, Then in another life i was a young woman who lived in North Washington. Past life regression brings up interesting questions about reincarnation. I once wrote a book, One Who Cares, based on such a past life regression and I have no sense of it being my lifetime, even though the memory was very vivid. The frequent occurrences of regressions producing a famous person might be explained by this in that such life forms would be more energetic than the life form of a more mundane, less popular personality.

Leslie Price seemed to be heading toward a cultural influence explanation. The problem is that abductions may be real enough, I do not know. If they are, they appears the have a strong etheric component. Trans-etheric influences are a conceptual cause producing an objective effect. That translation appears to be via and filtered by our worldview, which is a cultural construct. We see it in coloring of mediumistic messages and we see it in Instrumental TransCommunication. The concept of reincarnation may be true, but a literal interpretation of that concept may be misleading.

An important reminder for Roy Stemman that the thousands of people recalling their supposed past-lives may well be deceiving themselves and encouraged to do so by their hypno or regression therapist and uninvited spirit entities entering the open door made available. This is the usual error and misinterpretation. Prof Ian Stevenson warned against the dangers of this practice and did not recommend it.

Ignorance is not always bliss Mr Stemman. It is good to discover through this important debate so many refreshing comments coming from other than reincarnationists, which expands and provides so much more food for thought. Full marks to Julie Grist for her most intelligent observations. The point I was making was that those well documented cases in which children provide strong evidence of past-life memories cannot be easily dismissed.

They are not based on hypnotic regression. Nor are they based on beliefs that have been foisted upon them. In fact, often their parents go to extraordinary lengths to try to stop such children talking about their previous lives, but usually to no avail. But how, James, do you think this works with children who are born with birth defects or birthmarks, as well as memories, which coincide with the life of the person they claim to have been in a previous life?

It suggests that the spirit concerned would have attached itself almost immediately after conception, in order to have impregnated the marks and defects resembling gun shot wounds, limb amputations, stabbings that were the cause of its demise onto the developing embryo, which are then clearly displayed when the child is born. Why would a spirit wait nine months for the birth of that child before being able to fully realise the purpose of that possession?

Why not just latch on to an already living, breathing, talking person? If, however, you do think birthmark cases are the result of possession or overshadowing from the moment of conception, then surely reincarnation is as plausible an explanation as possession for what is taking place?

Indeed, you would seem to be replacing one word for another. You pose some really good questions …. The problem is that they require lengthy response which unfortunately I will have to make briefer within the confines of this general debate. Firstly, within nature it is not only human children who are sometimes born with birth defects and deformities or birthmarks. It happens with all living creatures, animals, birds, fish ands even trees and plants.

Very young children are all spiritually sensitive and naturally mediumistic and some show this tendency more obviously than others. Some will speak of their invisible playmates or being with their grandparents and other loved ones in the next world, which is not always acceptable behaviour to their misunderstanding parents!

It will depend upon the type of spirit attachment which is attracted as to the behaviour of the child, but in the rare cases of a malevolent entity or an earthbound or lost soul the consequences can be most alarming and cause a great deal of trouble. Such entities can be very powerful perhaps not realising they have died physically, suddenly perhaps by being murdered, accident, in armed conflict and so on. Some might go over with a strong belief in reincarnation or other religious beliefs which hold them back from the light and natural spiritual progress in getting themselves right.

In such cases a number of situations may occur: Usually, as the child grows older the attachment weakens and releases and the effects wear off. You ask why would such a spirit wait nine months for the birth of the child rather than not just latch onto an already living, breathing, talking person?

People on drugs and alcoholics can become victims. Also an expectant mother heavily on drugs etc. What I have explained entirely nulls the suggestion that reincarnation is as plausible an explanation as possession. Every birth is a brand new soul individualising into physical matter on the earthplane. It is neither secondhand or re-cycled. Nature does not have time for that. She is over active already with production…one-off individualising and no returns possible…only forward and upward and onward progression.

An individualised soul cannot repeat this process and re-individualise again and again or return a portion of itself to individualise either as some seem to suggest. There is so much more to say and expand upon Roy. As someone who is very much in favour of recycling, it would seem to me that, if your claim is correct, Nature is very wasteful in having to produce new souls for every human birth when there are plenty in the next life who would relish the chance to return.

