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This approach eliminates many situations when human has 2 or more mails opened simultaneously and the tasks are contradicting each other or compete for a shared resource, say both want to use actor's right hand. You can have different types of tasks - for some of them you may want to ask specific human and receive report back from him - your mail would contain a recipient name and return address where to send back report.

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For some tasks - you're not fast about who will do the work, you just want it to be done, eventually - so you can create a new human for every task and assign him that unique job, and this ensures that your mail with task will not be delayed by any other pending mails in this particular human mailbox. Although be mindful - creation of human actor is "cheap", but not "free". Then supervisor must decide what to do in this case - communicate back to operator that "this task can't be completed" or try to re-create human and try to task him with the same task again.

Now, all humans work independently and they really don't block each other out of CPU resource, so when they have to asynchronously wait for some computation to complete - they allow others to take their turns on CPU and process their tasks, so they are cooperating together for higher concurrency and better resource utilisation. The usefulness of this is immediately apparent in the following example of simple delay abstraction where delay-lines with the same name in multiple instances of same abstraction must be avoided:.

A variable constructed with -something can still be accessed from the global namespace by simply finding that unique number and than calling that appropriate variable like for example to read the delay-line named dline from above example from within another independent patch.

Resonating Abstractions

In fact this can sometimes be even useful. It is however true that using dollar variables is a localization technique. A frequent confusion arrises from the use of dollarsigns in message boxes. It is important to understand that dollar variables in message boxes are actually totally local to that message box itself regardless where they appear. They will be substituted only by what a message box receives on its inlet. In an example of abstraction within which both types of dollar variables are used:.

Dollar Sign Arguments Sometimes when you are programming, you want to mark a position where you will later put a value.

Referencing argument array names in PD subpatches / abstractions? | PURE DATA forum~

In Message Boxes A frequent confusion arrises from the use of dollarsigns in message boxes. These variables are accessed inside the abstraction with , and in the [pack object].

What is abstract thinking?

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The location features a restaurant, bar, and live music in the fire-side theater Tuesday through Saturday. Become a member and always check Side Arts first! Call for artists application fees reimbursed.