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Why is it that God does not seem to show himself in a much more obvious way? One answer is that perhaps God's existence is not a matter of reality and facts.
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Question: I came to your site to read up on Ruth. Answer: Hi, I received your comment and want to explain exactly why we do this. Hope this explanation suffices for you. By Sara Esther Crispe. Sara Esther Crispe, a writer, inspirational speaker and mother of four, is the co-director of Interinclusion , a nonprofit multi-layered educational initiative celebrating the convergence between contemporary arts and sciences and timeless Jewish wisdom. Prior to that she was the editor of TheJewishWoman. To book Sara Esther for a speaking engagement, please click here. All names of persons and locations or other identifying features referenced in these questions have been omitted or changed to preserve the anonymity of the questioners.

If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you comply with Chabad. More in this section Were Moses' parents alive at the time of the Exodus? Is the offspring of a married man who has relations with an unmarried woman a mamzer? Where in the Torah does it state that the day begins at sundown of the preceding day? Why do the chassidim dress in the manner of Russian gentry?

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Some Reasons Why Humanists Reject The Bible - American Humanist Association

Posting Guidelines. Lovie Redlands August 9, Anonymous Germany February 2, Rabbi EK for Chabad. Jimmel galzote bahrain January 26, Anonymous January 31, Anonymous December 30, Anonymous March 6, Miho Maui September 28, Mike Florida September 8, Yitz November 28, Red Marion February 10, Teresa Washington June 13, Levi Jerusalaem September 10, Yolinda Muller Port Elizabeth July 10, Brad Watson Miami December 29, When Jesus resisted the crowd, he concealed his identity until exactly the right moment in time to explicitly disclose it.

This was a wise decision as the consequences of more explicit or obvious disclosure Matthew led fairly quickly to a successful campaign to have him executed. Crucially, there is also no reason why something of this nature might not require some learning to begin to be perceived or seen. For example, imagine that I said that it is obvious , but not forcefully so, that you will need your passport to fly internationally. Now, notice carefully that you have to learn this bit of information. It is certainly not like a forcefully obvious brick wall that you cannot avoid. But it would still perhaps be a case of a failure to grasp the obvious if you arrived at the airport, with your bags packed but without your passport.

We might reasonably wonder, though, if this is just a convenient little trick for those who are too weak to walk without supernatural security? Does this idea of God hiding provide a clever way out for Christians to cling onto God in a scientific and evidence demanding age? Hiding is necessary to bring focus to the way he declares his existence, through Jesus Christ. Divine hiding creates the possibility of a more obvious disclosure, or uncovering.

The famous atheist, Bertrand Russell, famously quipped that, if he were faced with God when he died that, he would demand an explanation for why God made the evidence of his existence so insufficient. We might be tempted to think he was being entirely reasonable. A hidden God would make no sense if his aim was to simply relate to us as an object of knowledge that offered no real relational connection or friendship.

  1. The Mill on the Floss ( illustrated )?
  2. Cruising the Worcester & Birmingham canal (with one eye on its history).!
  3. Atheism and Agnosticism.
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  5. But let us suppose that God was unwilling to make his approach to human life primarily through the intellect. Instead, let us imagine that God is seeking a relationship that is based upon a deeper and more profound personal insight, or perception. The perception in question might be an individual internal recognition of a moral shortcoming and an honest request for divine assistance to begin to address this. Have you ever asked what kind of a relationship God might want with you?

    Into this category we might also place the reality of his redemptive plan and action. Got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God Robert A. Heinlein 's book Job: A Comedy of Justice , which is mostly about religious institutions, ends with an appearance by Yahweh which is far from complimentary. They do, however, tend to worship " The Great Unknown " in their place. In the film Prisoners , Holly Jones and her husband Isaac lost their faith in God after their son died of cancer. Since then, they have been kidnapping and murdering children in order to make other parents lose faith in God and turning them into revenge-driven hollow shells of their former selves, i.

    As Holly Jones states to Keller Dover near the end of the film: "Making children disappear is the war we wage with God.

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    Makes people lose their faith, turns them into demons like you. Misotheism is a album by Belgian black metal band Gorath. Dystheistic sentiment has also made its way into popular music, evincing itself in controversial songs like " Dear God " [18] by the band XTC later covered by Sarah McLachlan and " Blasphemous Rumours " [19] by Depeche Mode , which tells the story of a teenage girl who attempted suicide, survived, and turned her life over to God, only to be hit by a car, wind up on life support, and eventually die. A good deal of Gary Numan 's work, specifically the album Exile , is laden with misotheistic themes.

    In the latter song, Newman bemoans the futility of dealing with God whose attitude towards humanity he sees as one of contempt and cruelty. More specifically, their song "Be Afraid of Jesus" is about a vengeful Christ although this could be a critique of fundamentalist hate speech. Despite her deteriorating condition, Judith never questions why she has been placed in her predicament but instead continues to praise and worship God.

    Her son angrily mocks god and presents arguments as to why she shouldn't have to suffer. Marilyn Manson's "Fight Song," "Say 10," and others have direct and indirect misotheistic themes. American death metal bands Deicide and Morbid Angel base much of their lyrics around misotheism in name and in concept. Many bands in the black metal genre, such as Mayhem , Emperor , Gorgoroth and Darkthrone express extreme misotheism in their lyrics. In , Australian artist Archie Moore created a paper sculpture called "Maltheism", which was considered for a Telstra Art Award in The piece was intended as a representation of a church made from pages of the Book of Deuteronomy :.

    It says that you have the right to invade, take all their resources, kill all the men non-believers and make no treaty with them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hatred of God or the Gods ; position that God or any particular god exists, but ought to be hated rather than loved.

    Opening Arguments - Dr. Bradley

    Main articles: Theodicy , Problem of evil , and Holocaust theology. Main article: Deus deceptor. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

    Atheism and Agnosticism

    Religion portal. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology Translation Project. In Georges Joseph Daniel Moyal ed. Kennington Lexington Books.