But my argument in favour of reincarnation is not based on opinions that I cannot corroborate but on well-researched cases, particularly, as I have said, those involving birthmarks or birth defects. When he was less than two years old he began talking about a previous life and named the man who had shot him in his right ear, Isa Dirbekli. He gave his own name in that life — Selim Fesli — as well as those of his wife and six children. He continued to visit the family, but whenever he saw Isa Dirbekli he became angry and threw stones at him.

Selim died in hospital six days after the shooting and Isa was imprisoned for two years. Those are the facts, not opinions. They leave me in no doubt that Selim Fesli was reborn as Semih Tutusmus. Is that what you believe, James? I am surprised that you did not comment on what was pointed out about the fact that birth deformities occur throughout nature in all living things including plants and not just within human beings.

This puts another slant on the past lives theory. That would depend upon where they found themselves. I quite agree with you that the most important evidence and message to get across is the sure certainty that we all survive after physical death. Just a quick addition to my post Roy to answer your question. Yes, with the facts as presented in that Stevenson case you quote, I would say that it could have been a case of possession with the ear deformity being manifested upon the embryo. Such cases have been researched and I find them most compelling. For me this is far more likely and plausible than Selim Fesli being reborn as Semih Tutusmus.

And just a final, final word from me, James, so that you do not feel I avoided answering a point you raised. Yes, of course, there are, sadly, numerous birthmarks and birth defects in the human population, many of them caused by drugs. What interested Stevenson was that many of the children remembering their past lives also displayed birth defects that coincided remarkably with events in their previous existence as in the case I quoted. He also noted that some of these defects were extremely rare. Hi James, have known and respected both you and Roy for 20 years now, so pleased to have some real knowlege and personal experiance thrown in on top of the third party info; eg: I read in a book or I was told.

But time to say: I have had no memories of past lives, regression can have other explanations, and I have no reason or desire to be digressed. Spirit entities could be impressing the information in to the mind of the claimed reincarnated person. On the other hand, I have had much survival evidence from persons known to me, which is enough for me as I have no desire to return here!

Many religions contain this belief in various forms. Many prominent thinkers and philosophers throughout history and nowadays have either accepted the belief or given it thoughtful consideration. The question of why good people suffer, and why there is unhappiness, pain, injustice and inequalities could be answered by reincarnation.

Why should there be only one material life for some who come here in terrible conditions, like when a child is born deformed? And, is there not a person who would not want to go back to meet a particular person again on the earthly plane to make amends for a wrong committed? Saying sorry, meeting in the spiritual plane just does not seem to be enough. We may have freewill to come back. Also, how can we put into practice all the material and moral knowledge we have accumulated even within one existence?

It is like going to college to become a surgeon and never being able to get the chance to operate.

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As for a soul only incarnating solely upon the earth, what of the many planets out there in the Cosmos? And, what of the recent discovery of life based on DNA previously unknown having been found on our own planet at Mono Lake in California? These discussions are wonderful and may they continue. Well stated Yvonne, can I add a few further thoughts on the subject, later I will explain the things that have gone on in my life to convince me that Reincarnation is a part of life: Thus a child that touches the earth, as they say, but to flower in heaven. It was all part of your life plan.

Hope this helps some wonderful Mothers out there! I just wanted to add to the very interesting debate on reincarnation, and say that Edgar Cayce was another example of a medium who was not in agreement with his guide on this subject, although I believe he came to accept it eventually. There were four hundred, and I remember how interested Prince Phillip and the Earl of Mountbatten had been by the one of the Plymouth business man who was suddenly propelled back into the time of the Napoleonic wars and saw himself on board a ship being attacked by the French.

He used nautical terms which had disappeared from use along with the kind of weapons used at that time, and records in the Admiralty revealed that they had indeed existed. And there were other tapes of the utmost interest, historically speaking. I have several issues with the concept of reincarnation — not least in that it could be seen as against the idea of free will. I have joined and avoided several debates about this, including a debate between my wife Lis as pro reincarnation and me as anti in our Spiritualist Centre one Sunday.

They regard it as a total abomination saying that it can only occur by displacing the Spirit intended to fill the body, that all spirits are created newly into this physical world. Now that is not my position. I fail to see that if a spirit really wants to revisit the experiences of this physical life, which the Spirit World has said contains many unique aspects to allow the development of the Spirit, then why would it not be possible?

I also look around and note that we are very humanistic — us here and Spirit there. What about all the other spheres or planets that we could incarnate in? Even the greatest of trance communications leave us with a very hazy idea of what the Spirit World actually is and the interplay between our life here and there. However, it seems to me we still lack substantive evidence to formally prove the hypothesis of reincarnation.

We may have a smoking gun but we cannot actually prove that is was fired.

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I believe that this is why Spiritualism, as a movement, has excluded reincarnation from its philosophy. We can prove the truth of the survival of the Spirit through mediumship we cannot as yet prove the truth of reincarnation. Indeed we cannot even disprove the Hindu view of transmigration into other forms than human. Spiritualism describes itself as a truth, so it sits on the fence and waits for objective proof, something buried in one life and collected in the next with some absolute corroboration that the knowledge could not have come from anything other than a past life.

As a pure conjecture transmigration may seem the most likely way to counter the numbers argument which states that because of the growth of human population reincarnation cannot account for all births. Yet I have always heard of people talking about new or old souls, so why should the world not be full of a blend of new spirits with a number who have reincarnated many times? I prefer this view to transmigration, but wonder about it when looking at the wonderful way some animals behave in comparison to humankind, yet too often many deny animals have a Spirit.

Once again I feel we are looking through a piece of glass which is covered with soot, in just the way that many years ago we, as children, could look at the eclipse of the sun to protect our eyes. The smoke is there to protect our minds from the way they may be overwhelmed by a clear view of the workings of Spirit to ensure we receive the knowledge we need, but not more than we could comprehend. When we decide to look at Prof. It is fascinating and requires consideration.


The history of your parents is within each of you, coded within the DNA. Grandmother to father to daughter — the encoded history is placed there strand by strand. Yes, the DNA is changing naturally and as it always has, not in some magic way. The original documentary is available in 5 parts. The link to the first of these videos is: This set is posted from a Muslim source but the invocation to Allah only appears at the very start of the first part. I have the full list of the correct links in the Reincarnation area of the Spiritualismlink forum. However, the research group who are working upon turning the genetic switches on and off to prevent cancer can be found at http: This looks at the scientific research trying to link genetic memory with the abilities of savants.

As a corollary to this we need also to look at the way DNA affects us, to get a broader view of the possibilities. Science has been studying the blending of DNA as a result of major transplants. Schwartz, PhD, Linda G. They also add weight to the need to cope with this life and not go down the path of past life regression to cure a problem in a past spiritual life.

So like any good Spiritualist I end up sitting on the fence, I tend towards the hypothesis of reincarnation, with free will, but lack the conclusive evidence to claim it as a truth. Jim, Prof Stevenson and others have investigated cases in which a child claims to be a reborn relative. In one case, for example, a boy was said to be his own grandfather. This is quite common among the Inuits, and Stephenson discusses the possibility of genetic memory in his objective examination of these cases.

However, my own estimate is that no more than five per cent of reported reincarnation cases are within families. For the vast majority, there is no family or genetic link between the child recalling a past life and the person he or she claims to have been in a former life. Good point Roy, I suspect that the whole scientific world are being forced to re evaluate a number of preconceived notions. Of course the interesting thing about genetic memory is how far back can it be stretched? With Lis as a genealogist I have discovered links around the world which would be quite unexpected and not as far back as you might think.

I had a missing Grand Uncle who was traced to moving to Canada marrying an African American in and moving to Cuyohoga Ohio where his children were recorded as African American during that time of segregation. So just in my case the potential for very confusing memories to appear in apparently totally unrelated places becomes quite large. Magnify this through the human population then imagine numbers of children born, known or unknown, to colonists and as a result of war or conquest.

There is certainly a strong case for the impacts of genetic memory to be much bigger than we may expect. Indeed we are lucky that the world had such a dedicated and meticulous worker on the case who has given some positive evidence towards the theory of Reincarnation. Our individual genes are certainly an incredible mix, Jim, but we need to be careful about jumping to conclusions. Sorry to disappoint you!

Remember the words of Shakespeare, The World is but a Stage, and we are just actors on it, or very close. He was not free to speak his mind in those days, often repressed thinking people just put clues into their work, for the future to see they knew. The act of making love even with a test tube , creates Orgon Energy, Fairy or Life energy, to start the new Spirit, or Life. Another facet to the diamond? Sorry about typos, getting old, sight going and trying to type fast with one finger to get out what is in my mind.

We need to learn to cope with emotions and habits, adictions and coping with Life, tick the boxes when we pass a page, may even get a T Shirt… or shroud thus the judgement at the end of life, but self judgement and moving on to attach with others until we decide we are ready for another go. Remember that after debating football and other earth type subjects, get boaring, as we get deeper in life, we move on to the meaning of life.

Pure Spirit or part of the Godhead; or Fuel, for a space ship to come into our dimention and zap it up? Thats when I gave it up, in ! However what we are trying to unravel is totally beyond us! We have not arrived at the Spiritual maturity to both understand our real reason for being or the Mighty Spirit in the background, in which we ALL have our little scenario played out.

What we are discussing is immense! Endless Power with no beginning and no end! We are told, in many guises across the spectrum of religio — mysticism that we are on a constantly changing ever evolving spiral towards a far distant perfection and union with the Great ALL that IS. Scientists agree that in some areas of science there is no such thing as proof, only compelling evidence. I think reincarnation falls within this category because, due to its very nature, reincarnation cannot be conclusively proved.

Nevertheless, even some physicists are coming to the conclusion that consciousness is the fundamental reality and that we are all fractals of a gestalt. Theoretically, it follows that if we could expand our individual consciousness sufficiently we could recall every life there ever was.

In practice though we are probably restricted to those with which we have an affinity. I suspect that, in a sense, both the pro and anti reincarnationists are right inasmuch that reincarnation as popularly understood and portrayed in the press does not happen, or happens very rarely. I doubt that as a general rule the precise consciousness of , say Joe Bloggs a miller who died of a disease caused by dust inhalation in the 17 century has not reincarnated as a computer programmer in the 21st century even though he recalls the past life.

He may be able to recall past lives that occurred to another aspect of his consciousness or by association with the affinity group. However, as with all rules there are probably exceptions as with children born with specific birth marks relating to a previous persons demise in a past life. Perhaps a better term would be to drop the term reincarnation and replace it with past life recall.

However, whichever terminology you use there is compelling evidence for the recollection of past lives whether in person or part of an affinity group. Then there is between life regression by Michael Newton where the recollections of thousands of between life regressions by patients during his career are consistent with a past life review and discussion and anticipation of a new life to be lived. You may find the following books by Dr Brian Weiss of interest. Many lives many Masters. Also the following video clips of children who remember their previous lives.

One has to commend Victor Zammit at least for pulling together metaphysical subjects from exponents across the globe, in relation to the nature of soul and mind. In this, he attempts to show that science and nature can and do walk hand in hand. Whichever way you look at it there is no denying that some children and adults have access to details of previous lives that could not have been obtained by conventional means.

It all adds up to reincarnation, collective cosmic memory or a combination of both. Sceptics cynics or psudosceptics would be probably a more appropriate term in many cases claim wishful thinking, delusion, implanted memory, retro fitting g etc. Reincarnation is impossible to prove but past life memory is indisputable in my opinion. There are multiple tantalizing indications that reincarnation may be true, but there is no definite scientific proof, which does not mean that we should ignore the possibility of reincarnation.

After all, do we not often delve into the unknown, such as unknown places and unknown experiences, relying only on beliefs and faith? It appears that taking such chances serves us well. A similar situation exists with all things spiritual. We do have the choice to accept it or not and to accept or reject specific aspects such as reincarnation.

Whatever choice we make, it influences our behaviour in physical reality in very practical ways. Although these more committed choices mean more responsibilities, they also lead to a more satisfying life. Therefore, in the final analysis, in these grey areas it comes down to whether our choices work for us obviously without hurting anybody else. There are plausible arguments for reincarnation but one strong argument against it is not put forward. If, as Tibetan Buddhists argue, we have all been born an infinite number of times, we should all be reborn with an infinite number of innate skills acquired over so many lifetimes.

Cooking, farming, soldiering, music etc should come naturally. Instead, most of us are born with only a limited number of attainments. Mozarts should be the norm, not the exception. How does one explain children who from an early age show great expertise with computers which appeared for the first time ever in the 20th century? Somebody will argue that these children acquired computer skills in other lifetimes on other planets, an assertion that cannot be disproved but it strains my credulity.

In any case, one lifetime in this crazy world is enough. An interesting point Tom. I am not persuaded of the case for reincarnation but keep an open mind pending any further research that emerges. Nevertheless the idea of people acquiring a genius level facility for computers while passing several lifetimes on another planet beggars belief from my point of view.

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If there is no reincarnation it follows that those we call prodigies must have gained their exceptional ability via a route other than the experience of previous lifetimes. By this I mean something which hails from God, the Great Spirit. As a Spiritualist, it seems entirely reasonable to me that each one of us is endowed with something exceptional. Some of these gifts will be more obvious than others — outstanding art, music, sport, mediumship and so on — but have you ever met a person who has no special gift whatever?

Mozarts should be the norm. It is likely that mozart fell in between.

There are a number of cases that involve young children who not only apparently remember a past life but also demonstrate skills that they would have had in that life and which have not been taught to them in this life. I think such cases, and also child prodigies — whose abilities may have nothing to do with reincarnation — serve to remind us that we still have much to learn about consciousness and human potential. One suggestion is that each incarnation offers us new opportunities to learn and so, for the vast majority, those previous memories are erased so as not to interfere with the new curriculum.

Hi Tom, you add an important point, but as is often the case on all sides of a debate, even more so about the unknown edges of Science and Nature, there are other factors involved. People visulise the information in the universal mind as, records or a library, we tend to put it in tearms we can understand or communicate with, in this day and age.

It is clear that if you do a national crossword on the morning train, it is harder, than at lunch time or in the evening, as other minds have focused on the questions and answers. Maybe, many top minds move on and do not return to our relm of existance, on to higher or better things or lives, only a few come back.

But it does not prove that reincarnation in some shape or form does not exist. Virtually all of our study at ATransC indicates that personality is native to a conceptual reality. By that I mean that they can communicate love but have a very difficult time with street numbers. There are two indicators that seem to hint at past life learning. Each of us are born into this lifetime with a level of comprehension that determines how well we figure out situations. As with the natural distribution of a bell curve, some of us are really good at figuring out a new situation, some of us need to work at it a while and some may never figure it out.

The other indicator is personality style see http: The differences seem to be native to the child, rather than culturally developed. For instance, I am good at comprehending principles but very slow learning formulas. In styles, I am clearly a Driver-Analytical and approach learning in a very different way than people associated with the other two major styles of Expressive and Amiable in the Merrill-Reid model.

Of course, there is a biological influence and our family and culture has a lot to say about how we develop our worldview, but our point of view—how we acquire knowledge—seems to be more a function of who we really are. In this view, we bring point of view into this lifetime and learn worldview during this lifetime. So from my experience, proof of my pre-lifetime experience is not the skills I came into this world with but how well I am able to develop skills here. When I studied Psychology, I added modules of Philosophy, Sociology and other skills, to avoid being stuck in the grove of one person or line of thought.

This if people return with previous skills, they would be restricted to that old line of thinking, not to have a clear life to study new areas and then report back to the Soul? We all have confusing understandings of words, so please do not confuse words and meanings, take the thread of any thoughts given. Can I now add some of my, in person, experiences: About twenty years ago, I became interested and involved in Psychic Questing, would suggest others look into this to aid their personal progress and thinking, without being told what to think by previous studies, other peoples experiences and books.

Direct voice contact, had two views on this, often the Mediums mind was involved? But I took the view of the people and Spirits I knew, respected, and trusted. I also went to a Regression Show in Southend, some people with big egos were Joan of Ark or others, but most remembered simple lives. I was, remembered a life as a Monk in , the name Kevin or Kelvin came to light, not hypnotised, but focused, these things flashed into my mind as the demonstration continued.

Not sure if Kevin was a name in , but the feelings were real. I understood this as if people were looking into a Filing Cabinet of old lives, and may look at the shining, large or interesting files first? With Psychic Questing and my own home circle, we moved minds into time machines, eg Tea Chests in the loft with say printed on it, when the minds came back they all reflected things of that age, but no connections to past lives, but we were not looking at that subject then, unless we were all involved in the funeral many remembered, in my old haunted cottage!

One person complained they were brought back in a few minutes, shocked it was over half an hour. But the most eventful experience was in a part of the old Psychic News offices, before they moved in, while it was a close friends flat. We were sitting in a development circle, After, I was invited to put on a Mystics hooded cloak and go into the bathroom without any light, to stare in the mirror.